Watson might be a fellow hobbyists

  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2021, 12:36 PM
no sexual assault if she got on the "sexy train..
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Watson picked the wrong type of massage parlor and his happy ending turned into a lawsuit.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
FWIW, the news reported he has a habit of doing this, supposedly a couple more ladies have joined the lawsuit against him.
I think the team put someone up to this or found someone who complained about him so they could gain more control over him.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-18-2021, 04:38 AM
he probably thinks it's less hassle than a civvie.

he made a rookie mistake: assuming everyone in the massage biz slings pussy as a side hustle..

LMTs are tricky..
boardman's Avatar
It smells fishy. remedy may be on to something.
He ain't Robert Kraft.

A nice looking dude with money to burn like Watson doesn't have to go looking for pussy. It comes looking for him.
Sometimes they want the dick, sometimes they want their 15 minutes but usually they want the payoff.
Someone needs to tell Watson about this board. LOL.

I know a ex stripper from here in town that Watson alledgedly knocked up. She is smoking hot. He shipped her off to California to have the kid.

So Watson likes to let it all hang out I guess, Like the rest of us!!!

The attorney filing the lawsuits seems to be a shady mfer.
Someone needs to tell Watson about this board. LOL.

I know a ex stripper from here in town that Watson alledgedly knocked up. She is smoking hot. He shipped her off to California to have the kid.

So Watson likes to let it all hang out I guess, Like the rest of us!!!

The attorney filing the lawsuits seems to be a shady mfer. Originally Posted by Daddio
Why would he do that? California child support and alimony laws are much more liberal than Texas's.
VitaMan's Avatar
Might be......????
boardman's Avatar
Once is chance, twice is a coincidence, three is a pattern.
What is 9?
Tony Busby vs Rusty Hardin...this should be good!
Anyone want to guess who the winner will be? My money is on the attorneys...both of them.
TryWeakly's Avatar
12 now.....
MisterMeat's Avatar
If Tony Buzbee is involved, then you can be sure it's some kind of sleazy scam. That's all he does.
What's Buzbee's number? I know a lot of Texans fans that have been raped by the team over the years. We need a check!
CryptKicker's Avatar
Watson is a prime example of a NFL player taking advantage of his fame to rape ladies.