Clesed Thread Repository -- A/HV

I can't believe you guys don't already have one of these....

Let this be my belated Tebowmas Gift to you.

Here is your first clesure of 2015:

Review: Krista Marie - Albany's newest upscale escort

Clesed by BB: Closed because it has become not about the review.

Clesed because it has become not about the review.

Now.... who's gonna archive all of the pre 2015 clesures??
Lookit you guys overachieving!!!

Your Invited-

BTW -- we've had a repository in Upset for quite some time:

Clesed Thread Repository
With the recent string of thread closings, my mind began to wander and wonder whatever becomes of these sometimes classic exchanges.
Since they are closed… they can’t be bumped and brought back to life nor prominence. Seems a shame that some of these gems are destined to fade away for the vast majority of us members. Oh sure…. Some guys like Jack and OCD, guys with seemingly total recall can find these threads in moments…. But the rest of us??? Speaking for myself… I’ll sometimes think….. hmmmm this reminds me of…. And that is the end of it.
So…. I thought…. Wouldn’t it be GREAT if there was a thread that had links to ALL the closed threads with a short descriptive word or phrase???
I started the task by going through the last two months or so of recently closed threads from all of the Upstate forums. That became tiresome very quickly… so I’m hoping that someone here will take the bull by the horns and start archiving some classic closed threads!!
In my searches… it looks like all the mods close their fair share of threads, so I’m not looking to pick on anyone. Just a nice thread that can be added to at anytime (unless it gets closed – haha). It can also be a tool for the mods to have a place to look up previous decisions etc.
I happen to think that this could be a lot of fun. It would be good to have a central location to find closed threads.

I’ll start with the most recent Thread Closings: – (DD) Crunch Emily (DD) Another Emily (GP) Sara thread (GP) VL banned? (Rooster) A Tire Fire ?? I don’t get this one Rooster (reasonable explanation) Rooster (reasonable explanation) GP (Crisco) GP (answers that) ?? (PM exchange)

So that is my proposal. Send in your favorite thread closings – past and present.
This could be a sticky someday!!
Honestly i expected better

So are you guys underachievers at getting threads clesed????

Or are you all too lazy to archive them???
Review: Great start to the

You guys need some help......
Tree Bark/ Frank /et al STILL posting as Kristine Adorable

Jimmie Jesus on a frankly adorable twig....
Thanks a lot DD.... Just when I got a pretty girl to flirt with me.....
Lookit you guys stepping your game up!!!

Frank Pierce, Tree Bark Eddie Lewis, So On and So On.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Lookit you guys stepping your game up!!!

Frank Pierce, Tree Bark Eddie Lewis, So On and So On. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
I told you it was the toxic waste from Uptardistahn....finally kicking in I guess!

I told you it was the toxic waste from Uptardistahn....finally kicking in I guess!

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Sure, I'd love to stick around.
I like it here... and I'm sure IGGY will be pleased....
Thanks Loki!!!

Might be slightly off topic....

Anyone have the backstory??
Doesn't matter... The Repository needed a new entry... and the Repository is pleased....
Loki Pk's Avatar
Ha! You're falling behind!!

bustybabygirl's Avatar
Paulie are they paying you overtime for all the work you're putting in, single-handedly keeping this thread active?
57fubar's Avatar
Ha! You're falling behind!!

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Just not dedicated to his craft I guess
I guess there are no tigers in A/HV....
That is no surprise though....
Review: Georgia is a peach!

Another gift from Loki...