Strangest place you’ve had an encounter?

les123's Avatar
So I utr I haven’t seen in a couple years texted me the other day. She sent a bunch of pics and I enquired where we would meet. Here is her bizarre ( to me ) response:
“ we could meet in the nursing room at the mall”
Wtf! So I’m pretty plain vanilla. Wild to me is the back seat of my car in a parking lot or on a bike trail. What’s the craziest place you’ve met?

P.S. oh yeah, I almost forgot, in a barn. Not a big deal but she lived in the barn! Lol.
Lolove's Avatar
Church ... he was a traveling pastor lol staying in the church . Very bizarre
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Golf course green.
Yes moved the flag.

Diff gal, sandtrap, same golf course

Diff gal, on beach under a boardwalk.
Still seeing that gal.
I was out of town for a kids baseball tournament once. My ex had the kids that weekend so I had my own room. the group of parents and kids were all having drinks. I said I had a work issue and went up to my room and met a woman while they were all downstairs. She walked out right after me and we both sort of winked. LOL she def turned a few Dad heads but nobody knew we knew each other.
mine is somewhat old school. Back when there was a massage place downtown on Keo. There was a waiting room and then a hallway you could see. It wasn't an asian massage place. Had Caucasian ladies there. Wouldn't even call it a massage place cause it was basically you'd pay for the "massage" but then you got down to business.

Anyway, the gal wanted to fuck in the hallway where people walking in could see us. I was up for that. She said something about pissing off the other ladies. All I know was she was very loud and fun.
livn2do's Avatar
Church as well for me
Thay was like ToNeCa or something like that on Keo. What evrr happened to places like that and the Water Palace on George Flagg area and my personal favoritr, The Phoenix Book Store?
all of those places got pushed out. Wasn't like there wasn't demand (clientele).
Ymca camp in northern wisky in boat house while folks on the dock.
Chicago museum of art. Near a famous painting.
On a sparsely populated San Diego flight to new york last row red eye. This was fun. We met on plane.
In the back of a minivan on I-80 west bound as my buddies drove van while I was with #1 in this post. They thought the wind had picked up and explained the vans challenges heading down road. Lol. Ps this was at 130 in morning as I had to be at practice to satisfy my team and keep my scholarship.
Disk golf course in Ankeny. Hole in1!
Back of a pickup with a topper, while her dad and uncle were driving up front. It was a blast!
forgot about the classified days. Answered an ad from a local provider. Showed up at the house and she directed me outside to a camper. We did it there. I remember her cause she said her sister was also a provider. Should have kept her number for a duo with sisters.

Anyone else have duos with providers who were relatives?
Conference room table at my office with a provider.

Also receiving votes: bar bathroom, an old abandoned office building and outside at a historical monument (smaller town, local history not well known). Also has the camper experience as mentioned previously.
On a stage in a bar in Thailand with a sizeable crowd in attendance, circa 1989.
KerryHutchins's Avatar
Got a blowjob laying on the entrance incline of the downtown San Francisco metro bus station at evening rush hour. 35 years ago. Yeah, that explains it.
ShellySweetheart's Avatar
In a law office, client had no time to leave but needed me, so I came to him.

At a hospital in a staff sleeping room, serioisly fun getting drilled by a great doctor on call.

On the back of a jeep in Mexico on a bike path with 4 other people. Best time ever! caught by the cops, everyone but me had to pay the cop 200 bucks and I blew him instead of paying him!

Had a date with a guy who managed some apartments he took to me the bar accross the street, we walked back but didnt make it inside, I rode him on the ledge outside the door. We got a round of applause by some tenants sitting on there balconies when we were done.