Racism Solved? Woke Minnesota Realtors Abolish 'Master Bedrooms'

  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 08:44 AM

Heralded by professional hearse-chaser Ben Crump — who represented the family of George Floyd — a new report in The Minneapolis Star Tribune explains how Minnesota's real estate business has gone full-woke thanks to new speech codes that mandated the renaming of common rooms to be more "inclusive" in order to avoid bigoted racism or sexism, apparently.
"Browse through home listings today and you'll find terms like 'primary bedroom,' 'dual closets,' and 'in-law suites,'" explains the Minneapolis paper of record, "instead of 'master bedroom,' 'his-and-hers closets' and 'mother-in-law suites.'"
The old language, the woke contend, failed to account for what could be "xes-and-xirs closets," or "them-in-law suites." And worse evidently is the term "master" which, according to a realtor quoted by The Star Tribune, is "a hidden discriminatory piece" of the real estate business.
"I'm a person of color and every time the term 'master bedroom' was used, I kept saying to myself, 'I don't like how it sounds,'" she explained. Unwittingly, she shows an example of how the Left's agenda — to convince everyone that they are victims in uncountable matrices of oppression while racism lurks behind every corner — is playing out.
Never mind that the first use of "master bedroom" as a term — according to The New York Times — "seems to have been in a 1926 Modern Homes catalog by Sears, Roebuck and Co.," a fact many pointed out in response to Crump's tweet.
Others pointed out that, if America has made it to the point where changing a term for a large bedroom is a priority, things must be going pretty dang well. That, or your priorities are seriously off-base.
God only knows how long it will be until "masters degrees" too are ruled so problematic they can no longer be mentioned as such.

'woke idiots ascendant - for teh moment.
Please access article with link - the 'tweets' are telling - and I am surprise they have not been censored by the marxist DST tweet censors.

I wonder what will teh 'Master lock company "will do - become the 'woke lock company"????
winn dixie's Avatar
Just when you think theyve gone too far a new low is established!
Guessing masturbator is not pc either??
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 08:53 AM
Well Done - WD!
the jail cells/ re-education camps for those engaging in 'self-release' just grew exponentially.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
GitHub is banning "master" and replacing it with "main."
The woke has replaced "masterbating" with "Toobinating."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No words to express the retardedness of these people.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I still have replacing mother with "birthing person" on the top of my list but the list is getting longer by the day but you know what, the longer this goes on and the closer we get to 2022, there is going to be a literal blood bath in the Democrat party and it is going to be epic and so much fun to watch.

You thought there was some crying going on when Hillary lost? You ain't seen anything yet.

Oh, a teacher ( can't find the story on Google, I wonder why ) just separated her students into two different classrooms, BY RACE because children of difference races, the teacher explained, have different needs and may require different methods of teaching. Yeah, please, keep pushing that Democrats.


No child left behind? In the name of equity, Oregon gets rid of math, reading, and writing requirements for graduation

In an attempt to have “equitable graduation standards,” the state of Oregon is doing away with the requirement that high school seniors demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and math before graduating.

Quick Facts

  • Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, D, signed Senate Bill 744 on July 14.
  • The bill drops the graduation requirement requiring students to show that they can read and write proficiently and do high school-level math.
  • Charles Boyer, the governor’s deputy communications director, claimed the change would benefit minorities.

The subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic used to be the three foundational pillars of education and have long been considered indispensable for society. An indicator of progress in any culture is the percentage of people who can read and write. Yet in Oregon now, progress is being replaced with supposed equity.

On July 14, Gov. Kate Brown, D, signed into law Senate Bill 744, which removes the requirement that graduating seniors must be able to show they can read, write, and do high-school level math. The bill wasn’t made public until two weeks later. Moreover, there was no signing ceremony or press release, and she has yet to make any comments on the law.

However, when pressed by the Oregonian, Charles Boyle, the governor’s deputy communications director, replied in an email statement that the bill will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

He added, “Leaders from those communities have advocated time and again for equitable graduation standards, along with expanded learning opportunities and supports.”

Democrats overwhelmingly supported the removal of the proficiency standards while Republicans largely opposed.
Keep it up Democrats, just a little bit longer

