Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein

Based on the news reported yesterday does anyone now wonder why trump fired SDNY US Attorney Geoffrey Berman?

"People say" she knows a ton of interesting "facts" about trump.

I wonder if she'll make it through the weekend.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Prince Andrew may be shaking right now too. Bill Clinton may go to jail.
Ghislaine will be going to Rikers.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
What are the chances she ends up at the same jail Epstein was?
That would scare the crap out of her.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-03-2020, 09:51 AM
Prince Andrew may be shaking right now too. Bill Clinton may go to jail.
Ghislaine will be going to Rikers. Originally Posted by hardlikker12
I love how Eric Trump thought he was being cute, just like you, by tweeting a photo of Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton's wedding, only to be forced to delete it when people started responding with the dozens of photos of Donald Trump with both Maxwell and Epstein. So if anyone's going to jail, my money is on the guy who was accused in a sworn deposition of raping a 13 year old girl with Epstein as an accomplice.
lilylivered's Avatar
I'm sure she has lived a long and fruitful life, so it wont be so sad when Killary has her suicided just before she can...
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I hope they get her to talk. The girls that were exploited deserve to see some justice.
Is it pronounced Jizzlane?
I give her at most a week before she’s scheduled for suicide.
I love how Eric Trump thought he was being cute, just like you, by tweeting a photo of Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton's wedding, only to be forced to delete it when people started responding with the dozens of photos of Donald Trump with both Maxwell and Epstein. So if anyone's going to jail, my money is on the guy who was accused in a sworn deposition of raping a 13 year old girl with Epstein as an accomplice. Originally Posted by Doove
More of this debunked garbage? News flash: that “rape” charge was thrown out due to a lack of evidence that it ever happened. Thrown out in California AND New York. The two most liberal states in the union.Your dozens of photos from 30 years ago agains the current ones of Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton (who lied about not ever being at that island). Trump also banned Epstein from his resort. Did that escape you? But never let the facts get in the way of a good TDS tantrum right?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-03-2020, 04:27 PM
More of this debunked garbage? News flash: that “rape” charge was thrown out due to a lack of evidence that it ever happened. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
It was thrown out in California due to filing irregularities from her pro se filing. She obtained a lawyer and refiled it in NY where she eventually withdrew the complaint after stating she had received death threats. Given that death threats were mentioned as part of her sworn deposition, it sounds entirely plausible. Either way, at no point was it thrown out due to lack of evidence. You are, of course, wrong.

Your dozens of photos from 30 years ago agains the current ones of Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton (who lied about not ever being at that island).
27 years ago is when the alleged rape occurred. So that defense just doesn't quite work for ya now, does it?

Trump also banned Epstein from his resort. Did that escape you?
Yeah, in 2002 i believe. Trump conveniently claimed it was due to Epstein's hitting on young girls (not that Trump's ever lied before LOL) but other claims suggest it was over a real estate deal gone bad or something. Prior to that however....
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Mr. Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Interesting, wouldn't ya say?

But never let the facts get in the way of a good TDS tantrum right?
Facts? Fact, there was not only a sworn deposition, but a corroborating deposition from a second person. Fact, Donald Trump is on tape confessing to sexually molesting women. Fact, Ivana Trump accused Trump of raping her during their marriage. Fact, Donald Trump is on tape admiring a 10 year old, claiming he'll be dating her in 10 years. Fact, Donald Trump has some pretty creeeeeeeeeeeepy pictures taken of him and Ivanka when she was in her teens. Even early teens. Fact, Donald Trump clearly was pretty damn friendly with someone who was trafficking in young girls. Fact, Donald Trump is a disgusting human being, and he always has been. And fact, the TDS is coming from the pro-Trump side for thinking a guy with 4 bankruptcies and multiple failed business ventures is a great businessman. That a serial adulterer who's never been to church and can't cite a Bible verse is a great Christian. That the guy who insults POWs for being POWs cares about veterans. So if you wanna talk about TDS, we can have that conversation.
I hope she doesn’t catch Covid at the MCC .... cough cough ��
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Let’s not rush to conclusions, this isn’t just some pandemic. Whew
Fact, Donald Trump has some pretty creeeeeeeeeeeepy pictures taken of him and Ivanka when she was in her teens. Even early teens. Fact, Donald Trump clearly was pretty damn friendly with someone who was trafficking in young girls. Originally Posted by Doove
You left out the fact that trump spoke of, on camera, his desire to date Ivanka.

Most damaging is that "people say" Maxwell likely will be able to shed some light on the trump, Epstein, Ivanka "deal". Or I guess it could be called "arrangement".