Review: Asian Hotties

Date: 7/15 and 7/20
Provider: Unknown
Phone: (626) 372 3952
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Ridgeland
State: Mississippi
Address: Local hotel
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: CBJ, miss, doggie, ACG, RACG
Session Length: 1 hour
Fee: 180
Hair Length and Color: Black, shoulder length
Age: mid-30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: 5-6 and 5-1; typical Asian spinner-types. See ROS.
Recommendation: No
This is different from the lady called Sissy?
This is different from the lady called Sissy? Originally Posted by bojack
Yes. (Sissy does not appear to be answering her phone anymore.) Sissy is mid-50's; these 2 were much younger - probably mid-30's.

Also, the BP add is back (or I missed it the first time) - see
  • oherc
  • 07-20-2012, 06:00 PM
bummer. I would like to see a nice asian outside of amp