What's one thing you can't live without?

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Books. I love my books. I suppose they're not really a luxury, but if I suddenly found myself homeless, they'd be the most difficult objects to part with. I'd rather have one set of clothes than say goodbye to my signed copy of Metamagical Themas.

Runner up: restaurants. I can cook okay, but not like the pros... Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Amen, amen, and...oh yeah...AMEN!!! In the technical sense, definitely a luxury. But, they are so ingrained into my life & my personality I would find it EXTREMELY difficult to get by without them.

A close 2nd would be my music/CDs. Gotta have some "ear candy" to go with that "eye candy"!!!!
All that was mentioned (excluding the maid)


Rosebud Salve.
Cumandgitit's Avatar

YOU!! It would be very difficult to do without YOU!!

:mf_gentl eman:

The faint of heart never f*cked the upstairs maid!!
The ocean…. practicing yoga on the sand, watching the sunset while walking on the beach, experiencing the tranquility, serenity and balance it brings into my life…. it’s priceless!

YOU!! It would be very difficult to do without YOU!!

:mf_gentl eman:

The faint of heart never f*cked the upstairs maid!! Originally Posted by Cumandgitit
I don't know if I'm a luxury or a jail sentence.

You are too sweet.
I grew up in a upper middle class family, my parents told me that if I wanted the designer stuff....I had to work for it. If I wanted a car, they would give me a 1000 for the down payment, but I pay for everything else (insurance, etc). They installed a great work ethic in me that I treasure and continue to thank them for.

I've gone from upper middle class, to having an open bank account with no limit (my ex), then to having to start over with hardly anything to my name.

I have the designer purses, shoes, clothes, makeup, etc. I have a nice house, furniture, etc. But, then I realized something after I left my ex........all that doesn't mean shit to me anymore. After I got sick this past year, it all became even more clear to me.

The 5 luxuries I cannot live without.......my family, my friends, my health, my books and my music.
My Dogs........My children are grown out of the house.........
So it would have to be my dogs, as I have 5.
Probably not the answer you were looking for, but I was watching a TV show on animal plant last night. This man had lost his home, lost everything, Now living in a camper on the back of his pickup. It was him and dog. Long story shot, it was tear jerking for me to see how he loved this dog and wanted nothing more to provide for himself and his faithful friend.......In the end, he did get a job and he did get to keep his dog.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
My Dogs. Originally Posted by bamafriends

Ditto. I have 3. They're my kids.
My fine shotguns...... NEVER getting rid of them!

Business Class would be next- NEVER going back to the back of the bus!
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  • 02-02-2010, 04:33 AM
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jcS4IW6SoA&feature=re lated"]YouTube- Born Rich 7 of 7[/ame]
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Business Class would be next- NEVER going back to the back of the bus! Originally Posted by Aceswild
Business class is so yesterday. OTOH Emirates Air First Class suites ....
My sisters who I consider an absolute luxury in my life

C x
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  • 02-02-2010, 08:10 AM
I guess, a laptop with internet connection? And perhaps, access to nature and outdoors.

There are no physical luxuries that I cannot live without. And in a way, my upbringing and cultural heritage had this tested.
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  • 02-02-2010, 08:23 AM
...but I thought Nic was being humorous with the maid thingy.