Penis Pumps and/or Pills

I have seen pumps and heard of the many wonders like enhancing intercourse. But was wondering if they work as well as I have read and seen online.

Also anyone ever try all the late night advertising about increasing your size with a pill? Did it work or was it just a money pit for wishful thinking?
DarthMaul's Avatar
I have seen pumps and heard of the many wonders like enhancing intercourse. But was wondering if they work as well as I have read and seen online.

Also anyone ever try all the late night advertising about increasing your size with a pill? Did it work or was it just a money pit for wishful thinking? Originally Posted by windowshopper
I think most of the stuff is bullsh*&. Most of the stuff that I have seen about increasing size are only good for performance...not that this is a bad thing.

The only thing I have heard of that will increase size is a surgical procedure and that's mostly for girth and not length.
thebodyguard_69's Avatar
I've heard some really fucked up stories on penile surgeries... You face more risks than benefits, including not being able to fuck for 6 months if the procedure is 100% successful lol...But on a good note, what man wouldn't wanna be 3-4 inches bigger? I think that's a 6 months well worth it IMO.

as for sexual stamina and performance, there's some natural herbs that are proven to actually work. Yohimbe Bark is one of em and and it works wonders if you wanna last a little longer in bed.

aside from all the pills, pumps, and other crap. NOTHING beats a healthy diet and exercise.
Ride a FatBoy's Avatar
I have always thought that if there really were a pill that could make your cock bigger and definitely worked.....they could get any price they wanted. Same with ointments and shampoos that will grow hair...consistently. Just had a thought, market a magic potion that will do both...
NOTHING beats a healthy diet and exercise. Originally Posted by thebodyguard_69
Well said. It is amazing the difference.
caseytx's Avatar
Vacuum erection device (AKA penis pump) works for me. But don"t buy one at the novelty shop. Go online and find a good, medical grade VED. No prescription needed for most of them. It takes some practice and getting used to but the results are worth the effort and $$ ( for me anyway).
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
NOTHING beats a healthy diet, exercise and BEING YOUNG. Originally Posted by thebodyguard_69
Fixed that for ya... young fella...
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Vacuum erection device (AKA penis pump) works for me. But don"t buy one at the novelty shop. Go online and find a good, medical grade VED. No prescription needed for most of them. It takes some practice and getting used to but the results are worth the effort and $$ ( for me anyway). Originally Posted by caseytx
Orrrr ... go see Brooke Wilde... think of her as an organic Vacuum erection device ...
thebodyguard_69's Avatar
Fixed that for ya... young fella... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
LOL! hey man I know a few older cats that are just as "active". And I bet you still have a few tricks up your sleeve too TMFT so you're not fooling me! haha
pyramider's Avatar
Don't pull his finger.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Vacuum erection device (AKA penis pump) works for me. But don"t buy one at the novelty shop. Go online and find a good, medical grade VED. No prescription needed for most of them. It takes some practice and getting used to but the results are worth the effort and $$ ( for me anyway). Originally Posted by caseytx

But does it make you increase in size and if you use it on a regular basis does it make you large before you go into ACTION?
Ride a FatBoy's Avatar
Saw an erection creme advertised for increasing length and girth....catch was it had to be applied by a nubile 19YO brunette spinner...
Saw an erection creme advertised for increasing length and girth....catch was it had to be applied by a nubile 19YO brunette spinner... Originally Posted by Ride a FatBoy
^It worked for me. When she applied it, my thingy definitely got bigger! But it was only temporary.
caseytx's Avatar
The pump will not increase the size of your penis. But it will bring what you have to it's fullest big as you have ever been and just as hard. It is designed for men with erectile problems...not to make your natural (erect) size any larger. It can be used repeatedly (as in a session), but for 30 min. at a time.
ratboy jam's Avatar
The free sample pills off the infomercials are a SCAM. They need your credit card for the "shipping and handling charge. Then they AUTOMATICALLY start shipping and CHARGING you monthly. And it's a bitch to get the shipments stopped and the charges stopped. There have been numerous reports from various states Attorney Generals filing charges on those companies.

As for Yoimbe and other rotts/herbs, they ARE meds themselves. Used by Asian and American Indians and other cultures for centuries. There are warnigns on the bottle to consult physician...heed this warning more than seeing it on exercise products and diets. They can be fatal/harmful with prescribed amd OTC drugs.
Check on this site:
for reactions and such.
Yohimbe does work because of the speeding up of blood flow..but CAN give heart attacks and strokes. I took a liquid and a pill OTC from Cyndies before an Ava Baker experience. I got so shaky that we had to BP was going sky high. WATCH OUT!!!