President Trump's tax returns.

They did indeed try - wow, such a scandal.
They did indeed try - wow, such a scandal. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Man I thought you would have just left this as a wash and let Trump have some good press. Instead you had to go and use that right wing spin to bring Obama into it like every Trump counter point.

So yes Trump paid a good amount in taxes in 2005. But he didn't pay the effective tax rate for people living in NYC, which he lived in. That tax rate is 50%, he paid 25%. Way to go. Obama lived in Illinois at the time and DC later, which have lower tax rates. So there goes that little trump card you had about paying more than Obama. He didn't pay the city as much as you should have. Furthermore, he didn't pay all that because he wanted to. The AMT tax was required of him because he took so many exemptions that the government basically had to force him to pay his fair share in taxes. So that's where 30 million or so of that came from. Basically he paid 5 million in taxes on 158 million in a state that where people pay 50% on that. Then the government told him to pay what he knows on the back end and he did.

I would wager that if we saw later years, and maybe the year or so before, he didn't pay that much in taxes. 2005, strange year to be paying the government what you owe. Oh no it's not, he got married to Melanie in 2005 so he knew that she would be gaining American citizenship soon and that he needed to be above board.

Also, that whole AMT tax that made him pay for all the exemptions he took, Trump wants to get rid of it, funny huh. So the next time he makes 158 million, he's only paying 5 million. And American can find that money somewhere else.
Jeeze Millie, I was making that in jest. Next time I'll put a disclaimer on it that says - Made in Jest. Not everything has to be so serious.
Jeeze Millie, I was making that in jest. Next time I'll put a disclaimer on it that says - Made in Jest. Not everything has to be so serious. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Well it could have been in jest if the meme didn't compare it to Obama. Doing that makes it a comparison. And since Trump supporters love to compare the two in defending his serious claims, it can't really be seen as in jest.
Democrats prefer you obsess more over Trump's tax returns than your own.
Democrats prefer you obsess more over Trump's tax returns than your own. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Why would I obsess over my tax returns? There are accountants for that. And I'm not obsessed with his. Just it's odd he spoke on this return and won't on others.
lustylad's Avatar
So yes Trump paid a good amount in taxes in 2005. But he didn't pay the effective tax rate for people living in NYC, which he lived in. That tax rate is 50%, he paid 25%. Way to go. Obama lived in Illinois at the time and DC later, which have lower tax rates. So there goes that little trump card you had about paying more than Obama. He didn't pay the city as much as you should have. Furthermore, he didn't pay all that because he wanted to. The AMT tax was required of him because he took so many exemptions that the government basically had to force him to pay his fair share in taxes. So that's where 30 million or so of that came from. Basically he paid 5 million in taxes on 158 million in a state that where people pay 50% on that. Then the government told him to pay what he knows on the back end and he did. Originally Posted by Milly23
Where do you come up with this crap? FEDERAL tax rates are the same, whether you live in NYC or Chicago. What do you mean the "effective tax rate for people living in NYC... is 50%"? Do you have a link for any of your claptrap or are you just making things up as you go along again? Trump paid $38 million in FEDERAL taxes in 2005. He also paid lots of other taxes in addition to federal taxes.

And then you whine "he didn't pay all that ($38 million!) because he WANTED to." Oh my, he should have smiled as he wrote out that check to the US Treasury! Isn't that what YOU do, millsy? If it gives you goose bumps, you should definitely feel free to pay MORE than the law requires, ok millsy?

Swing and a miss! Oh shit! Now what can I do? How do I make a strike-out look like a home run?

You really are desperate, aintcha!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
" details included in the 2005 return show that Trump earned the majority of his money from his then-hit reality show, The Apprentice, and from the sale of two properties—one in Manhattan, and one in San Francisco, which he sold to Hong Kong investors, according to the Daily Beast. He also wrote off more than $100 million in business losses—a fact that the White House confirmed but did not elaborate upon."

Big money from the The Apprentice.
More than $100 million in business losses.

