Rates discussion/poll research

So when a guy is selecting a provider he is looking for a formula that totals up to an acceptable price. For example, starting at $100, add 50 for solid menu, 50 for spinner, 50 for under 25, 50 for greek...etc. just an example of how I would calculate what I will pay for a provider. So the question I am really curious about is...are there providers that would adjust rates based off of similar criteria for men. For example, Handsome -50, Smells good-25, in shape-25...etc. I'm just curious if all providers would rather get a higher rate to be with an old fat dude that smells funny and has no personality or are all lazer focused on the $ that they find $0 of value in the quality of client that they see.

I'm not looking for a discounted rate if that is the assumption...just trying to get an understanding of the level of numbness the hobby has created.
  • Pbmgd
  • 10-15-2018, 01:48 PM
Interesting topic. I have wondered the same thing myself
I am happy to apply a 50% increase to all my rates, just because.
And to answer your question seriously, why should we give a discount to someone we actually enjoy being with? If anything, that person should be tipping us, not the other way around.

Let's put it in these terms: let's think about any other service-based provider. Your hairdresser, manicurist, the guy you pay to come mow your lawn, etc.

What if they just really, really enjoy their job? Does that mean they deserve to get paid less for the service they are providing? Keep in mind it is also typically customary to tip these sorts of service providers.

Why are we any different?
VitaMan's Avatar
You can put questions like this in another context.

Let's say you were going to spend a weekend at a snowed in, isolated cabin. Would you rather spend it with an ugly woman that smells good - or a beautiful 10 that smells bad ?
Good points...however....I take care of my lawn service guys better than most(leave a cooler of gatorade each week, tip at Christmas, etc) I get a lower rate then my neighbor who does nothing for them and sometimes doesnt pay on time. I had a girl who cut my hair years ago that would give me free hair cuts and would put me to the front of the line if there were people waiting, because I was pleasant and treated her good(and I may have fucked her a couple times but thats not the point) I have had bartenders give me free drinks because I would flirt and have nice conversations with them instead of being a drunk asshole like others in the bar(may have fucked one or two of them as well but still not the point). So in a lot of cases, being a good "customer" for whatever criteria has had perks as I think they should.
So the pending question is, would you rather get $300 from a rude fat ugly dude or $250 from a good looking sweet guy that is pleasant to be around for providing the exact same service?

There is no wrong or right answer to this question. Just my curiosity.
Good points...however....I take care of my lawn service guys better than most(leave a cooler of gatorade each week, tip at Christmas, etc) I get a lower rate then my neighbor who does nothing for them and sometimes doesnt pay on time. I had a girl who cut my hair years ago that would give me free hair cuts and would put me to the front of the line if there were people waiting, because I was pleasant and treated her good(and I may have fucked her a couple times but thats not the point) I have had bartenders give me free drinks because I would flirt and have nice conversations with them instead of being a drunk asshole like others in the bar(may have fucked one or two of them as well but still not the point). So in a lot of cases, being a good "customer" for whatever criteria has had perks as I think they should.
So the pending question is, would you rather get $300 from a rude fat ugly dude or $250 from a good looking sweet guy that is pleasant to be around for providing the exact same service?

There is no wrong or right answer to this question. Just my curiosity. Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7

You are talking about giving a discounted rate or preferential treatment to reliable, repeat clientele, which any smart business owner/service provider would be stupid not to do. You take care of your repeat business bc 1.You want them to keep coming back to you and 2. You will continue to make money off them in the long run, even at the discounted rate.

What you originally asked, was would we be willing to give a discount to a guy for simply showing the normal levels of hygiene and decorum that every human being on this planet should be doing anyways, or simply bc we just genuinely enjoyed his company.

My answer to that poll question is no. I provide a good service and I deserve to be compensated for that service. If that bothers some people, I am ok with them moving along.
winn dixie's Avatar
Its the money ya'll. Providers will never pass GO without gettin' they monies.....
Tone it down, RS.. You run the risk of encountering the ire of every self-respecting whore on the board. Your logic is fertilized in y cromasomes. Get just one drunk on low-t meds and I'm certain the little light will come on. Or, revel in the difference, as any self-respecting perv should.
I don't care.

I pay the rate to get the service.

If you get lagniappe for being a better person than me, you are winning.
Max Rax's Avatar
You are talking about giving a discounted rate or preferential treatment to reliable, repeat clientele, which any smart business owner/service provider would be stupid not to do. You take care of your repeat business bc 1.You want them to keep coming back to you and 2. You will continue to make money off them in the long run, even at the discounted rate.

What you originally asked, was would we be willing to give a discount to a guy for simply showing the normal levels of hygiene and decorum that every human being on this planet should be doing anyways, or simply bc we just genuinely enjoyed his company.

My answer to that poll question is no. I provide a good service and I deserve to be compensated for that service. If that bothers some people, I am ok with them moving along. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston

Every single thing said here I agree with. Well said Victoria of Houston !
Yes. What Victoria and Max said. Of course girls give discounts and preference to guys who are awesome. I’ll give a favorite a good deal because I like him and he likes me for me, or based on me being an under 25 yo spinner. But it’s not based on looks or scent, lol. I mean, the good guys might have that as well, but an asshole who is cute is likely not even getting a repeat visit, much less a discount.
I don't care. I don't have to pay for sex.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
I don't care. I don't have to pay for sex. Originally Posted by HoustonPleaser
How long will this handle last? Tick tock