Karoline is so immature

She is such a childish person. I paid her $800 for a half an hour and she wouldn't even give me an OK on P411

She will try an gyp you because she is childish and immature grad from UVA. That being said I asked for an OK after giving her $800 for an hour and a half and she refused.

She also threatened to call the cops if I didn't leave. Which I fully understand had I not paid her $500 up front because of a previous cancelled appt.

If you want to see her then fine but be prepared for a lot of whining, crying BS because she is definitely not worth the price

techiedad36's Avatar
If you made contact via P411, I believe, you can take it up w/ the administrators of the site (to get your Okay approved if the meeting did take place - NOT just the exchange of compensation)