Why doesn't CNN want to talk about the Democrat Governor of Louisiana

HedonistForever's Avatar

Gov. Edwards Calls for Prayer and Fasting During Lunch for Three Days as Louisiana Works to Slow the Spread of COVID

Gov. John Bel Edwards is calling upon Louisianans who believe in the power of prayer to join him and First Lady Donna Edwards in praying and fasting during their lunch time for three days for Louisiana health care workers and all of those who are sick with or affected by COVID-19. In addition to prayer, the Governor encourages all Louisianans to help slow the spread of COVID by getting their vaccines and wearing masks whenever they are indoors and in public.
“Yesterday, I asked hundreds of ministers and pastors throughout Louisiana to join me during the lunch hour next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in praying and fasting for our state, and I am extending this invitation to anyone and everyone who is so inclined, no matter their religious beliefs. I believe very strongly in the power of prayer, and there are thousands of people right now in Louisiana who need to be lifted up in prayer. So I hope you will join your prayers to mine for healing and protection,” Gov. Edwards said. “I will be praying that our sick may fight this illness, that the medical professionals caring for them can remain strong and safe, that our children, teachers and school support staff can safely begin the school year and that our people will do everything they can to help us slow the spread of this terrible virus.”

Imagine what the left wing media would make of that, if they had the courage of their convictions.

And your issue is what exactly?
HedonistForever's Avatar
And your issue is what exactly? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Ah, yes, you want me to believe you have no earthly idea what my point is. There is that disingenuous side I keep referring to. You are not that naive and no matter how many times you try and convince me you are that naive, I'm not buying it.

Oh shit, who am I kidding, I can't leave it at that although I should. My point is you hate religious, Conservative rubes who talk like that, UNLESS they are a Democrat. You bring up the SOUTH and only mention Florida and Texas while the Democrat in Louisiana is presiding over the biggest rise in cases but goes un-scathed in your critique. Pitiful, just pitiful.

You know that. I know that and everybody on this board knows that.
The numbers I showed you were Louisiana, which are outta control.

I use TX and FL because they are far larger samples due to larger populations.

I have no issue with people I disagree with. I’ve spoke with JBE on many an occasion and we disagree on several things - abortion being one. But with respect to the pandemic he actually mandated masks in a attempt to slow the spread. He is and has from day 1 pushed vaccinations. He actually isn’t working against the interests of his constituency for political reasons.

He said for people to pray - fine. He also didn’t leave it at that and told people to get the vaccine and wear a mask.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 05:14 PM
So, 1b1 -" I have no issue with people I disagree with." Quote

- considering then ature of One's posts - I beg to differ.

give up the hatred and open One's mind
Get some professional Help
for One's own sake.
This message is hidden because oeb11 is on your ignore list.

Why do you even bother. Oh yeah, actually I do know the answer to that.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 07:05 PM
1b1 - I respectfully request a comment from You

Thread: Racism Solved? Woke Minnesota Realtors Abolish 'Master Bedrooms'

Post # 16 by HF
How do You regard School -imposed segregation of black and white peoples.
Thank You.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
JBE maybe a conservative moderate democrat, he's still a dick!
1B1 is employing progressive tactics used by YR: "asking what's your point?", asking for links or evidence and once given, never responding to them, and rarely providing any evidence of his own to support his opinions. He's tiresome.
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 09:47 AM
Yes - agreed, G
It is teh Denial, Deflection, Obstruction, and refuse to acknowledge game they play - One without any responsibility for consequences of their foolish agenda.

1b1 - and other DPSTs - won't address their own Racism that is CRT and DPST forced Segregation!!!!!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
JBE maybe a conservative moderate democrat, he's still a dick! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Still wondering how the sam hell he won the Governorship. Can you explain it to me? As you may have read, I lived in Metairie for 20 years from 78' to 98'.

When I moved there in 78', I was stunned at the politics I witnessed on a daily basis. My favorite line about Governor Edwin Edwards was "He may be a crook, but he is our crook".

I loved my time in N'awlins. God how I miss my Red Beans and Rice, shrimp and oyster PoBoys.
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 12:32 PM
Louisiana - great food
rotten politics
HedonistForever's Avatar
1B1 is employing progressive tactics used by YR: "asking what's your point?", asking for links or evidence and once given, never responding to them, and rarely providing any evidence of his own to support his opinions. He's tiresome. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I've noticed that to. While he can spout the Democrat talking points, I never hear ( in my opinion ) a well thought out defense of some positions he takes which seem indefensible to me as mine obviously seem to him. He tells me he doesn't believe that I believe all the positions I take. I do, everyone of them. I really wonder if he supports his positions the way I do mine.
I’m clear on my positions and opinions. And I’ve provided you evidence to support them. What I won’t do is waste time looking for cites for things which are obvious.
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 03:05 PM
Obstruction of debate.

Never answers a question - just stirs the pot and 'baits'!