NC/No show in reviews

Ok, a mod. just informed me the concept of placing no call-no shows in co-ed was discussed and decided a couple of years ago. I think they should be in reviews. It is certianly a factor in deciding to see a particular provider. We have several of these issues being typed about right now. In a month they will be forgotten. This should be in the provider's history ie. reviews. What say ye fellow hobby patrons?
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar

How come the NC/NS link goes nowhere?
pyramider's Avatar
You want to beat that dead horse again?
Diddleman, I agree. It should be part of the decision making process. I know stuff happens, but for the consistent providers it should not be an issue even if they NC / NS on rare occasions. That said, I do think the providers should be able to respond to NC / NS explaining their side of the story.
Its in their histiory now. Just do a search in Co-ed. Its all right there.
Really, so everytime you consider a provider you have to also search co-ed ??? Wouldn't it be simpler to have it in reviews? By the way revisiting a dead horse only applies if you were here during the original dialogue.
addict's Avatar
Accidental post
I also search co-ed if I need to research a provider, yes. And while it might be simpler, it is not better. NC/NS are not always what they appear. Giving the provider a chance to give her side is as important. And, not all NC/NS reports are truly NC/NS. Hell. guys have posted NC/NS even when they never had an appointment. The gal said she would see him but never responed to his messges after that so he posted a NC/NS. Really? Really? Would you be happy if the gals could post NC/NS reports but you could not respond to them?
Really, so everytime you consider a provider you have to also search co-ed ??? Wouldn't it be simpler to have it in reviews? By the way revisiting a dead horse only applies if you were here during the original dialogue. Originally Posted by diddleman
addict's Avatar
I also search co-ed if I need to research a provider, yes. And while it might be simpler, it is not better. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Why is it "not better"?
Really, so everytime you consider a provider you have to also search co-ed ??? Wouldn't it be simpler to have it in reviews? By the way revisiting a dead horse only applies if you were here during the original dialogue. Originally Posted by diddleman
Diddleman actually it is dead horse. Your not saying anything new that was not brought up during the decision process. The decision fell on the fact no services took place hence it is not a review. If you really want to have a ncns pull up for the provider, put the phone number of the provider in this format xxx-yyy-tttt in the body of a ncns post. I still think if guys are placing ncns in a review format then ROS should be visible to the lady in question when moved to coed. But whatever
Ladies respond to negative reviews all the time right here in co-ed despite the reviews being in the review forum. So the ability of providers to respond as a justification for placing the NCNS "report" in coed AND not linking that report to their profiles is a red herring of the highest order.

NCNS's need to be linked. It's important information, in my very humble opinion. And it's information that not only helps the hobbyists, but also the legitimate providers by separating those who handle their business properly from the scam artists and time wasters who no-show clients. Bottom line: there's not a single GOOD reason not to link the information and the easiest way to facilitate that given the way the board is presently formatted is to link it to the reviews. And, yes, there needs to be a way to EASILY identify the NCNS time wasting CLIENTS, too. But we gotta fight this battle before we get to that one.
Agreeded Thatdude.

Also, if guys would simply FOLLOW INTRUCTIONS, then this whole process would work better allowing comments from the provider and hopefully know what really happened. If she really did NC/NS (which a big part of the time there really was no NC/NS) then how she handles it is really good to know.
Diddleman actually it is dead horse. Your not saying anything new that was not brought up during the decision process. The decision fell on the fact no services took place hence it is not a review. If you really want to have a ncns pull up for the provider, put the phone number of the provider in this format xxx-yyy-tttt in the body of a ncns post. I still think if guys are placing ncns in a review format then ROS should be visible to the lady in question when moved to coed. But whatever Originally Posted by Thatdude
pyramider's Avatar
icky will need more bandwidth if the ladies posted a thread everytime a fucktard NCNS.
Bottom line is this has been beat to death before. No solution will please everyone. But, the mamagement wants it does a specific way.

It would behoove everyone to try to follow the guidelines in place and see how it works. Not doing so just confuses things and makes more work for the mods. As if they didn't have enough to do already.
addict's Avatar
Bottom line is this has been beat to death before. No solution will please everyone. But, the mamagement wants it does a specific way.

It would behoove everyone to try to follow the guidelines in place and see how it works. Not doing so just confuses things and makes more work for the mods. As if they didn't have enough to do already. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Rules, rules, rules... follow the guidelines, color inside of the lines...

You remind me of somebody, bubs. Can't figure out who, though...

I actually feel sorry for the mods having to defend this policy. It's not their call (at least I don't think it is), but it is what it is. As eccienewbie pointed out, there is no argument that can be made for NCNS/ns that can't be made for bad reviews. Both have an equal chance of being bullshit, and both can be rebutted here in coed. I don't really care either way, but logically, it doesn't make sense.