Heralded by professional hearse-chaser Ben Crump — who represented the family of George Floyd — a new report in The Minneapolis Star Tribune explains how Minnesota's real estate business has gone full-woke thanks to new speech codes that mandated the renaming of common rooms to be more "inclusive" in order to avoid bigoted racism or sexism, apparently.
"Browse through home listings today and you'll find terms like 'primary bedroom,' 'dual closets,' and 'in-law suites,'" explains the Minneapolis paper of record, "instead of 'master bedroom,' 'his-and-hers closets' and 'mother-in-law suites.'"
The old language, the woke contend, failed to account for what could be "xes-and-xirs closets," or "them-in-law suites." And worse evidently is the term "master" which, according to a realtor quoted by The Star Tribune, is "a hidden discriminatory piece" of the real estate business.
"I'm a person of color and every time the term 'master bedroom' was used, I kept saying to myself, 'I don't like how it sounds,'" she explained. Unwittingly, she shows an example of how the Left's agenda — to convince everyone that they are victims in uncountable matrices of oppression while racism lurks behind every corner — is playing out.
Never mind that the first use of "master bedroom" as a term — according to The New York Times — "seems to have been in a 1926 Modern Homes catalog by Sears, Roebuck and Co.," a fact many pointed out in response to Crump's tweet.
Others pointed out that, if America has made it to the point where changing a term for a large bedroom is a priority, things must be going pretty dang well. That, or your priorities are seriously off-base.
God only knows how long it will be until "masters degrees" too are ruled so problematic they can no longer be mentioned as such.

'woke idiots ascendant - for teh moment.
Please access article with link - the 'tweets' are telling - and I am surprise they have not been censored by the marxist DST tweet censors.

I wonder what will teh 'Master lock company "will do - become the 'woke lock company"???? Originally Posted by oeb11
How do "woke" idiots spell "the"?
Can't find the story?
Then how are you relaying it to your post?
You're a known liar. Only you have trouble finding the bullshit you claim is true.
Why don't you go to a crowd event.
I still have replacing mother with "birthing person" on the top of my list but the list is getting longer by the day but you know what, the longer this goes on and the closer we get to 2022, there is going to be a literal blood bath in the Democrat party and it is going to be epic and so much fun to watch.

You thought there was some crying going on when Hillary lost? You ain't seen anything yet.

Oh, a teacher ( can't find the story on Google, I wonder why )Because you believe andthing and then make up details.
Why do so many die while people like you live?
just separated her students into two different classrooms, BY RACE because children of difference races, the teacher explained, have different needs and may require different methods of teaching. Yeah, please, keep pushing that Democrats.


No child left behind? In the name of equity, Oregon gets rid of math, reading, and writing requirements for graduation

In an attempt to have “equitable graduation standards,” the state of Oregon is doing away with the requirement that high school seniors demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and math before graduating.

Quick Facts

  • Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, D, signed Senate Bill 744 on July 14.
  • The bill drops the graduation requirement requiring students to show that they can read and write proficiently and do high school-level math.
  • Charles Boyer, the governor’s deputy communications director, claimed the change would benefit minorities.

The subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic used to be the three foundational pillars of education and have long been considered indispensable for society. An indicator of progress in any culture is the percentage of people who can read and write. Yet in Oregon now, progress is being replaced with supposed equity.

On July 14, Gov. Kate Brown, D, signed into law Senate Bill 744, which removes the requirement that graduating seniors must be able to show they can read, write, and do high-school level math. The bill wasn’t made public until two weeks later. Moreover, there was no signing ceremony or press release, and she has yet to make any comments on the law.

However, when pressed by the Oregonian, Charles Boyle, the governor’s deputy communications director, replied in an email statement that the bill will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

He added, “Leaders from those communities have advocated time and again for equitable graduation standards, along with expanded learning opportunities and supports.”

Democrats overwhelmingly supported the removal of the proficiency standards while Republicans largely opposed.
Keep it up Democrats, just a little bit longer
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
texassapper's Avatar
That would imply that the other bedrooms are SLAVE bedrooms. This isn't new... in the IT world there have been calls to stop using the term Blacklist and whitelist for domains in security, master and slave drives in infrastructure discussions.

My company last year had to change all our support docs around a financial process that referenced a Master file and a slave file... some ethnic got offended. He couldn't explain why as he'd never been a slave or slave master himself but still we spent a couple hundred thousand dollars making those changes so one fragile little ethnic didn't shit himself because of a term he'd never experienced...
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 01:02 PM
How do "woke" idiots spell "the"? Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

DPSTs do not spell -( 'teachers Union educations are the reason) - it is considered "racist" - VS!
They have a Xinn spell checker .
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 01:03 PM
Can't find the story?
Then how are you relaying it to your post?
You're a known liar. Only you have trouble finding the bullshit you claim is true.
Why don't you go to a crowd event.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

Keep it up, Democrats - Just until NOv 2022!!!!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I still have replacing mother with "birthing person" on the top of my list but the list is getting longer by the day
I still haven’t gotten used to “front hole” and “chest feeding”.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 01:43 PM
Next - lids on toilets are 'sexist'

DPSTs pass new law mandating toilet lids locked /fixed in place "So - in the name of 'equity'

Everybody sits.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Can't find the story?
Then how are you relaying it to your post?

Uh, perhaps a source other than Google? Ever consider that genius?

You're a known liar. Only you have trouble finding the bullshit you claim is true.
Why don't you go to a crowd event. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

Didn't do crowd events before Covid, don't do them now but I'm vaccinated and mask indoors so I hate to disappoint you.

And you are a known idiot.