Yes, Its Jon Stewart again

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2012, 02:24 PM
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-26-2012, 02:26 PM
Olivia won't watch it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2012, 02:31 PM
Olivia won't watch it. Originally Posted by Doove

well, uh, yanno

Now, we all know I don't have a TV, but I have seen Jon Stewart and the Daily Show. He's hot! I also agree with some of his politics.

I've never heard the speech, just read it. I HATE it when Obama does his fake Southern preacher accent. I don't agree with his fundamentals that we are one big hippie commune. I just don't.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2012, 02:58 PM
Now, we all know I don't have a TV, but I have seen Jon Stewart and the Daily Show. He's hot! I also agree with some of his politics.

I've never heard the speech, just read it. I HATE it when Obama does his fake Southern preacher accent. I don't agree with his fundamentals that we are one big hippie commune. I just don't. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

you dont need a tv to watch the clip ... click the link
you dont need a tv to watch the clip ... click the link Originally Posted by CJ7
I guess we are destined to be at cross purposes. I thought that I added i hate his fake, look at me I swear I'm black, Southern preacher accent comment would imply that I did watch the clip.

As to the clip, it's obscene. TV news is total bullshit. I quit listening to when Fox news had the two little girl lemonade stand owners. It's sensational bullshit where none is needed (Stewart was right to point it out.). That Obama even thinks that "we've all had help" because the government built roads is just more of his social democratic bullshit. We are not, and never will be, a social democracy.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-26-2012, 04:41 PM
That Obama even thinks that "we've all had help" because the government built roads is just more of his social democratic bullshit. We are not, and never will be, a social democracy. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
You obviously missed the part of the clip where Stewart showed Romney in complete lockstep with Obama on that topic.

But you'll vote for him (Romney) anyways, because, well, you know....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2012, 04:52 PM
the two little girls was one of the best parts ...

Fox incorporates two children that completely debunk the Fox talking point, and hands the "news" channel its ass on a silver television screen for the world to see ... who'd a thunk it ?

then theres the part Doove mentions ..... Ronmey errr Gumby saying the exact words hes hammering Obie for saying ... and all caught on film too.

shame that.

Stewart is spot on almost every time. How's that ass feel , Mitt?
Cog????, JD ????, IFFY, ?????JOE....????? Dali???? Whirly????
Where the fuck y'all at? Are those crickets?

Hi Olivia. Looking good .
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
One tells me I post too much, then another says, "Hey, where are you?" If I wanted to respond, I would have.

Actually, I can't get the clip to run. My OS is Kubuntu, and it acts up occasionally. I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and install Windows on here, as much as I dislike Bill Gates. At least until I can afford a Mac.

So I haven't seen the clip. It's Jon Stewart. I don't always agree with him, but he doesn't seem to favor either side. He goes with what he thinks is funny. So do I.
One tells me I post too much, then another says, "Hey, where are you?" If I wanted to respond, I would have.

Actually, I can't get the clip to run. My OS is Kubuntu, and it acts up occasionally. I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and install Windows on here, as much as I dislike Bill Gates. At least until I can afford a Mac.

So I haven't seen the clip. It's Jon Stewart. I don't always agree with him, but he doesn't seem to favor either side. He goes with what he thinks is funny. So do I. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Good to see
Ya cog. Where's whirlybird and the gang ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't recall laughing that hard at a Stewart show in years.

Maybe when he did the thing on Donald Trump eating franchise pizza with Sarah Palin...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stewart really thinks that when Obama says "You didn't build that" he was talking about the road? How disappointing. In or out of context, all but the hardcore Obamaton synchophants knew what the President said and meant.

Stewart also aired the comment where the President says the government invented the internet for business, which is patently false.

The lemonade stand bit by FOX was ridiculous, he was right, there. But he edited the clip, so he complains about context, and then doesn't give us the context.

Not one of Stewart's finest moments. But he's a comic. Not a journalist. If you look to him for news, you won't get it. If you look to him to spin something for a laugh, then you have it.
Stewart is hilarious, yea he leans, but he is pretty quick to bash a lib when they do something stupid too. Especially Democunt Lee, he doesn't even have to take her out of context to be funny.