webcam questions

So I have a friend that's been playing with me online. She lives far away and we developed this game in where I tell her to do certain tasks and she must do them and video or send me pics. Its been fun, she just got a new BF and I still tell her to do things for him and send me pics and videos. She came up with the idea of setting up a webcam at their apartment and telling him its for when hes away so he can watch her masturbate etc but I will have access to this cam as well. He may or may not know, she says he doesnt know about me but I think he may and just doesnt care or finds it exciting. So whats the best platforms to view this webcam, I am not a techy guy so wondering about how you watch this, doesit need to go through a service or is it direct? can I record it etc. any help will be appreciated.