Liberals Hate That You Have Rights

  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2021, 07:04 AM

The bizarre contortions that the libs are going through to blame you for the virus because you selfishly refused to submit to their fussy commands illustrates, for the umpteenth time, an undeniable fact about these fascist-curious creeps. They hate hate hate the idea of rights, particularly yours. In fact, when they refer to rights, they often insist on encasing the word in quotation marks, as if it was some bizarre and alien concept those Jesus-gun-truck-cisnormative people from Iowabamaho invented under the influence of moonshine and the Holy Spirit.
Rights, they realize, are an intolerable obstacle to the things they want to do – especially when it’s inferiors like yourself asserting said rights. In this case, what they want to do is inject you, regardless of your choice, with a medicine that works intermittently but they want to inject you with it because it is not preventing the virus and therefore they need to prevent the virus and my head hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts. And they also want to wrap your face in a towel because that is the only thing that can protect them, despite the fact their faces are wrapped in towels already and that should protect them, and now my head really hurts.
It goes without saying that no one has a right to stick junk into your arm unless you give a thumbs up. I did, because I chose to. You should if you choose to, and you shouldn’t if you choose not to. See, it’s your right. Which means lib sissies with nothing better to do than fret about what you’re doing don’t have a say.

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Rights: You get to do it even if everyone else doesn’t want to you to.
Not-Rights: Other people can vote to not let you do it.
How do rights work? Let me tell you nonlawyers the legal perspective, because the legal system is how we hash out rights and their effects – not on Twitter before a panel of robed blue checks.
Here is the liberals’ play. Libs attempt to establish a basic principle, such as “In some circumstances, vaccines can be made mandatory.” I don’t like that, but there is an elderly Supreme Court case saying so. Let’s not argue the good or bad of it and deal with it. What the lib will do is assert that principle…and then stop.
A court case said it could possibly be done, so it can always be done.
Not how this works.
Notice how the lib doesn’t go through with the next part of the analysis, which is applying the law in the appropriate manner to the facts specific to this particular situation. Just because, in some instances, the government can do it does not mean the government can always do it. Libs like to forget the application part because they can almost never satisfy the rigorous requirements to impinge on your rights.
The state must have a compelling interest in whatever result it seeks to obtain from impinging on your rights. Compelling, not merely convenient, or even wise or smart. Otherwise, you have rights right up until they become inconvenient. Those are no rights at all.

The key to the compelling interest analysis is examining the specific facts. In the vaxx situation, we have a not-very-deadly virus, vaccines that aren’t perfect, side effects, and variety of other factors weighing on the issue. These include people protecting themselves with vaccines, masks, and hiding in their crappy apartments with their cats watching Maddow and crying because no one will ever love them. That case where it was allowed involved smallpox, with a 30% fatality rate. You basically get the vaccine or you catch it, and 1 in 3 people kack. COVID has a minuscule fatality rate, approaching a statistical 0% if you are vaccinated. So, how compelling is the interest if you have a disease that’s probably not going to kill you unless you are already sick?
We call this “distinguishing” the cases. Precedent is important, but it only applies where the facts are similar. Different facts, potentially a different result. Just because an interest can be compelling in theory does not make it so in every case.
And that leads to the next part of the process. Typically, courts being asked to implicate a fundamental right, like not to have something injected into your body against your will, require the state to prove that its plan is the least restrictive alternative. You don’t go from zero to 60 when it comes to rights; you first go to 10.

In other words, the state has to show not only a compelling interest, and I mean really compelling, but that its plan is the only possible way to achieve the necessary results. But libs do not even try to do that. They attempt to establish a basic principle, but never actually apply it. They just assume it applies because it could, possibly. This is very common when liberals challenge fundamental rights. For instance, when they talk about your right to keep and bear arms, they will point to the rare situations where someone might not be allowed to keep and bear arms, and then assume that this applies in every situation. “We can keep felons from having guns, so we can regulate guns however we want and take your AR15!”
The giveaway to look for is when their focus is entirely on the exceptions to the right, rather than the basic principle embodied by the right itself. They never wanna talk about that. With guns, it’s the few times guns can be regulated. With free speech, it’s always that idiotic fire in a crowded theater thing from a long-superseded case where the SCOTUS allowed the government to jail you for protesting the government. No wonder the libs love it.

The default is the right. It’s only in the rarest the circumstances that the right can be overcome.
And then there is the “Well, with rights come responsibilities” nonsense. No, they don’t. They are rights. That means the debate is over – the rights won. There’s no “responsibility” to not exercise your rights since the purpose of rights is to ensure you get to exercise them even if everyone else disagrees. Reject this bizarre attempt to turn Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben’s hack cliche into constitutional law.

