Typical. Slam the leader and then offer no advice. Rummy is about the same as some of you numbnut Tea tards...

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  • 09-03-2013, 11:55 PM
Rumsfeld slams Obama on Syria, calls him weakest president in his lifetime

Despite all of his statements, when asked what guidance he would give on the Syrian situation, however, Rumsfeld did admit, "I'm glad I don't have to give advice to be honest with you."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You really don't get it do you WTF. Past presidents, and high ranking officials avoid giving their own position in the midst of a crisis. It just serves to divide the nation. Rumsfeld actually did Obama a favor by not putting out advice that is probably a lot better than the actions taken by Obama.
Rumsfeld actually did Obama a favor by not putting out advice that is probably a lot better than the actions taken by Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Idiot (twin brother of IB) wants us to take Rummy's advice? Wasn't Rummy the neo-con who along with Cheney and Wolfie convinced a totally clueless Dubya that the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, was in America's best interest? How stupid was that?

What would Dubya say about this in today's environment? Perhaps he would reiterate his now famous words of yesteryear:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."


Here's my advice: Don't draw red lines you aren't going to immediately enforce.
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  • 09-04-2013, 08:08 AM
Here's my advice: Don't draw red lines you aren't going to immediately enforce. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Great advice from an idiot that has no understanding that there is no need to immediately enforce it. That is wtf you do not understand Syria is not going anywhere.

Do you recall Bush saying he was going after Osama...and how you Tea Tards cheered and eight years later you shrugged your shoulders when Bush left office. Tea Tards Shrugged should be the title of the next Ayn Rand's book.
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  • 09-04-2013, 08:10 AM
You really don't get it do you WTF. Past presidents, and high ranking officials avoid giving their own position in the midst of a crisis. It just serves to divide the nation. Rumsfeld actually did Obama a favor by not putting out advice that is probably a lot better than the actions taken by Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You do not get it you silly fucking excuse for a teacher. He did not give advice because he had none to give, all he could do was say was "Obama bad". When asked wtf to do, he did not have a clue as to what should be done.

So he says what a horrible job Obama is doing yet offers no advice....that is not what past high ranking officials do. See GWB if you want to understand what they actuall do. They stfu, period.
I B Hankering's Avatar
JD Idiot (twin brother of IB) wants us to take Rummy's advice? Wasn't Rummy the neo-con who along with Cheney and Wolfie convinced a totally clueless Dubya that the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, was in America's best interest? How stupid was that?

What would Dubya say about this in today's environment? Perhaps he would reiterate his now famous words of yesteryear:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/b...bushfoolme.htm MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
You're one of the asinine "idiots" that put Odumbo in office. "Mission Accomplished": you've proved you're an "idiot", BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar Asshat!
Haven't you heard: Obama now says he didn't draw the red line in Syria.....................and you know the Obamazombies will believe him.

Here's my advice: Don't draw red lines you aren't going to immediately enforce. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You are wrong WTF (again).............

Rumsfeld did offer his advice:
“You either ought to change the regime or you ought to do nothing.”

- Donald Rumsfeld on Syria

[SIZE=4]Rumsfeld slams Obama on Syria, calls him weakest president in his lifetime.

Despite all of his statements, when asked what guidance he would give on the Syrian situation, however, Rumsfeld did admit,[U] "I'm glad I don't have to give advice to be honest with you." Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 09-04-2013, 08:49 AM
Haven't you heard: Obama now says he didn't draw the red line in Syria.....................and you know the Obamazombies will believe him.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He re-drew it. There is no hurry to retaliate. Not sure why that is so hard to understand.
Obama did say he was drawing a red line..he said it in December 2012. Now he says he didn't say it.............what is so hard for you to understand ?

Not only did Obama draw the line; Kerry on Friday said it was urgent to respond quickly. Now Obama says there is no rush.....what is so hard for you to understand.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He re-drew it. There is no hurry to retaliate. Not sure why that is so hard to understand. Originally Posted by WTF
"Retaliate"? For what? No U.S. lives have been or are endangered, and the War Powers Resolution stipulates that there must be a real threat to U.S. lives before the president alone can employ military force.
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  • 09-04-2013, 09:13 AM
Obama did say he was drawing a red line..he said it in December 2012. Now he says he didn't say it.............what is so hard for you to understand ?

Not only did Obama draw the line; Kerry on Friday said it was urgent to respond quickly. Now Obama says there is no rush.....what is so hard for you to understand. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I understand fully. It is you having trouble. There is no hurry to respond. Despite what Kerry said. There is no military urgency. There might have been a perceived political urgency. There is a difference. Glad to see Obama was able to distinguish between the two. Hope you guys will understand the difference at some point but I doubt it.
You posture like you are informed; but sadly you are misinformed.

There is no hurry to respond because there is no threat to the US from the Assad regime; now or in the future. But if the anti Assad forces take control, then you can bet there will be a future threat. De-throning Assad is not in our interests at this time; but Obama continues to fund the Syrian rebels with $1 billion in military aid and counting............it is what the CIA was doing in Benghazi - funneling weapons from Turkey into Syria.
BTW, you originally claimed Rumsfeld didn't offer advice, only criticism of the Obama policy....but when proven wrong, you now deflect to Obama's leadership failures....it is funny watching you Obamazombies twist and turn to defend his incompetence.