America: #1 globally in mass shootings

Here's a #1 that isn't something to be proud of
It is a paradox that some of the very things that make The United States of America the greatest, and most free Country on the Planet also make it dangerous.

I can still go back to the quote by Tony Blair. You judge a Country by not how many people who are trying to leave, but by how many people are trying to get in.

Regardless of how bad these statistics look on an individule basis, Americans, it seem, are willing to put up with the bad in order to enjoy the way of life and freedoms that makes America such a unique place.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Budman's Avatar
Approximate populations of the countries listed. As you can see the US has just about the same population as all the other countries combined. The article and percentages are somewhat disingenuous considering they are comparing the US to countries less than half the size. Another way to look at it would be the US has 31 percent while the equivalent population has 69 percent. I wonder what the gun laws in those other countries. I bet their gun laws are much more strict than ours.

US: 320 million

Philippines: 100 million

Russia: 145 million

Yemen: 25 million

France: 70 million
  • DSK
  • 08-26-2015, 08:13 AM
It is a paradox that some of the very things that make The United States of America the greatest, and most free Country on the Planet also make it dangerous.

I can still go back to the quote by Tony Blair. You judge a Country by not how many people who are trying to leave, but by how many people are trying to get in.

Regardless of how bad these statistics look on an individule basis, Americans, it seem, are willing to put up with the bad in order to enjoy the way of life and freedoms that makes America such a unique place. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Why the silly cheerleading for America? We used to be the greatest, but like Mohammed Ali, we are now a punch drunk, trembling shell of our former selves. Our freedoms are so eroded that I would say Mexico is more free - unless you are an illegal immigrant from Central America trying not to get raped, because they are treated like shit down there.

People only want to get in this country for a free ride, not because it is great.

Multicultural countries that have the government favoring certain ethnic groups are bound to have deep seated resentments from the unfavored citizens.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I most certainly support gun control. I want age restrictions on who can carry guns in public. I want to be able to ban handguns from my home and I want ANY establishment to have the right to ban handguns. I would like people who carry handguns in public to show a level of competence in handling their handguns and show that they know the laws about using their handguns. I support a state's right to enact gun control legislation as they see fit.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Why the silly cheerleading for America? We used to be the greatest, but like Mohammed Ali, we are now a punch drunk, trembling shell of our former selves. Our freedoms are so eroded that I would say Mexico is more free - unless you are an illegal immigrant from Central America trying not to get raped, because they are treated like shit down there.

People only want to get in this country for a free ride, not because it is great.

Multicultural countries that have the government favoring certain ethnic groups are bound to have deep seated resentments from the unfavored citizens. Originally Posted by DSK
Interested in knowing exactly what freedoms you used to have in the U.S. that you no longer have?
I most certainly support gun control. I want age restrictions on who can carry guns in public. I want to be able to ban handguns from my home and I want ANY establishment to have the right to ban handguns. I would like people who carry handguns in public to show a level of competence in handling their handguns and show that they know the laws about using their handguns. I support a state's right to enact gun control legislation as they see fit. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I too support gun control. The clip below illustrates the only gun control you'll ever need.

Our freedoms are so eroded that I would say Mexico is more free Originally Posted by DSK
Then why don't you march your worthless Cowardly, Welshing ass across the Mexican border and get an up close and personal taste of their brand of "freedom."

Hopefully, the cartels will take care of a weasel like you, very quickly!

If not, report back to us in a year or two. (We are not going to hold our breath)

Fuk'n Welsher!
Alison Parker, and Adam ward were shot dead during a on air broadcast in Virginia this morning.
Alison Parker, and Adam ward were shot dead during a on air broadcast in Virginia this morning. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Watch this clip. I would have to call this shooting bullshit.

  • DSK
  • 08-26-2015, 10:46 AM
Interested in knowing exactly what freedoms you used to have in the U.S. that you no longer have? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Freedom to hire who I want, and freedom to serve who I want.
  • DSK
  • 08-26-2015, 10:47 AM
Then why don't you march your worthless Cowardly, Welshing ass across the Mexican border and get an up close and personal taste of their brand of "freedom."

Hopefully, the cartels will take care of a weasel like you, very quickly!

If not, report back to us in a year or two. (We are not going to hold our breath)

Fuk'n Welsher! Originally Posted by bigtex
Fuck you asshole. Why don't you go hide behind a big rock, and ambush a helpless animal with an illegal firearm.
Watch this clip. I would have to call this shooting bullshit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Which one is bullshit, the shooting, or the lives of two journalists?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Watch this clip. I would have to call this shooting bullshit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
interesting viewpoint. and that's not the clip being played on the "Traditional Outlets"

this is the angle being played on the Media