So you know someone who gets busted

normalguy21's Avatar
So you know someone who get,s busted for pimping and other substance related charge,s and also has had there unlocked phone seized by the task force and they were running a agency with a large client base and they have failed to alert any of there clients this has happened and simply changed there working name and explained that away as someone in there family found out so they changed names .But the arrest info is public if you know her real name what does one do ?

Does one just not say anything keep there mouth shut about it and think what do i care i,am not married i have no kid,s i dont own a large company fuck those guys that do and serve,s them right The fed task force has all there info for the last 3 years and everything else off the biz servers .

Nope i would not want to be told either i would probably fall for that my family member found out shit too silly that,s why i changed my name come on let,s fuck what time work,s for you hun

Said person is on this board active still only under a new screen name and also alot of other hobby boards .
I have no pony in the race other than you guys my fellow hobby guy,s .
So how does one give a fuck are put forth the effort to let those that need to know,Get the info ?

Fuck it i said to much all ready

Have a maybe you might get indited day .

Take care .