Yahoo has temporarily (permanently) suspended comments

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i saw this beginning a few week ago. some Yahoo articles (the few they actually write) no longer allowed comments. now it's all articles even third party content.

"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the experience." Start survey

we all know why this is happening. Yahoo is spending too much censoring comments. so they are just going to get rid of comments altogether. easier and cheaper than censoring all the Pro TRUMP comments that upsets those snowflakes at Yahoo.

most of the far leftist rags like the HuffyPooPoo never allowed comments. is it any wonder why? they don't want all those PRO TRUMP comments upsetting their libtards!

they need their safe space on the Internet!


take this article .. negative of course to Trump .. trying to support the Portland terrorists. clearly they don't want "top liked" PRO TRUMP comments.

because that's always what you see. the "top liked" comments. oh you can .. er .. could change that .. show other options like "newest comments" but by default it was "top liked".

just way too many "top liked" PRO TRUMP comments for those Yahoo snowflakes!

Trump's Actions in Portland Mesh With His Political Message

the source?

the NY Times. yeah .. those losers whose readership is tanking because they dared defy Lord Trump!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i completed the survey.

don't think that will do any good. lol.
matchingmole's Avatar
The Gateway Pundit is one of the dumbest conservative publishers in America and the world. Our website averages 1.3 million billion jillion page views a day. The left hates TGP because we break wind, shape narrative and are more trustworthy than any of the major liberal outlets
Lapdog's Avatar
i saw this beginning a few week ago. some Yahoo articles (the few they actually write) no longer allowed comments. now it's all articles even third party content.

"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the experience." Start survey

we all know why this is happening. Yahoo is spending too much censoring comments. so they are just going to get rid of comments altogether. easier and cheaper than censoring all the Pro TRUMP comments that upsets those snowflakes at Yahoo.

most of the far leftist rags like the HuffyPooPoo never allowed comments. is it any wonder why? they don't want all those PRO TRUMP comments upsetting their libtards!

they need their safe space on the Internet!


take this article .. negative of course to Trump .. trying to support the Portland terrorists. clearly they don't want "top liked" PRO TRUMP comments.

because that's always what you see. the "top liked" comments. oh you can .. er .. could change that .. show other options like "newest comments" but by default it was "top liked".

just way too many "top liked" PRO TRUMP comments for those Yahoo snowflakes!

Trump's Actions in Portland Mesh With His Political Message

the source?

the NY Times. yeah .. those losers whose readership is tanking because they dared defy Lord Trump!!!!

BAHHAAAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Quit trying to gain sympathy by always playing the victim, Whacko. It's not just PRO Trump comments that they have been censoring all along, and you know it. I've had my comments censored numerous times over the years, and I wouldn't make a PRO Trump comment if you held a gun to my head.

Grace Preston's Avatar
Why is it that businesses only have the right to run as they see fit when they support conservative values? (Cake bakers, florists, county clerks).....
Ripmany's Avatar
Haven't look at Yahoo much in years. Community is one way to know if real.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yahoo stock has been in the toilet for some time.

Yahoo used to be top search dog until Google uprooted them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why is it that businesses only have the right to run as they see fit when they support conservative values? (Cake bakers, florists, county clerks)..... Originally Posted by Grace Preston

what does that have to do with Yahoo?

yahoo stock has been in the toilet for some time.

Yahoo used to be top search dog until Google uprooted them. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

they were one of the many companies that could have obtained Page and Brin's search code. they aren't the only ones who passed, so did Microsoft and others.
I noticed that too. Remember The Federalist and Zerohedge had their google ads revenue revoked because of their comment section. The Federalist took out the comments section and has yet to restore it although they promised to.

Tucker Carlson and other Fox broadcasters have had trouble obtaining advertisers even though they are top rated and with the correct demographics. Go to see thedailybeast or MSNBC and see if they are having trouble with mainstream advertisers or google ads. Hint: they aren't. Much of the DailyBeast (not DailyCaller) articles and comments are just ridiculous and just as culture cancel worthy, if not more, than the right.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The fundamental advertising mistake.
Viewership ratings do not translate into ad revenue if the advertisers don't like the viewership demographics.
ie, under 30 millenials really don't have money to buy anything. If under 30s do have a nice paycheck, they are capitalists at heart and are not the definition of millennials and thus wouldn't be in the viewership demographics.

I'll add an unrelated issue that also involves allowing comments on news posts. The amount of IT expense to provide comment space is rather expensive with server space and related. And there's no direct revenue for that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I noticed that too. Remember The Federalist and Zerohedge had their google ads revenue revoked because of their comment section. The Federalist took out the comments section and has yet to restore it although they promised to.

Tucker Carlson and other Fox broadcasters have had trouble obtaining advertisers even though they are top rated and with the correct demographics. Go to see thedailybeast or MSNBC and see if they are having trouble with mainstream advertisers or google ads. Hint: they aren't. Much of the DailyBeast (not DailyCaller) articles and comments are just ridiculous and just as culture cancel worthy, if not more, than the right. Originally Posted by gnadfly

yep. and Zerohedge refused to take down their comments section. just checked and they still have a comments section.

i find it amusing that most of the far left rags never had comments. like the HuffyPooPoo.

Carlson will be fine. the "wokesters" will give in before he does. why? ratings = money.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Why is it that businesses only have the right to run as they see fit when they support conservative values? (Cake bakers, florists, county clerks)..... Originally Posted by Grace Preston

I've read this a couple of times, trying to make sure I understand your point. Maybe I'm just not seeing it but it sounds like you are saying that bakers, florist and clerks have the right to run as they see fit. I know you can't possibly mean that because those are that categories of jobs with the least right to run as they see fit.

I must not be understanding this the way you meant it.
The fundamental advertising mistake.
Viewership ratings do not translate into ad revenue if the advertisers don't like the viewership demographics.
ie, under 30 millenials really don't have money to buy anything. If under 30s do have a nice paycheck, they are capitalists at heart and are not the definition of millennials and thus wouldn't be in the viewership demographics.

I'll add an unrelated issue that also involves allowing comments on news posts. The amount of IT expense to provide comment space is rather expensive with server space and related. And there's no direct revenue for that. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I doubt putting DISQUS on your website is that expensive. Just looked it up, it's free.
You can always go to FB and put comments on various news accounts.

As far as ad revenue, the service that controls who gets what advertisers (for the most part) is Dem controlled.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I've read this a couple of times, trying to make sure I understand your point. Maybe I'm just not seeing it but it sounds like you are saying that bakers, florist and clerks have the right to run as they see fit. I know you can't possibly mean that because those are that categories of jobs with the least right to run as they see fit.

I must not be understanding this the way you meant it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Sigh.. in recent years-- a few people have been dragged through the mud and even sued over not providing services to members of the gay community. Many members of the conservative majority were quick to say "businesses should be able to run their business as they see fit". So why is it that the same rules don't seem to apply and people want to bitch about what a business does-- when its clear that the reasoning is against their political ideology?

I don't doubt for a second that the move is partially political on Yahoo's part... but so what? They're a private enterprise.. they can do what they damn well want, right?
There was no claim that people should be able to run their businesses “as they see fit” In order to deny services to any segment of the population

No one claimed that

Business owners did assert constitutional rights

The constitution being the ultimate safety net for our rights

As to yahoo stopping comments, I’ve read some of the comments in the past. Many were entertaining, seems people take their wittiest shots when they have composition time and an audience

There would be some unnecessary tit for tat and of course the left wing slanted article itself would be rightly skewered, both of which probably was the instigation

Yahoo didn’t like their content writers idiocies, Idiocies that cost them money, being outsmarted by comments