Welcome to our new Mississippi moderator, elcid180

johnnybax's Avatar
Let's give a warm welcome to elcid180, our new Mississippi moderator and newest addition to ECCIE staff.

Thanks for stepping up, and welcome aboard sir.

Congrats Elcid180!
DallasRain's Avatar
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Way to go!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Welcome to Mississippi Madness!! LOL

Glad to have you as a partner!!


Congrats Elcid

Sir Lickalotaclit's Avatar
Grats El Cid.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Welcome Elcid! I know you'll do a great job, and you have two super partners in vicinms and Lea Madisson.

For those who don't who don't know, I'm fading out as a moderator in order to take care of real world commitments, but I'm not leaving the hobby - I'll be around and hope to continue meeting lovely ladies for quite a while.

wildcat4fun's Avatar
Welcome and congrats.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Thanks for stepping up ELCID. Cheers Mate !!
Hope you enjoy,
elcid180's Avatar
Thank you everyone for the warm show of support. Just want to help keep the MS drama free, fun and informative for all. A big thanks to JAG for all his work and good luck in future endeavors.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Just remember, Canon Cocker, that the Artillery might be the King of Battle and the Infantry might be the Queen of Battle, but where would they be without the Engineers to build the bed?!?!?!

JaG - Essayons!