Idiot Mistake

I learned one the hard way today:

I'm new at this. I've only had one experience. I verified with a very reputable provider here hoping to have my second. I gave her my reference and my phone number. Everything checked out. She gave me her number and told me to text her when I wanted to meet.

When I saw provider no 1 a few weeks ago, my SO was out of town. My phone number is attached to my iPad at home. My texts show up (I don't like it either). It was no big deal, because she was out of town and I could delete the conversation between me and provider no 1.

Since then, I downloaded an app that allows you to text from a random number of your choosing. I text provider no 2 from this app, which was a different number than the one I provided during screening. HUGE MISTAKE. I was told that me switching numbers prior to meeting a provider was a "red flag". I tried to correct it with Provider no 2, but I spooked her. She was polite about it. I can't say I blame her if I were looking at the situation from her end.

So, all you fellow newbies, learn from my mistake. Think about the providers safety and how it looks when you switch numbers. You don't have to start with your true number, but don't switch on a provider.

All you providers reading this are most likely thinking "oh Honey"....or "fucking dumbass".

Live and learn, right?
ReadING the story I thought you were going to say your SO was reading your texts to provider 2. Glad it was only a temporary rejection
Shit no. That's why I downloaded the app to text that carried a different phone number.
There are MANY ways a married guy (or one with an SO) can screw up here and I guarantee you none of us have thought of them all. I am careful as hell but sometimes random crap you have no control over can make you at least think you are getting tripped up - and that is damn sure not a good feeling. I was expecting you to say your SO saw the communications.
I almost did, was a wild ride driving home to log off a computer when the SO was suppose to be on a ✈️ plane. Damn flight got in early and I was on the lake. Never make that mistake again.
It's understandable that it set off her alarms, especially for the first time with a provider. For ones seen before it would probably be ok to PM them here to tell them you got a new number. Maybe let them ask you something about a prior session if they want so they know it's you.

Regarding almost getting caught, I think this is why it's better to have a separate hobby phone. No matter what, you're always going to have a higher risk of the worlds colliding with hobby life and regular life on the same device. It's a hassle keeping up with (possibly concealing) a separate phone but sure does make that kind of issue less likely.

You mentioned you could delete her texts on your iPad. What if she just texted you out of the blue and asked you to come see her again or something like that. It's happened to me before and I was really glad I had used the hobby phone when it did.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I can see where it would put up a red flag or two since your so new. Same goes for providers who change their number too much.

I also thought you got caught up when I was reading your post, good thing you can always make amends easier with your providers than you can your SO. Lol
jethro1970's Avatar
Guess I'm lucky in that respect. I kinda enjoy being an old fart bachelor. Go fishing when I want... come and go as I want... I just happen to enjoy the company of the lovely ladies the likes of which I'd never pick up in the real world. So I don't have to worry about somebody reading my text messages.