The 2020 Presidential Election

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Understood he lost the Cocker Spaniel vote as well. If memory servers me correctly, the Cocker Spaniel vote is worth as much as the popular vote. Yet neither are mentioned in the US Constitution, nor are bunny rabbits or doves.

Yeah, based on popular vote, which he lost big time. You still bragging about the undemocratic electoral cheat? Not gonna happen again. Originally Posted by supercold1
Understood he lost the Cocker Spaniel vote as well. If memory servers me correctly, the Cocker Spaniel vote is worth as much as the popular vote. Yet neither are mentioned in the US Constitution, nor are bunny rabbits or doves. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Speaking of the US Constitution...

Trump seems pretty guilty of this

And now we get to see the Impeachment of him because of this

The Popular vote is not a legal standing but more a barometer for how the public feels about an election. Bush v. Gore was a close race even without the popular vote and Pre 9/11 people thought Bush wouldn't run again because he didn't get the popular vote.

But seeing as the Republicans have been the last two decades trying to disenfranchise everyone (including me) through nonsense "voter safety laws" , Gerrymandering (Look at the map of Austin districts to see Gerrymandering 101, go ahead look
How is my house within a block of three districts ) The popular vote might be the only "Honest" vote we have left.

Also when people vote in greater numbers we see that democrats get more votes and win more elections . As election after election has shown. So the Republicans have a vested interest in keeping people from voting.

And that makes them treasonous fucks. You're supposed to help people vote not stand in the way.

Hopefully when Comrade Bernie gets in office we will see some real change. Meanwhile Trumps been in office almost 4 years and done what? Give out billons of welfare dollars to farms and basically put the final nail in the coffin of the coal industry?

What about the Wall? Zero new miles 60 miles of wall replaced (most of this was planned under obama)

Has he made any inroads with Iran? No if anything he's pushing Iran into making a nuke. Something Obama had stopped them from doing.

North Korea, more nukes than ever and better and better missiles.

Hmmmm.. the economy? looks like we
re facing a recession.

It's like all of economic growth can be traced back to Obama . Obama did better over all then Trump

So. Why do you support this guy? He doesn't care about your gun Rights. Bump Stocks are gone hes talked about passing new gun laws.

His tax breaks are for him and his friends not normal people.

His lack of staffing of important jobs is hurting the average American.

I didn't like Obama, I fucking hated Clinton but come on man. Trumps a clown and is hurting this country worse than any democrat could ever dream of.
sportfisherman's Avatar
You not talking bad about Whining Donnie "No president has ever been treated bad as me" are you ?
You not talking bad about our Fake President are you ?

He comes up with some of the most outrageous bull I have ever heard.
Where I come from we'd say he's full of S _ _ T .

What get's me is he postures as if he's so tough and his followers dig that and he is such a baby.
nuglet's Avatar
He talks a lot of BS for a guy too coward to go in the service.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I know ! A privileged draft dodger who besmirched John McCain. He is such a disgrace.It's scary as can be to think that him,his daughter,and son-in-law are up there unchallenged running the country like it's the Trump Organization and they are selling condos.
If we took his ideas the direction he puts forth we could just do away with the free press and have a Ministry of Propaganda and maybe he could raise up Joseph Goebbels to lead it.
Then we could abolish the FBI,CIA,and National Security Council and form a presidential police force and call it the Gestapo.
Agent220's Avatar
With the articles of impeachment, the Dems are playing Russian Roulette. Either they get round 1 covered or it'll be a sea of red.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
the Dems are playing Russian Roulette. Originally Posted by Agent220

They have all chambers loaded, with one in the pipe plus they get the first three attempts. Will they learn? Nope! We we miss them? Nope! Will Creepy Joe be their nominee? Nope!
With the articles of impeachment, the Dems are playing Russian Roulette. Either they get round 1 covered or it'll be a sea of red. Originally Posted by Agent220
I mean...its not like its not worth looking into.
Dev Null's Avatar
Bill Maher got it right. If it had been Don Jr. instead of Hunter Biden on the board of a Ukrainian company under those circumstances, then Rachel Maddow would be all over it.

That said, if it had been Barack Obama instead of Donald Trump shaking down the Ukrainian president, Republican politicos would be singing a different tune.

Forget about whose side you're on, and stand up for what's right. Public office is a sacred trust and not to be squandered by doing sketchy shit.
Bill Maher got it right. If it had been Don Jr. instead of Hunter Biden on the board of a Ukrainian company under those circumstances, then Rachel Maddow would be all over it.

That said, if it had been Barack Obama instead of Donald Trump shaking down the Ukrainian president, Republican politicos would be singing a different tune.

Forget about whose side you're on, and stand up for what's right. Public office is a sacred trust and not to be squandered by doing sketchy shit. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Stop buying into conspiracy theories
Dev Null's Avatar
Stop buying into conspiracy theories Originally Posted by tonyscag9
It's not a conspiracy theory to think it's unseemly for a veep's son with no experience in the energy sector to capitalize on his father's name by being on the Burisma board of directors while his father was involved in Ukraine in a public capacity.

It did harm to the greater good by creating the appearance of a conflict of interest, even if it wasn't unlawful.
It's not a conspiracy theory to think it's unseemly for a veep's son with no experience in the energy sector to capitalize on his father's name by being on the Burisma board of directors while his father was involved in Ukraine in a public capacity.

It did harm to the greater good by creating the appearance of a conflict of interest, even if it wasn't unlawful. Originally Posted by Dev Null
So like Trump and his kids and their spouses
Dev Null's Avatar
So like Trump and his kids and their spouses Originally Posted by tonyscag9
Nepotism and privilege - it's not just for breakfast anymore.

Here's an interesting commentary from the Washington Post, and it's not a right-wing hack job or conspiracy theory:

You might have to disable your ad-blocker to read it, but it's worth the trouble. Or just skip to the New Yorker article on which it is based:

Does it disqualify Joe Biden from running for president? No, but the facts behind the story are sure to be paraded in attack ads from sea to shining sea and possibly turn the tide in a close election.

Not that the opposition isn't accused and/or guilty of far worse. But right and wrong isn't their strong suit, so they will aim for voter suppression and voter fatigue instead.

The impeachment inquiry may or may not turn the tide, but the Hunter Biden story works at cross purposes whether it's a Trump/Biden race or a Pence/Biden race.

Biden may be a nice guy with the best name recognition and beloved by the electorate for his record and association with Obama, but he is still a liability for the Democratic Party.