Jim Jordan Sends Letter to FISC Asking Why Obama Admin Official Is Helping Them on Reforms

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

looks they're still trying to send a fox to the hen house (FISA court).

Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, sent a letter to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) asking why they are choosing to have a former Obama administration-era Justice Department official assist them in explaining the FISA warrant abuses that were discovered in the Inspector General's report.

The letter, which was obtained by Townhall, was sent to Presiding Judge James Boasberg on Thursday and states, "We respectfully write with questions about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court's (FISC) commitment to protecting the civil liberties of American citizens when federal law enforcement applies for electronic surveillance."

Jordan is taking issue with the FISC appointing David Kris to serve as their amicus curiae "to assist the Court in assessing the government's response" to Judge Collyer's order.

First, Mr. Kris, a former senior Obama Justice Department official, has frequently defended the FBI's existing electronic surveillance practices. In February 2018, as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) prepared to release a memorandum of findings about FISA abuses, Mr. Kris boasted about the rigorous process for FISA warrants.

this is not the guy you want in charge of the FISA process.
  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2020, 08:42 AM
Good for Rep Jordan - hopefully shining some light on this sordid DPST scam will have the roaches scurrying for cover.

Looks like the folks on the FISA court are part of it - love to see the judges questioned under oath about how much they knew of the Steele dossier and it's "Truth" per DPST narrative.
Correct. But ask yourself: Who appointed this guy? My understanding was Justice Roberts.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Correct. But ask yourself: Who appointed this guy? My understanding was Justice Roberts. Originally Posted by gnadfly

which one, FISA judges or the amicus curiae?