Psaki Doubles Down on Biden's Illegal Attack on Private Property Rights Katie Pavlich

Nor is there a balancing test – the balancing test was completed when the right became a right, and the right won. Rights are never balanced. Policies are balanced. The point of rights is that they are established. They aren’t to be “reasonably” regulated. Rights are by nature unreasonable. Rights only matter when they allow someone to do something no one else agrees with. Otherwise, they are not rights. They are mere privileges. What good is a right that can be taken away on a whim?
It’s no good at all, which is a feature and not a bug to the left. The fact is that the left considers rights an intolerable obstacle to getting what it wants done. And of course, that is the whole point of rights. Rights limit what they can do. That’s why they only talk about exceptions to our rights.
Rights are unreasonable by design because you can’t “reason” them away – and, of course, it was God who designed them. We were endowed with them by our Creator. Libs hate hate hate that too - they want to be the ones who grant rights, because this leads to them being able to ungrant them at will
It’s sad so many people are so willing to give up the freedoms people died for in order to exercise power over other citizens. Your duty is to never allow it, to fight back, and to refuse to accept the premise that your rights may be disregarded the minute they become inconvenient. Your rights are not beside the point; they are the point.
Conservatives Must Stand Together and Fight. Join Townhall VIP. And Check Out Last Week's Stream of Kurtiousness, They Can All Kiss My A**. And my podcast, Unredacted.

well written by mr. Schlicter, as usual.
rexdutchman's Avatar
That's the TRUTH ,
Look up 10 stages of genocide , we at like 4-5 now scary
winn dixie's Avatar
They despise that piece of paper known as our Constitution.

Their playbook is right out of mein kampf
pfunkdenver's Avatar
This should fit right in, with other delusional posts...

^^^^^^ Trump Derangement Syndrome strikes again !! .....
texassapper's Avatar
This should fit right in, with other delusional posts... Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Did I miss the part where he didn't recover? Oh that's right, you're wrong.
winn dixie's Avatar
He had it beat it in one day. Then back to work!

Thats an Alpha!

It would have killed joeys
HedonistForever's Avatar

The bizarre contortions that the libs are going through to blame you for the virus because you selfishly refused to submit to their fussy commands illustrates, for the umpteenth time, an undeniable fact about these fascist-curious creeps. They hate hate hate the idea of rights, particularly yours. In fact, when they refer to rights, they often insist on encasing the word in quotation marks, as if it was some bizarre and alien concept those Jesus-gun-truck-cisnormative people from Iowabamaho invented under the influence of moonshine and the Holy Spirit.
Rights, they realize, are an intolerable obstacle to the things they want to do – especially when it’s inferiors like yourself asserting said rights. In this case, what they want to do is inject you, regardless of your choice, with a medicine that works intermittently but they want to inject you with it because it is not preventing the virus and therefore they need to prevent the virus and my head hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts. And they also want to wrap your face in a towel because that is the only thing that can protect them, despite the fact their faces are wrapped in towels already and that should protect them, and now my head really hurts.
It goes without saying that no one has a right to stick junk into your arm unless you give a thumbs up. I did, because I chose to. You should if you choose to, and you shouldn’t if you choose not to. See, it’s your right. Which means lib sissies with nothing better to do than fret about what you’re doing don’t have a say.

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Rights: You get to do it even if everyone else doesn’t want to you to.
Not-Rights: Other people can vote to not let you do it.
How do rights work? Let me tell you nonlawyers the legal perspective, because the legal system is how we hash out rights and their effects – not on Twitter before a panel of robed blue checks.
Here is the liberals’ play. Libs attempt to establish a basic principle, such as “In some circumstances, vaccines can be made mandatory.” I don’t like that, but there is an elderly Supreme Court case saying so. Let’s not argue the good or bad of it and deal with it. What the lib will do is assert that principle…and then stop.
A court case said it could possibly be done, so it can always be done.
Not how this works.
Notice how the lib doesn’t go through with the next part of the analysis, which is applying the law in the appropriate manner to the facts specific to this particular situation. Just because, in some instances, the government can do it does not mean the government can always do it. Libs like to forget the application part because they can almost never satisfy the rigorous requirements to impinge on your rights.
The state must have a compelling interest in whatever result it seeks to obtain from impinging on your rights. Compelling, not merely convenient, or even wise or smart. Otherwise, you have rights right up until they become inconvenient. Those are no rights at all.

