
I could end up voting for this guy.....

A new Manchin ‘No’: Amnesty without border security

The expensive Biden package includes a pathway to citizenship many consider amnesty instead of seeking illegals in the country to follow the rules of winning citizenship that millions more have.

“This money is not intended for border security or to fix any of the problems in the dysfunctional asylum system, but to grease the way for more illegal aliens to become permanent residents,” said Jessica M. Vaughan, the director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies.

“You would think that Tuesday’s election results might dampen the enthusiasm of Democrats for these kinds of actions, but I wonder if it won’t make the leadership more radical since they know their time will be up soon,” she added.

“I would love to do something for people that came even if they came wrong, pay your fine, get in line, 10 years back, you won't be jumping live, but nobody becomes a citizen until the border is declared secure. So that's not happening.”

A prior version of the Biden bill immigration package drew the scorn of the Senate parliamentarian who said it needed to be broken out for separate consideration.
Howdya like that? Guy's got a pair. Nice!