Yet another example of how Trump is a successful reality TV personality, but as a businessman... not so impressive.
Where do you come up with this crap? FEDERAL tax rates are the same, whether you live in NYC or Chicago. What do you mean the "effective tax rate for people living in NYC... is 50%"? Do you have a link for any of your claptrap or are you just making things up as you go along again? Trump paid $38 million in FEDERAL taxes in 2005. He also paid lots of other taxes in addition to federal taxes.

And then you whine "he didn't pay all that ($38 million!) because he WANTED to." Oh my, he should have smiled as he wrote out that check to the US Treasury! Isn't that what YOU do, millsy? If it gives you goose bumps, you should definitely feel free to pay MORE than the law requires, ok millsy?

Swing and a miss! Oh shit! Now what can I do? How do I make a strike-out look like a home run?

You really are desperate, aintcha! Originally Posted by lustylad

Idk where I come up with this stuff. I mean maybe I just read articles. And listen to economists, etc. Who knows. Do you know that he paid lots of taxes? Are you his accountant because unless you are, you wouldn't know. You are just assuming he did.

Now to your whole pay more rant. I didn't say he should have paid more. But if the meme is going to talk about him paying more than other people, I pointed out he didn't pay what he should have. You can't have it both ways. It can't be he paid 25% when others didn't, but then say well he didn't pay 50% because he was smart. Because the reason he paid that much was because of exemptions he took. He would have, like most people, tried to pay less in taxes if he could have. So way to pat him on the back. I should thank the guy doing mandatory community service too. Because that's basically what it was.

Oh and by the way, I'm still waiting on you to tell the world what I do since you know.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Oh and by the way, I'm still waiting on you to tell the world what I do since you know. Originally Posted by Milly23
lusyturd is so uninformed; it makes it so easy. Well done, Milly.
lustylad's Avatar

Idk where I come up with this stuff. I mean maybe I just read articles. And listen to economists, etc. Who knows. Do you know that he paid lots of taxes? Are you his accountant because unless you are, you wouldn't know. You are just assuming he did.

Now to your whole pay more rant. I didn't say he should have paid more. But if the meme is going to talk about him paying more than other people, I pointed out he didn't pay what he should have. You can't have it both ways. It can't be he paid 25% when others didn't, but then say well he didn't pay 50% because he was smart. Because the reason he paid that much was because of exemptions he took. He would have, like most people, tried to pay less in taxes if he could have. So way to pat him on the back. I should thank the guy doing mandatory community service too. Because that's basically what it was.

Oh and by the way, I'm still waiting on you to tell the world what I do since you know. Originally Posted by Milly23
Your ignorance is astounding! You read articles and have no idea what they are about. Your first link shoots you in the foot on virtually everything you posted! The article is dated January 2014. It talks about tax changes going into effect at that time. Meanwhile, Trump's illegally-leaked tax return was for 2005! So right off the bat, you're asking why didn't he pay 2014 rates when he filed his return back in 2005? Lol!

Can you look any stupider? Yes, you can! Here is a quote from the same article:

Add these new (federal) taxes to state income taxes, such as California’s 13.3 percent income tax rate on those making $1 million or more, and the top marginal tax rate faced by high-income earners can be over 50 percent.”

They are are talking about the TOP MARGINAL RATE FOR FEDERAL AND STATE INCOME TAXES COMBINED! Trump's IRS return covers federal taxes only. He would have filed separate returns for his New York state and city taxes. You have no way of knowing what he paid in total combined (federal, state and local) taxes in 2005, since you don't have access to his state or city returns. And yet, you stupidly proclaim:

...he didn't pay the effective tax rate for people living in NYC, which he lived in. That tax rate is 50%, he paid 25%. Originally Posted by Milly23
Trump paid 25% in FEDERAL TAXES ONLY. He obviously paid more than that once you add in state and local taxes. So you're comparing apples and oranges again.

Your stupidity also shines through in the way you substituted the word “effective” for the words “top marginal” that appeared in the article. Lots of NYC residents are subject to a TOP MARGINAL rate of 50% on at least part of their income, but very few pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate of anywhere near 50% after deductions and exclusions. You make it sound like everyone living in NYC actually pays 50%, which is the height of stupidity. Are you being deliberately misleading or are you just plain ignorant? It has to be one or the other - which is it, millsy?

