Carpets matching the Drapes....

Are there any providers out there....specifically blondes & redheads who's "Carpets match their Drapes"...??

I would love to know who the true blondes and redheads are out there.....

Thank you...
pyramider's Avatar
How would on know given that most carpets have been replaced by hardwood?
burkalini's Avatar
Only problem is almost all of them have removed the carpet.
tia travels's Avatar
I'm a natural blonde upstairs and down.
How would on know given that most carpets have been replaced by hardwood? Originally Posted by pyramider
You're right bud...

Only problem is almost all of them have removed the carpet. Originally Posted by burkalini
So true...

Perhaps if they left maybe just a landing strip or hitler that would be sufficient to know..
I'm a natural blonde upstairs and down. Originally Posted by tia travels
Tia should "Travel to Texas"
Perhaps if they left maybe just a... hitler that would be sufficient to know..
Yeah, nothing says 'come daty me' like Hitler.
No.Sometime don't have carpet.Get to changed drapes.
My carpet matches my drapes literally and figuratively. I suppose it comes with Ebony territory
I always thought black carpet went well with red drapes myself.

One of the best ways to tell natural verses unnatural is the eyebrows. It is very difficult to dye them and keep up with them. Blondes naturally have light brown to blond brows. Redheads have red to blond looking brows naturally.

Also another note, natural blondes very rarely retain that refined pale blond hair after puberty. It tends to darken to a dirtier blond.
Don't hope for carpets matching drapes too much or you will have a bunch of bald headed women running around.
sexy.princess's Avatar
Don't hope for carpets matching drapes too much or you will have a bunch of bald headed women running around. Originally Posted by royamcr
I can't 😂😂😂😂