When you see someone on Facebook you know from eccie

OK. So what do you do when you are on a friends facebook page and you recognize a Provider you have seen and know among their friends? Is it ok to send them a friend request?

This just happened to me. I happened to see a Provider that I know and like on the Facebook page of a mutual friend last night. I sent her a friend request , but I thought afterward that maybe that was something that might make her uncomfortable. I really should have thought it out more before sending the request. I have not heard back from my request yet.

Anyway, if this ever happens again, what is the correct thing to do? I certainly like this person and being friends on Facebook is great in my opinion, but what do the Ladies think I should have done?
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
I would advise against sending a FB request. Unless you discuss it with the provider beforehand, just assume she wants to keep her private and provider lives separate. Even though I know some providers I see are on FB and we've talked about crazy stuff we see on there, we don't friend eachother.
LazurusLong's Avatar
You should also include some links to review of her on your own page first to really bugger this up...
I think the correct thing to do would be to schedule another session, have some fun and keep your hobby life as removed from your real life as possible. I would also be cautious about hanging around the friend who she is a friend with. I'm not saying I'd stop being friends with them, but when my hobby life starts to intersect with my real life, I tread carefully and start to think about how to separate them again.

But that's just me. Don't be surprised if she never responds to that request.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I wouldn't send a friend request, or do anything. I try to keep the hobby world and the real world separate. If I saw her in the mall I wouldn't do or say anything to her. I'd book a session and laugh about it later.
Torito's Avatar
I sometimes run across a provider I know in real life. I don't acknowlege her at all, unless she does first. I have seen someone I know in a restaurant and she insisted that we eat together (food) and she pay. Point is that I let her make the first move.

I have no family or career to protect, so these encounters are no problem for me, but I don't know what a provider's situation is. Facebook is obviously different from real life public, but I still prefer to let her decide.

Bestman200600's Avatar
Keep the hobby and her real life seperate. You don't want to out her with her family.
Do nothing. Never mix the two.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Enderwiggin said it quite well.
Guest062512's Avatar
Tried it. Found out real names, SO names, other provider names. BAD scene all around. We both agreed we would not do that again.

Also, my SO is on FB and can see my FB friends.

Take enderwiggin's advice.

...and ladies, don't accept hobbyists as FB friends. No real good can come from it.

Facebook has caused many people problems that they didn't think about. Sometimes the problem comes from a friend of a friend. If you are into pay for play I would never allow the two worlds to become linked.
Leave it be and move along...I just don't "get" all the excitement about it all anyway. I am NOT a FB cruiser...
i wouldnt mix the two
pyramider's Avatar
Just a bad idea from the get go.
Do you have any clue how she knows your friend? If she bothers to look at your profile, she'll immediately notice the friend you have in common. If you're friend knows what she does for a living, don't be surprised if she shares the fact that you hobby with your mutual friend. If your friend doesn't know that she escorts, then she'll probably be worried that you are going to share what she does with that friend. Either way, I don't see any good that can come from trying to friend a provider from your RW facebook account.