How fucked up are the democrats this time.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In 2008 the democrats nominated a man without a track record, a man who could not (or would not) prove his citizenship, a man with a record that said he was something other than a US born citizen. This man's academic record was hidden, his mother's travels hidden, and his patriotism was never questioned despite deciding to not wear a flag lapel pin, the appropriate way to say the pledge or listen to the national anthem.

Now in 2015 these same democrats are questioning the citizenship of a man that that the experts have already said is an American. A man who has provided his academic records, a man who is fondly remembered by both his classmates and teachers at Harvard, a man who is acknowledged even by his critics as being brilliant.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

In 1992 the democrats ran a draft dodger and poo-pooed military service. In 1996 they ran the draft dodger again and once again military service was ridiculed. In 2000, suddenly it was chic to be in the military even if the democrat remained in the rear protected by armed guards, then the democrats went completely over the hill and nominated a guy that they could not stop talking about his military record though his record was less than exceptional.

I have to wonder what the democrats will run in 2020? Maybe an out and out Muslim terrorist.
I have to wonder what the democrats will run in 2020? Maybe an out and out Muslim terrorist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

According to a few of your fellow Idiot's, they did that last time.
In 2008 the democrats nominated a man without a track record, a man who could not (or would not) prove his citizenship, a man with a record that said he was something other than a US born citizen. This man's academic record was hidden, his mother's travels hidden, and his patriotism was never questioned despite deciding to not wear a flag lapel pin, the appropriate way to say the pledge or listen to the national anthem.

Now in 2015 these same democrats are questioning the citizenship of a man that that the experts have already said is an American. A man who has provided his academic records, a man who is fondly remembered by both his classmates and teachers at Harvard, a man who is acknowledged even by his critics as being brilliant.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

In 1992 the democrats ran a draft dodger and poo-pooed military service. In 1996 they ran the draft dodger again and once again military service was ridiculed. In 2000, suddenly it was chic to be in the military even if the democrat remained in the rear protected by armed guards, then the democrats went completely over the hill and nominated a guy that they could not stop talking about his military record though his record was less than exceptional.

I have to wonder what the democrats will run in 2020? Maybe an out and out Muslim terrorist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If that man won twice how fucked up were the republicans? Think they can come up with anyone who can beat the dem's front runner?
  • DSK
  • 03-25-2015, 07:01 AM
According to a few of your fellow Idiot's, they did that last time. Originally Posted by bigtex
You aren't understanding the complaint in context. Many Republicans consider him a closet Muslim. Of course, he isn't, but he is attempting a detente with the Muslims and since there are over a billion of those poor lost souls in this world, we need a President to engage them.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see that DSK is open to the idea. Of course this was pretty much a hypothetical question designed to show how far down the democratic party has gone. Like I've said for years, the democrats would run Hitler for office if they thought he would win.

Maybe the democrats will run some guy dressed up in tribal rags...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Q: How fucked up is JDIdiot that he has to post threads based on hypothetical questions?

A: As fucked up as he is for posting threads based on bald-faced lies.

Are YOU going to be whining about the Canadian Cupcake Cruz until he drops out? The asshole didbt give up his foreign citizenship until he got called on it in 2014. He was sworn in as a Canadian.


While you can't call him a closet MUSLIM, even though he has been photographed often on his knees. I think you can call him a closet CANADIAN CUPCAKE COCKSUCKER!

Notice that he is not touching the Negro in the abovd photo...

Turnabout is fair play, idiot. Get used to it.
You've created a nice straw man, you besotted cocktard. No one gives a shit. Bring on Cruz.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You aren't understanding the complaint in context. Many Republicans consider him a closet Muslim. Of course, he isn't, but he is attempting a detente with the Muslims and since there are over a billion of those poor lost souls in this world, we need a President to engage them. Originally Posted by DSK
But what do Y'ALL think?
  • DSK
  • 03-25-2015, 04:23 PM
But what do Y'ALL think? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think your comment about him not touching the black man was pretty much BS, but you knew that, didn't you?
rioseco's Avatar
Q: How fucked up is JDIdiot that he has to post threads based on hypothetical questions?

A: As fucked up as he is for posting threads based on bald-faced lies.

Are YOU going to be whining about the Canadian Cupcake Cruz until he drops out? The asshole didbt give up his foreign citizenship until he got called on it in 2014. He was sworn in as a Canadian.


While you can't call him a closet MUSLIM, even though he has been photographed often on his knees. I think you can call him a closet CANADIAN CUPCAKE COCKSUCKER!

Notice that he is not touching the Negro in the abovd photo...

Turnabout is fair play, idiot. Get used to it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Correct,Cruz is not touching the black man.

Even more surprising is to not see you blowing the black man in the picture. Oh he must not be a democrat, a homo or a muslim dirtbag. That's why you're not blowing him. You are one prejudiced cocksucker Yssup !
How would he blow the dude in the picture? He's wherever he is and the dude in the picture... well, he's wherever he is. Kinda hard to blow long distance ain't it?
In 2008 the democrats nominated a man without a track record, a man who could not (or would not) prove his citizenship, a man with a record that said he was something other than a US born citizen. This man's academic record was hidden, his mother's travels hidden, and his patriotism was never questioned despite deciding to not wear a flag lapel pin, the appropriate way to say the pledge or listen to the national anthem.

Now in 2015 these same democrats are questioning the citizenship of a man that that the experts have already said is an American. A man who has provided his academic records, a man who is fondly remembered by both his classmates and teachers at Harvard, a man who is acknowledged even by his critics as being brilliant.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

In 1992 the democrats ran a draft dodger and poo-pooed military service. In 1996 they ran the draft dodger again and once again military service was ridiculed. In 2000, suddenly it was chic to be in the military even if the democrat remained in the rear protected by armed guards, then the democrats went completely over the hill and nominated a guy that they could not stop talking about his military record though his record was less than exceptional.

I have to wonder what the democrats will run in 2020? Maybe an out and out Muslim terrorist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I am amused at your criticisms of the Democrats in relation to two candidates who were both elected POTUS twice. Yes, a total of four presidential elections that these terrible candidates managed to win.

Are you really this stupid? I mean, I see shit like this....and I marvel at the power of the internet and how it allows idiots like you to present a position, no matter how fucking stupid....and I that a good thing?
I am amused at your criticisms of the Democrats in relation to two candidates who were both elected POTUS twice. Yes, a total of four presidential elections that these terrible candidates managed to win.

Are you really this stupid? I mean, I see shit like this....and I marvel at the power of the internet and how it allows idiots like you to present a position, no matter how fucking stupid....and I that a good thing? Originally Posted by timpage
It's frustrating to have to tie half my brain around my back to battle these frittatas on anything resembling equal footing. They get trolled like bitches. Cruz is LESS experienced than Obama was. They don't care. But we're supposed to care about Obama's experience level.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Correct,Cruz is not touching the black man.

Even more surprising is to not see you blowing the black man in the picture. Oh he must not be a democrat, a homo or a muslim dirtbag. That's why you're not blowing him. You are one prejudiced cocksucker Yssup !
Originally Posted by rioseco
Hope you dont think anybody digs your rap, you dumb cracker bastard.

You make no sense, but provide insight into your hateful mind with each word you post. Your Mama and Daddy taught you real goooood, Cornholio.
  • shanm
  • 03-25-2015, 11:22 PM

Are you really this stupid? I mean, I see shit like this....and I marvel at the power of the internet and how it allows idiots like you to present a position, no matter how fucking stupid....and I that a good thing? Originally Posted by timpage
I've wondered the exact same thing since the day I got here. Thank you for putting it into words.