Golf Talk with Alexis Love

My Broncos are 4 - 1 - Just sayin folks...

A man was addressing the ball when an announcement came over the loud-speaker: "Will the gentleman on hole number one please not hit from the Ladies' tee box."

The man backs away, a little distracted, then approaches his ball again. As he does, the same announcement comes over the loud-speaker: "Will the gentleman on hole number one please not hit from the Ladies' tee box."

The man is getting irritated now, and after backing away from his shot - approaches his ball one more time. This time the announcement came: "We really need the gentleman on hole number one to move off of the Ladies' tee box!"

To which the man turns around and yells: "And I really need the announcer to shut the hell up and let me play my second shot!"
Tatonka's Avatar
Lol. That is a good one.
Sadly I have been in that position myself.
RandB fan's Avatar


I sure would like to know what sex on a golf course would be like with you.

recipe in case you don't have it

Sex On The Golf Course drink recipe made with Blue Curacao,Melon liqueur,. How to make a Sex On The Golf Course with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 4.6 stars based on 12 votes
Ingredients to use:
1 shot Blue Curacao Blue Curacao
1 shot Melon liqueur Melon liqueur
With a tall glass, mix melon and blue curaoco. Then top off with equal amounts of lemon lime soda and pineapple juice. Shake and pour over ice.