Obama Lied

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But we knew that already, didn't we? One of the reasons Obama defeated Clinton in the 2008 primaries was that he condemned her health care plan because it had a mandate in it. Obama promised that under his plan, "No one would be forced to buy health insurance, or suffer a penalty if they don't."

Another lie. No one cares.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 12:00 PM
ok, everyone cares. WE do, honest.

so what the fuck are you going to do about it?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-02-2012, 12:03 PM
ok, everyone cares. WE do, honest.

so what the fuck are you going to do about it? Originally Posted by CJ7
We're going to vote that cocksucker out of office.....!!!!!!!!!!!
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama lies all the time. It's hardly even worthy of comment. He sold Obamacare with the assurance that it would be funded by a mandate not a tax; then he had his Solicitor General argue, on his behalf, that it was funded by a tax and not a mandate. Obama's chief of staff went on the Sunday talkshows this weekend and said it's funded by a mandate not a tax.

Obama will probably get away with this latest lie because the whole thing is so confusing, most people will just tune it out.
chefnerd's Avatar
Imagine that, a politician saying something not true to get elected. Where have I seen that before?

Oh yeah, pretty much anytime a politician is moving their lips.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 12:08 PM
We're going to vote that cocksucker out of office.....!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by seedman55

well, there ya go.

does that include whining like little bitches about something someone said 4 years ago too?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-02-2012, 12:13 PM
CJ7, I'm not whinning about 4 years ago, this cocksucker, and I do mean cocksucker and his whole fucking crew of communists around him have got to go...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 12:16 PM
CJ7, I'm not whinning about 4 years ago, this cocksucker, and I do mean cocksucker and his whole fucking crew of communists around him have got to go... Originally Posted by seedman55

I know seedie , my bad ... I should have addressed that last question directly at COF
Actually, the "tax" was a Republican idea, and if Obama had not agreed, it wouldn't have passed.

How anyone can be "against" affordable health care is beyond me. Personally, I'm grateful. Regence rejected me, so I, personally, can't get insurance at any dollar amount. My two perfectly healthy kids I pay $500 a month for. They go in for well child checkups once a year. Does that seem fair to you?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Having had computer problemw the last few days I could mostly read and not comment but I see a consistency between some posters. The terms whiney and bitches has come up often. I have also seen those same exact words and phrases coming out of postings and tweets from the leadership of the DNC. So I guess WTF, Big Tits, and CJ7 to just name a few are all reading from the same page of the DNC talking points. We all knew that Obama's people had infilitrated the Internet with the help of Soros but you would think a hobby website would be exempt.

I wonder how much they got paid to sell out their country? Soros is always spreading the cash around. I hope that they got theirs instead of just giving it up...getting paid...maybe this is hobby related. WTF and his crew whoring themselves out to the enemies of the country. What say you?
I B Hankering's Avatar
well, there ya go.

does that include whining like little bitches about something someone said 4 years ago too? Originally Posted by CJ7
You are confused -- as usual, CBJ7. It's not "whining".

Conservatives find they must train liberals the way dog owners "housebreak" puppies. When a puppy pisses on the carpet, the owner rubs the puppy's nose in the mess and spats the puppy once on the ass. It may be necessary to repeat this two to six times before the puppy learns.

Correspondingly, conservatives train liberals by pointing out their messes (this is what you mistakenly call "whining", CBJ7), rubbing their snooty-liberal noses in the mess and then spat them on their collective ass.

Understandably, it's easier to train puppies than liberals, but it's much more fun rubbing snooty-liberal noses in piss of their own making and spatting them for their innate stupidity.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 12:28 PM
yeah, its prolly not whining .. my bad.

Credit where credit is due ...

its totally irrelevent horseshit.

like most everything else COF comes up with.
You are confused -- as usual, CBJ7. It's not "whining".

Conservatives find they must train liberals the way dog owners "housebreak" puppies. When a puppy pisses on the carpet, the owner rubs the puppy's nose in the mess and spats the puppy once on the ass. It may be necessary to repeat this two to six times before the puppy learns.

Correspondingly, conservatives train liberals by pointing out their messes (this is what you mistakenly call "whining", CBJ7), rubbing their snooty-liberal noses in the mess and then spat them on their collective ass.

Understandably, it's easier to train puppies than liberals, but it's much more fun rubbing snooty-liberal noses in piss of their own making and spatting them for their innate stupidity.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You are lucky that a liberal can be trained.You can't do jack shit with a conservative.
joe bloe's Avatar
Actually, the "tax" was a Republican idea, and if Obama had not agreed, it wouldn't have passed.

How anyone can be "against" affordable health care is beyond me. Personally, I'm grateful. Regence rejected me, so I, personally, can't get insurance at any dollar amount. My two perfectly healthy kids I pay $500 a month for. They go in for well child checkups once a year. Does that seem fair to you? Originally Posted by BSweet6969
Of course no one is against "affordable healthcare." The question is, how do we get it. The libs ultimately want a single payer (socialized) system and apparently believe that healthcare will be affordable under that system.

Conservatives believe in having affordable healthcare by keeping healthcare in the private sector and controlling costs with market forces.

An example of a surgical procedure that has become cheaper and cheaper every year is Lasic eye surgery. Initially the procedure cost thousands of dollars; now it costs hundreds of dollars and the quality has gotten much better. The reason for the affordability of Lasic is that it's not covered by insurance. This means that people shop around for the best price since they're paying out of their own pockets. The doctors compete for business by keeping the price low. This is an example of the marketplace controlling cost.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 01:35 PM
Of course no one is against "affordable healthcare." The question is, how do we get it. The libs ultimately want a single payer (socialized) system and apparently believe that healthcare will be affordable under that system.

Conservatives believe in having affordable healthcare by keeping healthcare in the private sector and controlling costs with market forces.

An example of a surgical procedure that has become cheaper and cheaper every year is Lasic eye surgery. Initially the procedure cost thousands of dollars; now it costs hundreds of dollars and the quality has gotten much better. The reason for the affordability of Lasic is that it's not covered by insurance. This means that people shop around for the best price since they're paying out of their own pockets. The doctors compete for business by keeping the price low. This is an example of the marketplace controlling cost. Originally Posted by joe bloe

can we please have an example of a child with bone cancer whos parents make $60K a year and cant afford insurance, and how shoping around benefits them?

thanks in advance.