
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I knocked on the door.
I'm as fracking nervous as the first time I have ever attempted this.
The door slowly opens.
Her eyes meet mine. They smiled before her lips did.
This caused me to relax just a bit.

Her lips betrayed her impish spirit.
I am taller than her. She is younger but knows what to do. Her hands
are under my arms and she draws me close to her mouth.
My mind has it's own will. It rushes through my life and tries to match
this to a past. Any past. She releases me and I smile.
I have to work at being in the now for she has made me see in the third
person. “Must regain control” I think.

She is wearing a summer dress. Her heals are very high. A lot of women
have a long torso. She has legs that are long. I believe she could snap
a man's head clean off with those I think. I unbutton my jacket and her
hands are there to receive it. She deftly produces a hanger and stows it
in the closet. My mind wonders to who taught her.
I am mesmerized by her eyes and lips. Then I can feel my belt loosening
from around my waist. I think of protesting but my lips are overcome by
the heat. Her heat.
We are in her room but I feel as though the winds swirl around us.

She is what we all dream of my friends.
Her lips were of hot nectar and down below she was of pure honey on tap.
The tips of her fingers were enough to draw me to her chamber, her bed.
Have you ever felt the heat, the spark of fingertips? I tried to slow down
time itself by shear will. However her eyes and lips slayed me by the
way they sang to me. I was and shall ever be their slave. I tried very
hard to catch my breath as to not betray my emotions.

She spoke of lanthanides and lepidoptera.
I kept up and thought my mind was in step.
Her waist was small and my head spun.
Ooh baby ooh.

I am of course a professional I rationalized. But it was not to be.
As I was floundering and trying to regain control, her lips found mine and
I lost my footing. My very breath escaped me.

As we laid on her bed I felt her weight on me. You must understand
it was glorious.
She pressed her lips on mine and I struggled to remember where I was.
Time was near dead. I had a glimpsing thought of the tear that swelled
in my right eye but she made me forget.
She looked into my eyes and smiled.
She made me believe.
I smiled with no reservation.
My hands found their way to her waist.
Her muscles responded and I danced along.
"yes master."my own body demanded of me.
The beat of this dance sent me to another world.
I wondered how could I have I lived so long that I could have missed this?
I placed my hands on her and felt the hot firm and flowing silk.
Find me again thou she devil I shouted in my mind.
As we kissed I sought her breasts.
They were alive beneath her dress.
My hand made it's way and cupped her warm flesh.
Rapture hath no other name.
She kissed me again and then I kissed her on her neck behind her ear.
She moaned and my knees made my legs stiffen and my toes point.
She widened her eyes and bit my lip.
I have tried to retain my sanity.
To this very day.
Ahhhh Marcus. I have so missed these. More please.
Phew.......okay, I need to tap out and rest a bit.

Nice. Very nice.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Thank you very much. I thought that I removed this shortly after I posted it.
I was up all night and too much to drink.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Wow Marcus that was wonderful... I agree with Elena.. More Please!
very nice!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ahhhh Marcus. I have so missed these. More please. Originally Posted by MsElena
I just wondered. "These"? You saw some of my others?
I should have waited until I got off work to read this....OOOoooOOOoooOOo.
Yes Marcus. I watched, read and flirted with you a while back....before you became MOD here.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yes Marcus. I watched, read and flirted with you a while back....before you became MOD here. Originally Posted by MsElena
I thought so.