Abolish the Second Amendment?

ICU 812's Avatar
Abolishing the Bill of Rights?

Regardless of one's political philosophy, party affiliation or feelings about firearms:

There is a trending idea in the pro gun control community that proposes the repeal or abolition of the Second Amendment, the "right to keep and bear arms." From the point of view of those who abhor firearms this seems like a great idea; change the fundamental law of the land and all the pro-gun arguments just evaporate.

However this raises a far greatyer issue than the collective and indevidual right of citizeensto poses firearms. The first ten amendments, known as The Bill of Rights, were proposed and adopted at the insistance of many of the first thirteen state's legislatures as a necessary condition before ratifying the Constitution. Without these first ten amendments, there would not have been a Constitution or the United States.

If the Second Amendment can be abolished or replaced, then any of the other amendments in The of Rights can also be modified or don away with. Think how different society would be without the right to "peacefully assemble". That could affect events that range from Lollapalooza to NASCAR and every show on Broadway, in Las Vegas or Branson. And that is only one of the many rights guaranteed by The Bill of Rights. The first Amendment covers five I think. Adjusting or revoking others could fundimentally alter our legal system . . .for the worse.

The explicit statement of these rights fundamentally separate the USA from most other countries such as Venezuela, Russia, China, about any middle eastern nation and most of the developed world: Europe, Australia, Singapore and Japan also do not offer many of these rights to their citizens.

Again: this is not advocacy for or against gun ownership or regulation. It is an argument for the sanctity of The Bill of Rights.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Technically, anything in the bill of rights can be altered. And btw, those are just the first ten amendments to the constitution.
A new amendment would be required to change any existing amendment or anything in the constitution itself.
People can propose anything they want. But the requirements to enact any new amendment are rather strict and amusingly, those requirements themselves can't be modified without an amendment.
Of the various rights you mention, well, isn't going to happen. There's no way the required number of states will vote for any of that.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
the leftists would abolish the Constitution including the Bill of Rights if they thought they could get away with it. Since they cannot do that all at once they have been working on it for the last 150 some odd years..
Everything leftists do is designed to chisel away at the Constitution.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Technically, anything in the bill of rights can be altered. And btw, those are just the first ten amendments to the constitution.
A new amendment would be required to change any existing amendment or anything in the constitution itself.
People can propose anything they want. But the requirements to enact any new amendment are rather strict and amusingly, those requirements themselves can't be modified without an amendment.
Of the various rights you mention, well, isn't going to happen. There's no way the required number of states will vote for any of that. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
They might be "just the first 10 Amendments", but the Founding Fathers, James Madison in particular, saw fit to coin them as "The Bill of Rights".
I agree that Amending the Constitution to nullify the 2d Amendment is not going to happen. The Founding Fathers delibertly made the Constitution extremely difficult to Amend so that it would not bend to the petty whims of the moment.

Other Country's Constitutions seem to be subject to change to fit the political climate of the moment. In truth, these "Constitutions" aren't worth the paper they are written on.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the leftists would abolish the Constitution including the Bill of Rights if they thought they could get away with it. Since they cannot do that all at once they have been working on it for the last 150 some odd years..
Everything leftists do is designed to chisel away at the Constitution. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
the leftist nwo was at work trying to destroy the constitution before John Hancock's ink was dry.

RESIGN NOW, NAZI SCUM. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

They might be "just the first 10 Amendments", but the Founding Fathers, James Madison in particular, saw fit to coin them as "The Bill of Rights".
I agree that Amending the Constitution to nullify the 2d Amendment is not going to happen. The Founding Fathers delibertly made the Constitution extremely difficult to Amend so that it would not bend to the petty whims of the moment.

Other Country's Constitutions seem to be subject to change to fit the political climate of the moment. In truth, these "Constitutions" aren't worth the paper they are written on. Originally Posted by Jackie S
indeed. the amendment process was intended to be hard, and at the will of the people if a populist movement gets enough traction.

let's consider recent changes to a "Constitution" and the results ....

here's a primer on Vlad and Mother Russia .. only the length of a presidential term got amended .. under Medvedev .. wink, wink .. for Vladster.


