Hillary Wipes Server Clean

Hillary says she turned over ALL email documents relating to he tenure as SOS. But, in classic Nixonian fashion, there are unexplained gaps, huge gaps. Gaps pertaining to the all important Bengahzi episode.

So what does Hillary do in order to keep her server from ever being seized and downloaded. Simple. She just wipes it clean. With, as it seems no reprecussions.

She simply thumbs her nose at the House of Representatives, and says Fuck You. The Justice Department will do nothing. If anybody else pulled a stunt like this, they would be doing The Perp Walk right now.

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, you all have your DNC sheet and talking points on this. Keep in lockstep, lick those boots, kiss her ass.

After all. She is, first, and foremost, Mrs Bill Clinton.

And many of you still trust this coniving bitch.
LexusLover's Avatar
So what does Hillary do in order to keep her server from ever being seized and downloaded. Simple. She just wipes it clean. With, as it seems no reprecussions, Originally Posted by Jackie S
If you recall she "couldn't find" the cancelled checks subpoenaed for the White Water investigation, but later discovered them in shoe boxes in her White House clothes closet. She may have "wiped her server clean" * (which I doubt), but she copied all of that shit first before she did.

*Even it she formatted the disk/disks the data can be recovered.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Or those 900 so FBI files that she "knew nothing about" but had her literal fingerprints all over them.
Hillary lives in the minds of the right day and night. LMAO
Sadly, and I've said it before, I think this will be her undoing. Not that she would have gotten any staunch Repub votes, or lost any Dems vote, but I don't think she will be able to explain to the Independents why she had her own secret server, and now, deleted everything on it if she had nothing to hide.

Suspicion is not a great attribute to have when appealing to Independents.
Hillary lives in the minds of the right day and night. LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
As well she should be in yours. There is a good chance this lying ass cunt will be our next President.

Just think real hard on that.
RochBob's Avatar
Hillary Clinton is not the first Government official to "Lose" what are by law (or should be) official electronic documents. Don't be surprised to see more of this in the future as things become ever increasingly electronic in nature. As far as any recovery of information from a "Wiped Server". It depends upon a couple of things: how was it "wiped", what program was used and most importantly "Are these the original drives?". Was there ever a backup done on what should have been a critical Server? Where is it?

As of right now, Hillary is the de-facto democratic candidate for President (this time she would actually be President and not the power behind the throne, don't be surprised not to see Hubby Bill anywhere near DC) just like Obama was. And given the Clinton's inherent ability to survive (even thrive) in a Scandal ridden environment. I don't think this or any of the past Scandals will impact her campaign much except for the free publicity and increased name recognition.
As well she should be in yours. There is a good chance this lying ass cunt will be our next President.

Just think real hard on that. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I don't dwell on things I have no control on . All i will do is see if she really get's the nomination than vote for someone else. I am not obsessed with her.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Hillary Clinton is not the first Government official to "Lose" what are by law (or should be) official electronic documents. Don't be surprised to see more of this in the future as things become ever increasingly electronic in nature. As far as any recovery of information from a "Wiped Server". It depends upon a couple of things: how was it "wiped", what program was used and most importantly "Are these the original drives?". Was there ever a backup done on what should have been a critical Server? Where is it?

As of right now, Hillary is the de-facto democratic candidate for President (this time she would actually be President and not the power behind the throne, don't be surprised not to see Hubby Bill anywhere near DC) just like Obama was. And given the Clinton's inherent ability to survive (even thrive) in a Scandal ridden environment. I don't think this or any of the past Scandals will impact her campaign much except for the free publicity and increased name recognition. Originally Posted by RochBob
you can remove the titles or directory's to the emails BUT the body may still be there
It happened to me before but my old boss "scanned" the hard drive and picked up enough information to find a business plan I was going to use, enough to get me fired
I don't dwell on things I have no control on . All i will do is see if she really get's the nomination than vote for someone else. I am not obsessed with her. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And yet you reflexively respond to every Hillary post you #Gruberminion #PostHoDumbAss.

If you recall she "couldn't find" the cancelled checks subpoenaed for the White Water investigation, but later discovered them in shoe boxes in her White House clothes closet. She may have "wiped her server clean" * (which I doubt), but she copied all of that shit first before she did.

*Even it she formatted the disk/disks the data can be recovered. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've read reports where she said that all backups have been destroyed. I would not be surprised if the server has been totally Fostered.
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 12:36 PM
you can remove the titles or directory's to the emails BUT the body may still be there
It happened to me before but my old boss "scanned" the hard drive and picked up enough information to find a business plan I was going to use, enough to get me fired Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Only happens if your hard drive hasn't been written over.

When you delete something from your hard drive, the computer only marks it for deletion and makes the space it used as available free space. Doesn't mean that the file/s have been deleted. Once you write over it with new information the computer deletes the old one and stores the new information. After that, it is unrecoverable. You can also use a file shredder to delete files immediately.

For future reference
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There's technology now that can uncover 7 layers of data or more. I hope the get the chance to use it.
And yet you reflexively respond to every Hillary post you #Gruberminion #PostHoDumbAss.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
Someone needs to laugh at you dimatards...
rioseco's Avatar
There's technology now that can uncover 7 layers of data or more. I hope the get the chance to use it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

It would be nice to see a Clinton face justice for a change. I'm sure that won't happen though.