NY Times Review "No Easy Day"

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting review of the Navy Seal account of bin Laden's death. Sounds like it is a factual account, boring in places, and mostly apolitical. From the review:

It is only after the George W. Bush presidency that the author begins complaining about the slow-moving “Washington machine” that members of the SEALs found frustrating. That irritation mounts in 2011, when the SEALs anxiously awaited their signal to raid Abbottabad, but this account is determined to steer clear of serious politics or leave itself open to election-season manipulation. The worst it has to say about President Obama is that none of the fighters who caught bin Laden wanted to help re-elect him, and that he never followed through on a promise to invite them to the White House for a beer.

I don't know why this guy's story is different from the official story, but one thing I do know is government lies. I just don't know why they are lying this time.
You would believe anyone who had anything bad to say about Obie...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're lying again, Ekim. I've complimented and defended President Obama on a few, ok, very few, occasions on this board. The point of the review that it is not very political at all, and the only bad thing about Obama in the review, and in the book, is that the SEALS don't want him re-elected. Hardly controversial, since about half the country doesn't want him re-elected either.

Think before you post, Ekim. You may sound less stupid.
Think before you post, Ekim. You may sound less stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
StupidOldFart, failing to "think before you post" never stopped you!
You're lying again, Ekim. I've complimented and defended President Obama on a few, ok, very few, occasions on this board. The point of the review that it is not very political at all, and the only bad thing about Obama in the review, and in the book, is that the SEALS don't want him re-elected. Hardly controversial, since about half the country doesn't want him re-elected either.

Think before you post, Ekim. You may sound less stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

truth hurts, sorry cog when it is 98 to 2 against it is hard to convince me...
truth hurts, sorry cog when it is 98 to 2 against it is hard to convince me... Originally Posted by ekim008
Uhhhhhhh, unless I made a mistake in my math, it was 99 to 1.
Governments lie and so do individuals; you have to ask yourself, who has the most to gain/lose by the lie; and the corollary question being who has the most to gain/lose by the truth.