Using the new rules to their advantage

Invisible1's Avatar
Like them or not, the new picture and video rules are here. So far Pistol Marks (sexy blonde gymnast), Danni Girl, and Sophia Banks appear to be the only DFW providers who are starting to take advantage of the new rules in their ads, showcases or posts.

I bet that we will soon see more of the new rules' effects.
katrina09's Avatar
I'm kinda new anyways so I didn't really see anything about it. What are you talking about?
He's talking about the limits on images being lifted to where you can post pornographic images and links to videos.
Invisible1's Avatar
Pistol's ad with video link under new rules:

Danni Girls' profile page with video link under new rules:

Sophia Banks' picture post in a thread:

(Image removed, due to invisible error)

Looks like Brown Sugar Baby has a video in the works.

I love it when providers and technolgy mix. When I was a kid, the ad campain for the telephone company was "Reach out and touch somebody". Little did they know then what we can do now with just a single mobile phone.
FunInDFW's Avatar
It's like... you're advertising for them (not that they need it). And a direct downloading link to an image? :|
Invisible1's Avatar
Not sure why the sophia banks picture loaded as a direct I removed it. Sorry Sophia. It was your really good bj picture.
pmdelites's Avatar
I love it when providers and technolgy mix. When I was a kid, the ad campain for the telephone company was "Reach out and touch somebody". Little did they know then what we can do now with just a single mobile phone. Originally Posted by Invisible1
i look forward to the day when we can have tele-sex, esp tele "oral"-sex !!!
just hope the NSA and those other evil doers dont "tap" into those calls.
it's one time i will say "hey dude, only one cock in this call !!!"

btw, the original ad campaign slogan by AT&T was "reach out and touch someone"

two of those ads

"reach out and touch (somebody'shand)" is a song by diana ross.'s_Hand)
pyramider's Avatar
Where are the simple taint photos?
pmdelites's Avatar
...I love it when providers and technolgy mix. ... Originally Posted by Invisible1
interesting videos!
thanks ladies!

Invisible1's Avatar

Never mind.
I'm awaiting Danni video to download I heard she went blonde but can't wait to see it in action
I have a couple of videos . . . out there . . . somewhere.
Invisible1's Avatar
BSB if you think your vids are of the right marketing caliber or are representative of a BSB experience, please link one or more of them to your ads, showcase or whatever.
Guest113018-1's Avatar

I had hoped it was a tattoo, glad it is, or we would have to start calling her " crusty ".

I liked Danni's video, not just the activities, I thought she looked a little softer, in a good way, than some of her showcase photos. Just my opinion. I might be more apt to try and see her.

I'm waiting to see if Stormy Staxxx does one. Lord help me if she does.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
what new rules