let it go, Donald

VitaMan's Avatar
Soon it will be almost a year since the presidential election.
Let it go Donald. You are not the president anymore.
If you just can't stand it, you can run for president again in 3 years.

The Covid 19 situation would not be better if you were still president.
Let it go Donald. Be a statesman, and try to contribute something positive.

An infrastructure bill passed under the Biden administration.
You could not get one passed, and are attacking current Republican congressmen.
Let it go Donald. You are not the president.
Little Monster's Avatar
What you said here is nothing but facts. The only response from the fascist-conservatives will be the TDS card which has played out for over a few years now.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Soon it will be almost a year since the presidential election.
Let it go Donald. You are not the president anymore.
If you just can't stand it, you can run for president again in 3 years.

The Covid 19 situation would not be better if you were still president.
Let it go Donald. Be a statesman, and try to contribute something positive.

An infrastructure bill passed under the Biden administration.
You could not get one passed, and are attacking current Republican congressmen.
Let it go Donald. You are not the president. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Maybe a word to the wise?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Trump derangement syndrome
Trump derangement syndrome
A.K.A - T.D.S

A mental illness, where a person has become deranged by their hatred of Donald Trump. The symptoms being

* Loss of rational thought.
* Screaming at the sky.
* Believing Trump is literally Hitler.
* Seeing Nazi's everywhere.
* Apocalyptic thoughts of the world ending
* Inability to perceive anything good that Trump does.
* Uncontrollable sobbing every time they see or hear Trump.
OP's TDS is more along the lines of excessively posting about TOWE. In fact, OP is enjoying in H I M, whether he knows it or not.

I will allow this thread to exist for my own amusement. When I grow tired of it, it will be closed.
winn dixie's Avatar
thread title should be let it go vita.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Trump Derangement Syndrome = the belief that donald trump is a competent and caring human.

  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 04:54 PM
Maybe a word to the wise?
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

If they had the capability - they would not be marxist DPST minions spouting marxist narrative
TDS and Hatred - and they cannot take their own advice, nor understand that Trump is no longer POTUS.

winn dixie's Avatar
Trump Derangement Syndrome = the belief that donald trump is a competent and caring human.

LOL! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
tds is a condition that affects libs and deep staters. Has no cure. Leaves those affected mumbling and incoherent.

Little Monster's Avatar
Trump Derangement Syndrome = the belief that donald trump is a competent and caring human.

LOL! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
True that! Then they keep crying that Trump is no longer potus, yeah neither is BC yet they still yap and make shit up about him.

The conservative-fascists need to realize that Trump is still the face of their party and as long as he is we will continue to call him out on the shit he does.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 05:03 PM
DPSTs - Please take teh advice of teh OP
for your own sake and Health

Let it Go!
Trump is no longer POTUS
VitaMan's Avatar
TTZ the Trump Twilight Zone

What will it take to rescue the Trump supporters from the TTZ ?
Little Monster's Avatar
TTZ the Trump Twilight Zone

What will it take to rescue the Trump supporters from the TTZ ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Rescue?? Fuck that let em drown in their fascist hypocrisy
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
If anyone is in a TTZ, it is OP for his relentless ranting about TOWE.
VitaMan's Avatar
Sad to see Trump supporters stuck in the Trump Twilight Zone TTZ.

They can't even realize they are in it......exactly like a cult.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea , just comply