Voice clips in showcases?

The_Seeker's Avatar
Sorry in advance if this is a total newb question, but have any of the beautiful ladies here considered posting voice clips in their showcases? Sure, videos are the ultimate showcase, but they seem hard to host, may violate eccie policy, etc... but a sultry voice clip would be a cool addition.

Besides the obvious physical attraction, I find myself equally attracted to a woman's personality, and to me a voice clip gives a good sense of that.

Do others agree, or am I just a weirdo?

Take it easy on the newbie please.
Lot of guys object to clicking on a page and suddenly having loud music or a sultry voice over their computer speakers. If it is a separate link to click on, that would be okay.

Anytime someone is going to have any audio, the title to their post should warn anyone viewing before they click on it.

That said, sure, being able to hear a voice probably helps. Though I have never had a bad surprise when meeting a lady, if I arrived and she sounded like Donald Duck or Elmer Fudd, I would probably be a bit taken back.

For some guys, they intend to keep the mouth of any lady they see otherwise occupied, so they don't really care if she has that sultry voice or sounds like a Saturday monring cartoon character.
Voice clips are good if done well, but if the pics are accurate and up to date, that would be all I needed.
Tigercat, agree on the unexpected audio, not good