Should deranged Trumptards be banned from stealing hammers of law abiding citizens?

matchingmole's Avatar
Trumptards would say no...normal people would disagree
Precious_b's Avatar
Seeing how the righty right say the demos are violent, be nice to see a one-to-one count of individuals raising their fist instead of their voices.

If the latest cali one proves to be politically motivated, i'd like to hear how the conservatives slide if off.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I think stealing is already a bannable offense.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trumptards would say no...normal people would disagree Originally Posted by matchingmole

well. welcome back valued poster.

three things.

first define "normal people"

second define "Trumptards"

third all of the above

oilfieldace's Avatar
Trumptards would say no...normal people would disagree Originally Posted by matchingmole
Who is this law abiding citizen? What do you call normal people? LWL? Antietam? BLM?
Precious_b's Avatar
Didn't see where the OP singled out an individual.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trumptards would say no...normal people would disagree Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so

Seeing how the righty right say the demos are violent, be nice to see a one-to-one count of individuals raising their fist instead of their voices.

If the latest cali one proves to be politically motivated, i'd like to hear how the conservatives slide if off. Originally Posted by Precious_b

turns out the story is trending lefty-left. imagine that.

unless one considers a deranged Canadian illegal immigrant nudist who supports BLM and ABCLGBTQXYZ a "conservative"

ICU 812's Avatar
I don't think that the hammer-guy has been thoroughly vetted yet.

reporting from multiple sources do not agree on exactly what happened either.

It is my belief that the local mainstream media and law enforcement are giving rhe Paul Pelosi and family a bubble of privilege on this one and the DUI from a few months ago.

The Pelosi estate must be about as secure as the White House. with alarms and security cameras inside and out. So how did this guy get in without tripping an alarm if there was "forced entry" as the police describe it?

Why haven't the police released body-camera video of the asdsault? Theywere there and found Pelosi and the Hammer guy wrestling over the hammer. There should be video of that from both the police and internal security ams.

There is informed speculation that some third person opened the door to let in the police, but no one officially knows about that. Kinda like the DUI scene where the likely hood of a passenger is high (who called 911>) but seems to have disappeared.

Paul Pelosi has quite an active night life after midnight for someone over the age of eighty.
ICU 812's Avatar
And attempting to dismiss the validity of anyone's point of view by calling some kind of "-tard" just is not effective.

It is grade school playground stuff.

I would respond with "sticks and stones . ." or "I'm rubber, you're glue . . " and so on.
oilfieldace's Avatar
And attempting to dismiss the validity of anyone's point of view by calling some kind of "-tard" just is not effective.

It is grade school playground stuff.

I would respond with "sticks and stones . ." or "I'm rubber, you're glue . . " and so on. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Bug or windshield scenario
Rock Paper Scissors ( I still don’t get that one)
Fuck with the bull ,you get the horn, somewhat self explanatory, maybe the pervs mind goes somewhere else.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Pretty confident that the lefties have gone crazy again. This guy? Flies a BLM flag, talks in woke terms, an illegal alien...yeah, a lefty but you know those on the left can't smell their own stink.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Pretty confident that the lefties have gone crazy again. This guy? Flies a BLM flag, talks in woke terms, an illegal alien...yeah, a lefty but you know those on the left can't smell their own stink. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I hope you aren’t trying to logic to woke facts. Surely a waste the time , because their most watched TV news and blogs, don’t report news.

The topic tries to get a response and calls several members on this Forum Tards. I got pointed out for applying an adjective to an animal. I guess the mod must have had insight , because I didn’t use any names. My bad ,I guess it’s not ok for me , but numerous people to say Tard, an acceptable,
HedonistForever's Avatar
My favorite line which seems to have been "adopted" ( by CNN and MSNBC ) after careful polling as most likely to help Democrats in the mid-terms is "wake up people"!!! He said "where is Nancy" so he is OBVIOUSLY a Jan. 6th insurrectionist and went there on the orders of Trump!!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Just in case I bought a hammer yesterday. It's 24 ounces of power with a high capacity nail magazine, a bump handle, and (don't tell anyone this) but I have a conversion kit to make it full auto. I'll get my house built in no time with that little piece of hardware.
ICU 812's Avatar
Bug or windshield scenario
Rock Paper Scissors ( I still don’t get that one)
Fuck with the bull ,you get the horn, somewhat self explanatory, maybe the pervs mind goes somewhere else. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
The point of that mockery is that mere name calling doesn't make a point or convince anyone to by=uy into a different point of view.

I would ask those who disagree with me on some topic to explaine to me why I am wrong and convince me to adopt their way of thinking.

Cslling me some demeaning name won't do it.