It's time for a change in my life, too.

TinMan's Avatar
I have been contemplating this for some time. It's been a difficult decision, but one I've known for some time I've needed to make. I finally had to admit I've been in a rut, and after almost 20 years of doing the same thing it is time for a change. So here it is:

I'm switching from Bombay Sapphire to Hendrick's.

I hope this works out for me. And if it doesn't, I hope you all don't judge me too harshly if I go back to Sapphire.

Thanks to all my friends in supporting me with this decision.
OldGrump's Avatar
Tinman, you have my full support.

Now what the Hell is Bombay Sapphire & Hendrick's. Cologne? Scotch? Tailor? Deodorant?

No matter. Go with it and good luck.
TinMan's Avatar
Gin. Really good gin.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Really good gin? No such thing. They all leave the scent of Pine Sol in my throat.
TinMan's Avatar
Really good gin? No such thing. They all leave the scent of Pine Sol in my throat. Originally Posted by GracePreston
pmdelites's Avatar
rum - preferably aged
Pistol Man's Avatar
Tin Man, I prefer Tanqueray Rangpur for my gin fix. A martini is simply not the real thing without the Rangpur.
TinMan's Avatar
I respect that decision Pistol Man. Primarily because it is still gin, which we agree is the necessary ingredient for a true martini.
ditch gin and go for vodka. Ciroc
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Tin Man, I prefer Tanqueray Rangpur for my gin fix. A martini is simply not the real thing without the Rangpur. Originally Posted by Pistol Man
Man after my own heart!

Isn't Hendrick's (remembering from my old drinking days) a bit more harsh tasting than the Bombay?

Or that supposed to be more a full bodied taste? (Really. No pun intended. I'm just trying to remember why I didn't like Hendrick's.)

As a connoisseur of such things, why did you make such a change?
try this... with all of the above" width="858" height="508">" />">

mod please fix link so video will show.. tx
ManSlut's Avatar
Good luck with your decision TinMan, I'm sure it was a tough one to make, but well thought out...I'm glad to hear they weren't types of Californian Medicinal Mary Jane.
TinMan's Avatar

It's not as dry, which is why many old-schoolers turn their noses up at it. As I get older, I'm having a harder time with the traditional London Dry gins (outside of G&Ts, which almost demand it).

It may be that my taste buds have been ruined by my willingness to sacrifice my principals and drink more vodka, mainly in my eagerness to get chicks drunk.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

It's not as dry, which is why many old-schoolers turn their noses up at it. As I get older, I'm having a harder time with the traditional London Dry gins (outside of G&Ts, which almost demand it).

It may be that my taste buds have been ruined by my willingness to sacrifice my principals and drink more vodka, mainly in my eagerness to get chicks drunk. Originally Posted by TinMan
I am remembering correctly. I always thought of you as a purist when it came to martinis.

Then, I've read here and there about vodka preferences and I was concerned you had lost your edge, having always admired your drinking acumen from afar. And now I learn that it's just for the pussy. Oh my. I wrote that word, didn't I?

Glad that you're getting your priorities back in shape!

When will people learn that the only time to drink vodka is when it's made from potatoes, straight, and chilled in the freezer?

Damn. Sometimes I miss it all.