Pillow Talk vs Discretion / Some of your clients have big mouths....

Whispers's Avatar
Pillow talk happens.....

tricks like to ask about other tricks......whores like to talk and run their mouths.....

But you whores ought to consider the temperament and board persona of the trick you are ranting to..... Certainly there are some tricks that will respect the private nature of the discussion you had allowing you to vent.....


Some tricks..... like Mata as you can see..... Like to take the information you share with him and toss it around in other guys faces trying to seem special and important and in the know.....

.... YOU might have considered continuing to see someone that Mata... (wanting to champion your cause) sees the need to throw down with and talk about what you shared.....

Others see that and come to realize that their personal information they may share with YOU is not sacred and protected and can end up in the possession of someone like Mata....

I'm just using Mata as an example due to his recent rants.... He certainly does not care how it reflects on him.... But it does reflect back on you whores....

It simply does not make good business sense to have Mata (or someone like him) out there speaking on your behalf....
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah gots a big mouth, but thet's bee-cause when it cums ta tig ol' bitties, more'n a mouf-full's a waste!
bottoms up's Avatar
How true, any provider being reviewed by this barebacking clown will be getting questions asked about that on their reviews by the great Mata.
Hope his answers are correct.
Despite posting public contributions of what I may reveal myself, I am entitled to my privacy & discretion. Discretion & mutual respect is huge to me. No hobbyist or provider needs to give any details as far as I'm concerned. IT RUINS LIVES. If I hear of anyone outting me or anyone else or gossiping that hurts another person... I may sit back and chill for years but one day your ass will get it. I'm thinking of one person, in particular, who outs & screws up many providers lives. Treat this shit like the mafia... Fish with closed mouths don't get in trouble! Rat & ruin lives with indiscretion and horrible manipulative tactics & one day you'll sleep with the fishes. Besides, aren't we here to get together & have fun with one another? If one feels the need to run their mouth & cause havoc that's their issue. Laugh to the bank. If a person doesn't pay my bills, isn't my client or contributing to my life in a healthy positive manner why the fuck do I need their approval?! Wise people talk about ideas. Petty people talk about each other. I know because I used to be petty. It got me no where. Keep ya mind on ya money or ya poosey!