Insane Congresswoman Has a Ferguson Tale That 100 Percent Sure Never Happened

  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2021, 09:07 AM

Source: Robert Cohen/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is wrapping up. It’s been a hellacious couple of days where the liberal media has gone nuts over this case. Over the past week, it looks like a clear-cut case of self-defense for Rittenhouse, who shot and killed two men during the Kenosha riots. The two deceased people were also no angels. One was a child rapist. The other was also a rapist and wife-beater. They tried to kill this kid, but the prosecution has gone to absurd lengths to…actually make the defense’s case even better. Our own Julio Rosas is there covering the trial. And the judge tossed the weapons charge against Rittenhouse today as well. Both the defense and the prosecution are delivering their closing arguments to the jury. As this is happening, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) decided to rehash the Ferguson riots because white supremacy is the only topic liberals can talk about lately.
She recollected a tale that is absolutely not true. It didn’t happen. There doesn’t need to be a fact check here.
“When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide behind a hill near where Michael Brown Jr. was murdered and shoot at us,” Bush wrote. “They never faced consequences. If Kyle Rittenhouse gets acquitted, it tells them that even 7 years later they still can get away with it.”
That never happened. Sorry, where was the story about that lie because that’s red meat for the liberal media to disseminate. Even if it’s total fake news, they would’ve written about it for days and months. And everyone already knows this is a tall tale.

Bush is also a die-hard 'abolish the police' proponent, though she's very pro-private security.

Comment - typical Lying, racist, marxist democraticommunist nomenklatura.

There is no depth of hypocrisy and Lies to which they will not sink.


Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
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  • WTF
  • 11-16-2021, 12:33 PM
Insane Congresswoman Has a Ferguson Tale That 100 Percent Sure Never Happened! Originally Posted by oeb11
Ferguson, Turd Ferguson
Jut think about it.

That lying stupid lard ass bitch is a United States Congress Person.
  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2021, 03:58 PM
but to wtf and democraticommunist proletariat - her word is that of God!
is wtf trying desperately to atone for his sin of 'white privilege"!!!!?????

Cori Bush Reminds me a lot of Stacey Abrams ( named after the tank - and resembles One, too )!
Neither have any relationship with Truth!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands
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  • WTF
  • 11-16-2021, 04:04 PM
but to wtf and democraticommunist proletariat - her word is that of God! Originally Posted by oeb11
I don't believe in Gods.

Try again junior.
  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2021, 04:06 PM
Thank you - wtf.
And Hillary screamed……”stop plagiarizing my lies”.
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hill, grassy knoll, whatever.