The Big Bang Bang Theory

Is great sex created . . . or does it just happen?
I've found that this varies among women (notice I didn't say providers). Some like gentle time to be taken, and some just like to be taken!
Which are you? Does it vary with every encounter or player?

What I especially would like to know is about that one burning hot encounter or experience that your mind keeps replaying. The one that stands apart from all the other burning hot experiences. Not the who, but the what.

What was created - that caused such hotness?, or

What happened out of the blue - that made you say, "Dayum! I wasn't expecting that!"
I think it just happens

hottest encounter(s) has been with ""name not added" every time has been great always left breathless always wet and wanting more what makes "name not added" encounters so great to me is how my mind is always blown, no matter where no matter when no matter what position it was the best

Every person you meet is different, things will unravel differently and take place differently.the big point of it all even if its not that one unforgettable encounter from my teen days (for me) is to have fun and special


-Safire Sweet
I believe great sex just happens...otherwise, how can you meet a person and only hours, maybe minutes of meeting, have the most wonderful sex of your life.

I think great sex can be created, if you are with a person long enough and you have patience, but the best sex is electric, instant chemistry, can't get enough of you sex.
elcalifa's Avatar
My best moments have been spur of the moment. That's why I don't even try to anticipate or build things up in my mind. Just becomes a downer if it doesn't live up.
Still Looking's Avatar
We always look to have GREAT SEX! It doesn't always happen, but it goes in the record books just the same! One thing is for sure, the bad or not so good makes the good and great that much better!
TheWanderer's Avatar
Sex is like Pizza.

When it's good, it's verrryyy good.

And when it's bad, it's still pretty good....
And here I was hoping for a debate on the merits of Penny vs Bernadette vs Amy Farrah Fowler!

Chemistry is chemistry. Sometimes it can be created in a moment, with a look, and BAM you are making magic. There is also magic in building something slowly over time.

And even with that, you can take a slow sensual seduction on a first meet, or with a long time partner a wham bam thank you ma'am, and both of those can be amazing.

I'm actually currently researching the topic of mindblowing sex, so anyone who wants to help let me know...