Venezuela for $100 Alex!!!!



i'm sure we all aware, being the politicophiles we are in this forum, that Vlad runs for another 6 years term in 2018?


so if Trump wins a second term in 2020 and Vlad wins next year, the entire presidency of Trump will run concurrent to Putin's second 2 term presidency?

bahhaaa cue that theme song ...




the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The leftist point of view; if you can't amend or repeal the Constitution, render it irrelevant.
Abolishing the Bill of Rights?

Regardless of one's political philosophy, party affiliation or feelings about firearms:

There is a trending idea in the pro gun control community that proposes the repeal or abolition of the Second Amendment, the "right to keep and bear arms." From the point of view of those who abhor firearms this seems like a great idea; change the fundamental law of the land and all the pro-gun arguments just evaporate. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Which to me has been the end goal of all the anti-gun crowd from the GET GO..

However this raises a far greatyer issue than the collective and indevidual right of citizeensto poses firearms. The first ten amendments, known as The Bill of Rights, were proposed and adopted at the insistance of many of the first thirteen state's legislatures as a necessary condition before ratifying the Constitution. Without these first ten amendments, there would not have been a Constitution or the United States. Originally Posted by ICU 812
A big fact LOST on most leftists.. BUT then since they 'learned from revisionist history' i doubt many KNEW that.

If the Second Amendment can be abolished or replaced, then any of the other amendments in The of Rights can also be modified or don away with. Think how different society would be without the right to "peacefully assemble". That could affect events that range from Lollapalooza to NASCAR and every show on Broadway, in Las Vegas or Branson. And that is only one of the many rights guaranteed by The Bill of Rights. The first Amendment covers five I think. Adjusting or revoking others could fundimentally alter our legal system . . .for the worse. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I would love to see how the leftists with all their riots (i mean peaceful protests) would go down if the 1st amendment went bye bye..
Or just the right to assemble and the free press.. Not even needed to remove the whole shebang.

The explicit statement of these rights fundamentally separate the USA from most other countries such as Venezuela, Russia, China, about any middle eastern nation and most of the developed world: Europe, Australia, Singapore and Japan also do not offer many of these rights to their citizens. Originally Posted by ICU 812
And imo if that is what people want to DO here, change our laws to be more like those other countries, WHY DON'T they just go LIVE in those other countries!
ICU 812's Avatar
Not sure if this is a left or right thing.

If we start changing The Bill of Rights, it could easily affect Conservative and Liberals alike.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Abolishing the 2nd Amendment would translate into only the military establishment, law enforcement, the very rich and the criminal element in society having weapons. Read I Will Fear No Evil by Robert Heinlein to appreciate such a society where the very rich ride around in armored cars escorted by heavily armed security guards and give no heed to those who cannot afford the luxury of such protection.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It amuses me that people with agendas are always single minded and fail to understand that there's other aspects of ......

Classic follow-up statements:
But that's not what I ment.
But that's not was supposed to happen.
But I didn't realize....

Reminds me of teaching a dog to sit up and beg for food. Amusing that having a dog sit up and beg is like feeding newsies bits of info.
Not sure if this is a left or right thing.

If we start changing The Bill of Rights, it could easily affect Conservative and Liberals alike. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Gee what makes you think that?

LexusLover's Avatar

But that's not what I ment.
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Is that pronounced "mint"?

If Liberals would get some education, before they start preaching about how the world "really" is, then some of the shit they spread around might make some sense, but that's a lot to ask of people who are always talking and not listening.
dannyboy13's Avatar
What most people don’t seem to realize is that none of the first ten amendments (The Bill of Rights) grants any freedoms or rights. Whaaat?! These first amendments were included to make it clear that this new government would not infringe upon, abrogate, or just plain mess with these God-given rights. Or, if you prefer, these inalienable rights that exist in every man (human) with or without government. So even without the Second Amendment, every individual still has the right to keep and bear arms. That’s a natural right that doesn’t come from any government. Just like the right to speak freely, and assemble publicly. We had these rights BEFORE we had this government. Unfortunately, if the second amendment were to be repealed now, the anti-gunners (which includes almost all the media) would use the excuse that people must not want this right anymore, since we repealed the amendment. Like most, they have no concept of natural rights. They think all rights and privileges are given to us by our government. Arrgghh!!
That's something the left never seems to WANT TO understand.. They are inalienable RIGHTS we have, not things the govt gave us and can thus be taken away.