"for guys: a guide to girl talk"

pmdelites's Avatar
so, folks, how generally true are the translations in this article?
i didnt date a whole lot before i met my s.o., so i have no idea if the article is "the truth", close to truth or far from the truth. i can see where some are reasonably true, but just wondering.


tangent topic, what are the phrases in our sub-culture that have a "hidden" meaning?
i mean other than "omg, pmd, you are so cute, sexy, and hot!"
Good stuff.
Some truth and some not. In my dating experience, it seems women want to test guys a lot. They sometimes say things just to see how you react. There is a lot of game playing in dating today by both sides. It has screwed things up for us regular folks.

And if anyone says they don't want drama in their life, they are drama.
LOL...oh yeah most of that is spot on. Especially the part about if we say something is, "fine."

If I say something is FINE in RL to a guy it is usually NOT the very least it annoys me and I am putting up with it, and worst case scenerio if he does it he is going to be dealing with me being P.O.ed about it for months.

LMAO...."Fine." Ha! Love it. Classic.