The key to the compelling interest analysis is examining the specific facts. In the vaxx situation, we have a not-very-deadly virus, vaccines that aren’t perfect, side effects, and variety of other factors weighing on the issue. These include people protecting themselves with vaccines, masks, and hiding in their crappy apartments with their cats watching Maddow and crying because no one will ever love them. That case where it was allowed involved smallpox, with a 30% fatality rate. You basically get the vaccine or you catch it, and 1 in 3 people kack. COVID has a minuscule fatality rate, approaching a statistical 0% if you are vaccinated. So, how compelling is the interest if you have a disease that’s probably not going to kill you unless you are already sick?
We call this “distinguishing” the cases. Precedent is important, but it only applies where the facts are similar. Different facts, potentially a different result. Just because an interest can be compelling in theory does not make it so in every case.
And that leads to the next part of the process. Typically, courts being asked to implicate a fundamental right, like not to have something injected into your body against your will, require the state to prove that its plan is the least restrictive alternative. You don’t go from zero to 60 when it comes to rights; you first go to 10.

In other words, the state has to show not only a compelling interest, and I mean really compelling, but that its plan is the only possible way to achieve the necessary results. But libs do not even try to do that. They attempt to establish a basic principle, but never actually apply it. They just assume it applies because it could, possibly. This is very common when liberals challenge fundamental rights. For instance, when they talk about your right to keep and bear arms, they will point to the rare situations where someone might not be allowed to keep and bear arms, and then assume that this applies in every situation. “We can keep felons from having guns, so we can regulate guns however we want and take your AR15!”
The giveaway to look for is when their focus is entirely on the exceptions to the right, rather than the basic principle embodied by the right itself. They never wanna talk about that. With guns, it’s the few times guns can be regulated. With free speech, it’s always that idiotic fire in a crowded theater thing from a long-superseded case where the SCOTUS allowed the government to jail you for protesting the government. No wonder the libs love it.

The default is the right. It’s only in the rarest the circumstances that the right can be overcome.
And then there is the “Well, with rights come responsibilities” nonsense. No, they don’t. They are rights. That means the debate is over – the rights won. There’s no “responsibility” to not exercise your rights since the purpose of rights is to ensure you get to exercise them even if everyone else disagrees. Reject this bizarre attempt to turn Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben’s hack cliche into constitutional law.

Psaki Doubles Down on Biden's Illegal Attack on Private Property Rights Katie Pavlich

Nor is there a balancing test – the balancing test was completed when the right became a right, and the right won. Rights are never balanced. Policies are balanced. The point of rights is that they are established. They aren’t to be “reasonably” regulated. Rights are by nature unreasonable. Rights only matter when they allow someone to do something no one else agrees with. Otherwise, they are not rights. They are mere privileges. What good is a right that can be taken away on a whim?
It’s no good at all, which is a feature and not a bug to the left. The fact is that the left considers rights an intolerable obstacle to getting what it wants done. And of course, that is the whole point of rights. Rights limit what they can do. That’s why they only talk about exceptions to our rights.
Rights are unreasonable by design because you can’t “reason” them away – and, of course, it was God who designed them. We were endowed with them by our Creator. Libs hate hate hate that too - they want to be the ones who grant rights, because this leads to them being able to ungrant them at will
It’s sad so many people are so willing to give up the freedoms people died for in order to exercise power over other citizens. Your duty is to never allow it, to fight back, and to refuse to accept the premise that your rights may be disregarded the minute they become inconvenient. Your rights are not beside the point; they are the point.
Conservatives Must Stand Together and Fight. Join Townhall VIP. And Check Out Last Week's Stream of Kurtiousness, They Can All Kiss My A**. And my podcast, Unredacted.

well written by mr. Schlicter, as usual.
Originally Posted by oeb11

Wow, just wow. That's one of the most impressive pieces of writing I've read in a long, long time. Thank you for sharing those words of wisdom.

This morning in the Miami Herald, there was yet another hit piece on Governor DeSantis, the new objective of the left and the Biden administration filling the papers and airwaves with mis-information/ dis-information. Quote "Governor DeSantis has banned masks in Florida schools", Unquote. That is a lie and they know it's a lie but they simply do not care because they believe that the majority of MSM will not challenge that lie. As a matter of fact, they will repeat it ad- nauseam.

Governor DeSantis has given every parent, every child, the choice to were a mask and I'll bet that there will be more masked children than not.

Here are the facts as I understand it today. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. It happens sometimes.

There seems to be an increase in pediatric Covid cases in Florida but there is not an increase in pediatric deaths. In other words, children who get Covid are having about the same results as ordinary flu. Some children die every year of ordinary flu, we did not, have not mandated masks in school every winter despite this fact. Deaths are all that really matter. And as of today, there is no evidence that the Delta variant has increased to number of pediatric deaths that I am aware of. If you evidence to prove other wise, please post it.

We now know that even if you have been vaccinated, you can carry a viral load that can infect another vaccinated person as well as the un-vaccinated. The truth is that vaccinated people have a better chance of not being hospitalized and avoiding deaths though some vaccinated people will die and Covid is found in their body but doctors can't say that it is Covid that killed them. In other words, they may have died by ordinary flu or any number of other causes.

