Chris Rock's 'bet he white' joke about mass shooters slammed as 'racist'

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And it should be. Rock crossed the line here. He should feel all the backlash that results from it. Rock is a contradiction in terms. He's a funny fuck, that's for sure, he wouldn't be so popular if he wasn't. He cracks jokes about n****rs. he cracks jokes about whites and jews. he jokes about women. He yaps about white privilege yet brags about being rich.

Chris Rock's 'bet he white' joke about mass shooters slammed as 'racist'

A joke Chris Rock shared in reference to the latest mass shootings — and featuring a play on Betty White’s name — has riled up some fans, who are accusing the comedian of being “racist” against white people.

“The first thing people say when a mass shooting is announced,” the meme posted by Rock read, with a photo of the Golden Girls star underneath. The punchline is a pun inspired by her name: “Bet he white.”

The post fetched mixed reactions, with many cracking up, some expressing relief that the beloved 97-year-old White hadn’t died and quite a few critics slamming Rock for linking the mass shootings to white men. (Last weekend’s shootings in El Paso and Dayton were both committed by white men, one of whom had expressed white supremacist beliefs, though there have been mass shootings, including the Aurora, Ill. and Virginia Beach, Va. ones earlier this year, perpetrated by men of color.)

Some of Rock’s followers said it was unfair to assume shooters were white.

“If a white person posted this about black people their career would be over but when it’s the other way around nobody gives two s***s,” read one comment. “You can’t fight racism with racism, you’re just contributing to the problem. Sad a 17-year-old kid has to say this.”

“This is racist,” complained another commenter.

“Don’t ya love how this is racist but nobody cares because he is black,” one person wrote. “We all need to unite instead of being toxic on social media and solve the problem.”

“Stay out of politics clown,” read another angry comment. “The rich need to stop this.”

“Although it’s comedy, it’s still racist,” added a commenter. “Flip the races and say, ‘When we hear somebody was mugged, we think... ‘“

“Do you not like white people? Not all of us are bad people,” one asked Rock.

But Rock’s fans told the comedian’s “pressed” critics to “stop taking things so seriously.” Many also argued against the claim that Rock was being “racist” against white people because of the power dynamics at play.

“Black people can’t be racist because they have never exerted and forced their power and will over other people deemed lower than their race,” a Rock fan fired back at a commenter upset with the star. “You don’t understand and just wanna cry about the unfairness of your privileged life.”

“You’re about to trigger some conservatives,” one predicted.

“I am white and I approve this post,” added a follower.

“It’s a stereotypical fact,” wrote a Rock supporter. “A gag done by a comedian. What’s a comedian’s job again!? To make inappropriate jokes/gags. This one just happened to be a little too true, to the point that it stings.”

Rock hasn’t responded to the negative reactions. The comedian and former Oscars host has, however, devoted many of his recent Instagram posts to calling out the El Paso shooter’s ties to white supremacy and comparing his treatment by law enforcement to that of black men.
bambino's Avatar
Comedy is dead.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think everyone needs to relax and stop judging.. it is humor. just like the beheaded Trump and that red-headed Chick (name escapes me now). Commedians push envelopes, just groan and move on if it's not your thing. don't buy a ticket to see Chris Rock. but don't keep playing the racist card
bambino's Avatar
I think everyone needs to relax and stop judging.. it is humor. just like the beheaded Trump and that red-headed Chick (name escapes me now). Commedians push envelopes, just groan and move on if it's not your thing. don't buy a ticket to see Chris Rock. but don't keep playing the racist card Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You were just judging the Castro brothers for looking alike!!!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
You were just judging the Castro brothers for looking alike!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
no, you were judging me for judging that they look alike!
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2019, 07:15 PM
By DPST definition - their Plantation groups cannot be "Racist"
They never give up on forcing their narrative down American's throats.

Humor or not - it is still DPST propaganda - same as National Socialist propaganda of 1930's Germany.

With the Same Anti-Semitic Racism.

and the DPST love for kathy griffin and headless Trump
bambino's Avatar
no, you were judging me for judging that they look alike! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yes I was!!!!!! For you saying they look alike!!!!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think everyone needs to relax and stop judging.. it is humor. just like the beheaded Trump and that red-headed Chick (name escapes me now). Commedians push envelopes, just groan and move on if it's not your thing. don't buy a ticket to see Chris Rock. but don't keep playing the racist card Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Bullshit. Rock played the race card and knew it, in fact i think he did it intentionally. he deserves all the shitstorm he'll get for it, like Kathy Griffin did. that's who posted the Trump photo. it tanked her career, not like she had much of one to begin with. Rock will feel the impact but considering he's 1000x as funny as Griffin his career won't tank over it.

calling it comedy is a whitewash of a racist post. what about Betty White, who is by the way still alive at 97? what gives Rock the right to culturally appropriate her image to make a blatantly racist post over a horrific act?

let me add some facts too. i said it tanked Griffin's career , at least that's what she claimed. upfront i wouldn't have given her net worth at more than say 10-15 million. turns out this cunt is worth 30 million if you go by this site ..

Rock is estimated at 100 million. does not surprise me i would have figured he has earned at least 75 m off the top of my head.

even if this actually tanked both of their careers completely, made them so toxic they couldn't draw a crowd of five drunks at a dive bar, they aren't suffering. neither will be living in a ditch anytime soon .. unless they've pissed their money away. which is very unlikely.
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2019, 07:29 PM
TWK's - Amen
DPST feel free to be Racist - Yet call out and point fingers at anyone else they wish to denigrate.

PC police - i guess Denigrate is a Racist term for a Conservative to use now - isn't It!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-07-2019, 08:40 PM
The way to get through to some of these people is to stop putting money in their pocket.
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2019, 05:49 AM
RM - Amen!
It was a clever play on words that was actually a subtle dig at the assumption that most mass shooters are white.

Unbunch your panties and move on.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You were just judging the Castro brothers for looking alike!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Hey bud, they ARE alike. Identical twins tend to look alike.

Pretty comical how the right wingers in this forum are grasping at anything that moves to feel better about the utterly ugly world we live in, thanks to Chris Rock!

:ro flmao:
rexdutchman's Avatar
He's funny but free speech is dead , Which is what happens when everything is Racist , phobic ,,,,,,,Thank the DPST for that
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2019, 09:16 AM
Hey bud, they ARE alike. Identical twins tend to look alike.

Pretty comical how the right wingers in this forum are grasping at anything that moves to feel better about the utterly ugly world we live in, thanks to Chris Rock!

:ro flmao: Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Anti-White Racism makes you feel better?????
Thanks for the clarification on where YR stands on the Racism issue.
Rock deserved his criticism. And deserves to not get any money from my pocket.

DPST is the party of hate and Racism!!!!!