prostate followup

sue_nami's Avatar
so some of you might remember my quandary when I felt a client who had 2 distinct BBs on his prostate and my fear of telling him the bad news... well he came back and I didn't know it was the same guy till I felt his prostate. It was so obvious, I asked him if I warned him last time about his prostate and he said yes, He said he asked a Dr friend casually and the doctor told him it might be kidney stones (??????) and not to worry. I was AGHAST! I asked his age, he is 39. I strongly insisted again he goes and gets a professional exam. I told him I researched it and prostate cancer hits one in six men. that it is the second most common kind of cancer. It worries me to death. The research says if you wait till you have symptoms it has metastasized and it is too late. Nothing else I can do but worry and tell the rest of you guys go get and exam and a PSA now please.
i remember reading that thread (and maybe even posting in it, not sure), and ever since this has been on my mind. i really should get it together and see a doc just to cover that base.
Texasjazz's Avatar did this fellow a favor beyond belief.....and a casual inquiry to his Dr. is no excuse for a complete prostate exam. I'm sure many of us on here have experienced that prostate "C" scare, and its up to him to take it seriously.

A few years ago , my PSA from a routine physical shot up to 16.5. Three biopsies, bone scan and MRI later, I was cleared with no cancer, but thorough follow ups continue.

The exam procedures are simple and if your client won't take advantage of them in a serious manner, no one to blame but did your job, at the time, fun too prob......maybe we can name you the unofficial (or official) screener of the Austin
I remember that Sue! At least you told him this time. Last time you fretted over not saying anything. You did the right thing. Hopefully he will go see his doctor.
sue_nami's Avatar
oh I told him both times, I just fretted i was giving medical advice without being a trained medical professional and if that was ethical or if I was overstepping my boundaries. I hope he seeks help. I will be glad to be the official prostate checker fellas, just call and we can establish your baseline for future comparison on you. lol
phaedrus's Avatar
Since we have a volunteer for giving the guys prostate exams,

I'll volunteer to do official eccie breast exams checking for lumps.
pussycat's Avatar
Wow I didn't know escorts did prostate exams, or that so much of that gland could be examined by anyone sticking their finger up someone's ass LOL. If there wasn't any pathology of the prostate before such a thing then there certainly should be after because if someone's paying a girl all the time to finger that sensitive internal gland I'm certain that it will become inflamed. Inflamation will bring about all kinds of problems. Leave that thing alone in there.
nuglet's Avatar
Wow I didn't know escorts did prostate exams, or that so much of that gland could be examined by anyone sticking their finger up someone's ass LOL. If there wasn't any pathology of the prostate before such a thing then there certainly should be after because if someone's paying a girl all the time to finger that sensitive internal gland I'm certain that it will become inflamed. Inflamation will bring about all kinds of problems. Leave that thing alone in there. Originally Posted by pussycat
LOL, the lack of education on here is hilarious at times. She's doing him a favor by giving a heads-up about a "potential" problem.. following your line of thought, shame on every guy that found a lump in his gfs' or wifes' breast and mentioning it.. The key phrase was "I didn't know...." LOL
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Sue so glad that you told him to see a professional, both times. Hope he follows through. I do remember that thread. Hope he is okay and it isn't anything.