But back to the issue of kids going back to school. Governor DeSantis is in fact asking every eligible person in the state of Florida to please get vaccinated if you have not recovered from Covid and have a natural immunity but if you just don't want to get vaccinated for any reason, that is your right. And if you want to exercise that right, please consider masking your child when you send them to school. That is the message that Governor DeSantis is telling the people of Florida no matter what you may read or hear to the contrary.

Now, Texas is second on the Biden administrations hit list while Biden is allowing thousands of illegal immigrants into Texas with Covid. Biden has said he wants to prevent any travelers from entering the country by air or sea but thousands of illegal migrants will be given a bus ticket, airline ticket, to go anywhere in the country they choose.

People are wising up to this crisis that Biden has caused with his open border policy. This is why Biden's immigration policy approval is falling like a rock.
  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2021, 06:38 PM
fiden hit list - Texas And florida - is punishment for not voting DPST Communist.

fiden and his criminal cabal Lie - as do all DPSTs and their LSM - they have no shame no morals no ethics

the only thing that matters to DPSTs is raw Power - to put those they Hate - anybody with a different opinion - even among themselves - into concentration camps and up the smokestacks.

A Holocaust is coming - and can be averted only by armed resistance.
I consider myself to be a staunch libertarian.......don’t know how much that pertains to being a liberal......been a mutt when it comes to issues, some things I’m republican about and some issues Democrat.....I choose and reason out my issues and form my own position on what I think is fair, not based on some gang mentality of what side a political party member has to be on every issue.....

Getting back to the issue of rights, given the choice of having church people tell you what your rights are or having libertarians let you choose your own rights and freedoms, I think most people would choose the libertarian doctrine.

Problem is this country is a church state, with archaic laws and rules in place that enforce moral choices and limitations upon the masses.......freedom and rights in this country have to flow through the morality filter and what little trickles out the other side is the freedom limit imposed.

It’s getting a little more free as time passes and more states legalize sports gambling and maryjane......people like me who understand freedom know it should have been allowed from the very start of the constitution and bill of rights, instead we got bits and pieces along the the slaves later and somehow someone thought way down the road later in 1920 to consider women as people too and let them vote. How thoughtful a gesture, only took what.....about 150 years?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Maybe they can make a experimental vaccine for TDS
Why are americans okay with being pulled away form freedoms
winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe they can make a experimental vaccine for TDS
Why are americans okay with being pulled away form freedoms Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Studies and posts/opinions here have proved TDS is incurable and could be fatal.
texassapper's Avatar
people like me who understand freedom know it should have been allowed from the very start of the constitution and bill of rights, instead we got bits and pieces along the the slaves later and somehow someone thought way down the road later in 1920 to consider women as people too and let them vote. How thoughtful a gesture, only took what.....about 150 years? Originally Posted by sexykarma
Maybe you understand freedom but you sure as hell aren't familiar with this little word we call reality. Exactly how would we have established a Constitution and the BoR if the demand in 1789 was emancipation of slaves, female franchise and legalizing a little known plant?

Government of the people by the people and for the people was itself a revolutionary idea... let alone, abolition and universal franchise...
HedonistForever's Avatar
Maybe you understand freedom but you sure as hell aren't familiar with this little word we call reality. Exactly how would we have established a Constitution and the BoR if the demand in 1789 was emancipation of slaves, female franchise and legalizing a little known plant?

Government of the people by the people and for the people was itself a revolutionary idea... let alone, abolition and universal franchise... Originally Posted by texassapper
And few things make this clearer than the story of Abraham Lincoln and the decisions he had to make contrary to what his morality told him to do. Generally speaking, he was making the case that you can keep "some degree of slavery" which he new was wrong, if you just don't tear this country apart. Imagine what he must have been feeling to come to that decision to try and save the Republic.

We have never gotten "on time" all the things that we recognize as correct today and never will but the evidence is there that "we" tried and we will continue to try and what a large number of Democrats are doing today, will put that forward movement in jeopardy by dividing this country into White and Black when all we have been doing for decades was forward movement.
Maybe you understand freedom but you sure as hell aren't familiar with this little word we call reality. Exactly how would we have established a Constitution and the BoR if the demand in 1789 was emancipation of slaves, female franchise and legalizing a little known plant?

Government of the people by the people and for the people was itself a revolutionary idea... let alone, abolition and universal franchise... Originally Posted by texassapper
In reality it should have been written “government of the white men, by the white men, and for the white men.” That wouldn’t have been revolutionary, it would have just been the brutally honest truth. Reality, as some people call it. Yeah, it would have been a shame if those slave owners had to actually pay their labor force. Would have been terrible if those profit hoarding people using empire building pricks missed out on the gravy train of wealth because something right was done. Yep, that sure was the beginning of a free country.