The Young Turds are in a conundrum... "why did you open your moronic mouth NAN??"

The VAST majority of comments on youtube of this elitist Bullosey's video are speaking volumes and to think this bitch is hoping to hurt Trump as is SPEED and the rest of the left...can you say "NO SELF-AWAERNESS"!! THIS WILL BE ANOTHER BACKFIRE FOR THE SHAMELESS LEFT!! What a boneheaded bitch your leader SPEED. Isn't Socialism the compassionate ideology SPEED?? These out of touch elitist put party or the fine people of this great nation.
Socialism is a gutless choice...Nancy Anoinette...let me eat $15 a pint ice and screw the suffering of peasants...sound familiar SPEED?? This air headed "The Young Turds" bitch is longing for BERNIE policies!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This plandemic is being politicized to the utmost. There is more false information about it than truth. This will bring about blood and destruction. Wake your asses up people.
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Your a fake with that handle, but, The Young Turd's are the real deal for YOUS and YOUS socialist dream HOE AKA YR...
HoeHummer's Avatar
And yous are wrong again, beebsy!

But that doesn’t stop yous and Pedsy reposting fake news, eh?

That’s what a lot of people are saying anyway.
But that doesn’t stop yous and Pedsy reposting fake news, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
So what was fake about the Pelosi video. Please explain.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The VAST majority of comments on youtube of this elitist Bullosey's video are speaking volumes and to think this bitch is hoping to hurt Trump as is SPEED and the rest of the left...can you say "NO SELF-AWAERNESS"!! THIS WILL BE ANOTHER BACKFIRE FOR THE SHAMELESS LEFT!! What a boneheaded bitch your leader SPEED. Isn't Socialism the compassionate ideology SPEED?? These out of touch elitist put party or the fine people of this great nation.
Socialism is a gutless choice...Nancy Anoinette...let me eat $15 a pint ice and screw the suffering of peasants...sound familiar SPEED?? This air headed "The Young Turds" bitch is longing for BERNIE policies!! Originally Posted by bb1961
And yet Trump's approval ratings continue to fall.
And yous are wrong again, beebsy!

But that doesn’t stop yous and Pedsy reposting fake news, eh?

That’s what a lot of people are saying anyway. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Nancy is very rich and is used to people telling her how wonderful she is because they like her politics and people tend to suck up to the rich and powerful. So, it was easy for the sympathetic host of the show to accidentally trick her into doing something so stupid as to show off her multiple high end refrigerators and gourmet ice cream.

Ironically, I would probably buy that quality of ice cream if I ate ice cream, and if I had such unhealthy shit in my freezer I would show it off like that to my guests that so they could eat it. Nancy lost the context of what she was doing in this obvious puff piece, and it has bitten her in her rich ass.

Ironically, the one liberal politician I ever admired in spite of his shitty liberal policies was that old fatso Tip O'Neill - who never profiteered off his office and remained fat and broke his whole life.

Trump appeals to people who hate the arrogant rich, not the merely rich.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And yous are wrong again, beebsy!

But that doesn’t stop yous and Pedsy reposting fake news, eh?

That’s what a lot of people are saying anyway. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

And yet Trump's approval ratings continue to fall. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You keep praying that this disconnected of your leader and the sheer arrogance of this bitches video won't piss off the millions of people who are on the verge of financial ruin, then your understanding of reality is going to get a reality check come November. It sure did get The Young Turds panties in a wad!!

This video clearly shows how you and your elitist leader that don't give a fuck about the 22+ million without a job and their financial future in serious jeopardy. Did you endorse this video horseshit SPEED, you didn't comment on that...Hmmm the Young Turds who are as radically leftwing as Salinsky sure commented on it. This youtube video is from The Young Turds...

When the "debates that won't matter are broadcast nationwide will you decipher what senile joe says for the undecided voters in the swing states... how can they decide to vote for someone they need a decoder ring to understand what they're saying??
So what was fake about the Pelosi video. Please explain. Originally Posted by eccielover
HOE the PHONY can't explain ANYTHING!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You keep praying that this disconnected of your leader and the sheer arrogance of this bitches video won't piss off the millions of people who are on the verge of financial ruin, then your understanding of reality is going to get a reality check come November. It sure did get The Young Turds panties in a wad!!

This video clearly shows how you and your elitist leader that don't give a fuck about the 22+ million without a job and their financial future in serious jeopardy. Did you endorse this video horseshit SPEED, you didn't comment on that...Hmmm the Young Turds who are as radically leftwing as Salinsky sure commented on it. This youtube video is from The Young Turds...

When the "debates that won't matter are broadcast nationwide will you decipher what senile joe says for the undecided voters in the swing states... how can they decide to vote for someone they need a decoder ring to understand what they're saying?? Originally Posted by bb1961
I have not been a huge fan of Pelosi but I do like how she stands up to Trump when he unsuccessfully tries to bully her as he does with the Republicans in Congress.

When people go to the polls on November 3rd, they will be voting for Trump or Biden, not Pelosi or any other person.

Did you watch any of the Democratic debates? Biden started slowly in the first 2 debates but was fine in the rest of them. There will be no surprise questions asked in the debates. Both Trump and Biden will be well rehearsed in their responses. What will be interesting to me is Trump having to defend his failures in office.
Voters are smart enough to realize Biden will be a rubber stamp to anything Pelosi and Schumer generate out of Congress. Some people are totally okay with that idea. Other people are not. Trump's campaign is wise to put her front and center in commercials. Anyone from anywhere on the political spectrum can tell she is an elitist, out-of-touch politician who is the poster child for term limits.
HoeHummer's Avatar
HOE the PHONY can't explain ANYTHING!! Originally Posted by bb1961
The video in the OP was utter bullshit.

Put your oulkshit back in your pocket and explain that, beebsy.

You and dillsy are posting enough ignorant bullshit and conspiracies nonstop these days to qualifies for a position in the Trumpler ministry of Fake News.

Yous probably ought to consider pumping the brakes on that one.