Rome wasn't built in a day.

Ladies and gents. I know we all want our local boards back. But be patient, I am sure the powers that be are working long hours trying to get it all fixed.

I would recommend starting a positive thread and using your contacts to have the local members respond to it constantly and keep it near the top. IMHO I think an active positive thread with lots of replies staying near the top will be more effective than constant complaining.

Remember every email or PM you send to an admin or mod that is involved in the process is something that they need to attend to and it takes them away from working on the board you want back.

In the meantime if your board isn't up yet, play in the national forums, read up as best you can on the changes, and most of all stop whining.

Stay safe and have fun.
That’s all fine for you, but what about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! !