You know the President is

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Doing a great job the more the leftists bitch, complain, and attack, not only him, but his family.

Way to go Mr. President.

bambino's Avatar
He’s truly fucking with them. It’s refreshingly hilarious. Better than those late night “comedians” any day.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-03-2018, 05:24 PM
He has about a year left so enjoy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He has about a year left so enjoy. Originally Posted by Trey
Your lib-retard ilk claimed last year that Trump wouldn't get elected, and then your lib-retard ilk claimed he would be impeached before summer. Do you realize how amusing it is to see you lib-retards keep moving your fantasy goalposts to accommodate reality, Kool-aid tripper?
From a Good Treeper Friend, among many! from a year ago...

“Well, I don’t really have to do any holding together, now that I figured out what Trump is up to. He is shaking things out, but counting on Trump gravity to pull things back together as he moves along.

He is moving “forward” at speeds Obama could not even dream of.

You and I will be anti-Trump trolls one day and MAGA heroes the next. Get used to it. Trump speed is the new normal. Some will call it flip-flopping, but that’s not what it is. Trump is dodging and weaving through reality faster than the reality can react to disrupt his plans.

I was explaining this to my wife. This is a roller-coaster now. Trump is no longer waiting for people to keep up. He is taking his bewildering art-of-the-deal campaign schtick into geopolitics, and for a lot of people who can’t keep up or hold on, it will be a rough ride.

Trump is no longer playing only with evil and cunning players who are still predictable, easily beatable dopes, like Hillary. He is playing against killers, with his own team of killers, and all the while he has scheming creeps like Hillary, BGI, SPLC, and the neocons gunning for him. Snake Ryan ready to bite when nobody is looking. “Warhead” McCain screaming for Russian blood. Psycho Kim and Samoa Obama plotting some kind of intrigue to take him down. And THOSE are the lightweights.

This is the majors now. Trump has to outwit world-class adversaries and “frenemies” by defining the deals that they will agree to. One minute they will think Trump is their friend – the next minute, a cunning, bitter foe.

And he has to do this with evil cheerleaders like Warhead, Linderace, Dipsy Dowd, Maggie Haterman, and Fake Yapper trashing him or praising him alternately, no matter which way he goes. They can’t keep up, either.

Neither can many around him. I think that half of the problem with advisers crashing into each other is they don’t realize what Trump is doing.

And people will trash you, and they will trash me. Get used to it. I’ve already caught plenty of people mocking me. Well, just wait a week in Trump time. Look stupid and conned by Trump one minute, and you look like a sage three days later.

Trump will not find perfect solutions. He will find OPTIMAL solutions. We cannot ask for more. Trump has stood by and watched Perfect murder Good for 8 years – maybe longer. He’s not gonna do it. He’s going to deliver the best outcome possible, and he’s not waiting for us to feel relaxed about it.

Best presidency ever! Just hang on. More winning is coming, but a lot of people are going to scream that it’s all over at EVERY turn.

The best way through this is to define viewpoints, not people, because people will shift as they change position and velocity in Trump gravity. Bash the neocon, warmonger, and dopey globalist positions – not the people who are going to hold them one moment and come loose from them later.

Trump is Jupiter moving through the asteroid belt. He is going to pull people into his orbit. A few will get slung off into space, but most will come along for the ride of their lives.

I am ON the Trump Train for good, even if I scream that I want off and can’t take it.

In the end, I only want to scream “TOO MUCH WINNING!!!”

He has about a year left so enjoy. Originally Posted by Trey
Doobie WOW!, MAN...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-03-2018, 07:26 PM
Doing a great job the more the leftists bitch, complain, and attack, not only him, but his family.

Way to go Mr. President.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Originally Posted by The2Dogs
By that metric, Obama was brilliant!
bambino's Avatar
He has about a year left so enjoy. Originally Posted by Trey
About seven (7) of them. Yes I will enjoy, watching Liberals jump through hoops trying to convince themselves that he'll be indicted, or impeached, lol.

Yssup Rider's Avatar

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nowhere near as amusing as the tantrums trump has as his own attorneys keep pushing out the date of the end of the investigation. No reasonable person expects impeachment or a forced resignation before the investigation is complete. Just like no reasonable person expects less than a thorough, an incomplete or rushed investigation. We're not going anywhere. We'll see what happens.
Your lib-retard ilk claimed last year that Trump wouldn't get elected, and then your lib-retard ilk claimed he would be impeached before summer. Do you realize how amusing it is to see you lib-retards keep moving your fantasy goalposts to accommodate reality, Kool-aid tripper? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your lib-retard ilk claimed last year that Trump wouldn't get elected, and then your lib-retard ilk claimed he would be impeached before summer. Do you realize how amusing it is to see you lib-retards keep moving your fantasy goalposts to accommodate reality, Kool-aid tripper? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
But it's their standard practice.. Moving goal posts!
bamscram's Avatar
He has about a year left so enjoy. Originally Posted by Trey
That's what you said a year ago. Since then the economy has been booming. Go fuck yourself and while your doing it ask yourself "why do I want America to fail?"

Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's what you said a year ago. Since then the economy has been booming. Go fuck yourself and while your doing it ask yourself "why do I want America to fail?"

Racist. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Classic element of comedy. Bad guy falls face first in pool!


Good one, turdfly!