Speaking of “you can't have it both ways” - I love the way you cast doubt on whether Trump even paid the $38 million in taxes shown on his illegally-leaked 2005 return. If it had been a much lower number, you wouldn't have questioned it, right? You would have accepted it and beat him up for not paying enough. But since it's a big fat number, the only thing you have to fall back on is to suggest it's fake, he probably didn't actually pay it, because nobody other than his accountant knows the truth, right? That's pretty slimy, millsy. You can't have it both ways! (By the way, it is a serious fraud for a professional accountant knowingly to put false information on a client's tax return. All returns are signed by both the client and the preparer.)

Time for you to come clean, millsy. Admit that Rachel Madcow coughed up a big fat NOTHINGBURGER. She led her blindly loyal libtard viewers like you to believe she would unveil a scandal. In the end, she had nothing.

As Michael Goodwin said about Rachel's little stunt – if she had been hawking stocks, she would have been arrested for running a pump-and-dump scam!

Your ignorance is astounding! You read articles and have no idea what they are about. Your first link shoots you in the foot on virtually everything you posted! The article is dated January 2014. It talks about tax changes going into effect at that time. Meanwhile, Trump's illegally-leaked tax return was for 2005! So right off the bat, you're asking why didn't he pay 2014 rates when he filed his return back in 2005? Lol!

Can you look any stupider? Yes, you can! Here is a quote from the same article:

Add these new (federal) taxes to state income taxes, such as California’s 13.3 percent income tax rate on those making $1 million or more, and the top marginal tax rate faced by high-income earners can be over 50 percent.”

They are are talking about the TOP MARGINAL RATE FOR FEDERAL AND STATE INCOME TAXES COMBINED! Trump's IRS return covers federal taxes only. He would have filed separate returns for his New York state and city taxes. You have no way of knowing what he paid in total combined (federal, state and local) taxes in 2005, since you don't have access to his state or city returns. And yet, you stupidly proclaim:

Trump paid 25% in FEDERAL TAXES ONLY. He obviously paid more than that once you add in state and local taxes. So you're comparing apples and oranges again.

Your stupidity also shines through in the way you substituted the word “effective” for the words “top marginal” that appeared in the article. Lots of NYC residents are subject to a TOP MARGINAL rate of 50% on at least part of their income, but very few pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate of anywhere near 50% after deductions and exclusions. You make it sound like everyone living in NYC actually pays 50%, which is the height of stupidity. Are you being deliberately misleading or are you just plain ignorant? It has to be one or the other - which is it, millsy?

Speaking of “you can't have it both ways” - I love the way you cast doubt on whether Trump even paid the $38 million in taxes shown on his illegally-leaked 2005 return. If it had been a much lower number, you wouldn't have questioned it, right? You would have accepted it and beat him up for not paying enough. But since it's a big fat number, the only thing you have to fall back on is to suggest it's fake, because nobody other than his accountant knows the truth, huh? That's pretty slimy, millsy. You can't have it both ways! (By the way, it is a serious fraud for a professional accountant knowingly to put false information on a client's tax return. All returns are signed by both the client and the preparer.)

Time for you to come clean, millsy. Admit that Rachel Madcow coughed up a big fat NOTHINGBURGER. She led her blindly loyal libtard viewers like you to believe she would unveil a scandal. In the end, she had nothing.

As Michael Goodwin said about Rachel's little stunt – if she had been hawking stocks, she would have been arrested for running a pump-and-dump scam!

Originally Posted by lustylad

OMG.. Illegally leaked. Those leakers, so bad. Dude this guy asked for a foreign government to hack a US citizen. Get off your high horse about leaks. I won't even get into how many times he talked about Wikileaks in the election. You can't go that route and then get mad when the leaks are against you.

I'm comparing apples and oranges? You're claiming oranges without knowing what fruit Trump has there. You keep telling us these other taxes he paid like you are his personal accountant and you know what he paid. You are assuming.

You're claiming I substituted effective for top marginal... Do me a favorite dumbass, scroll down to the bottom of the page you are talking about. What's the source there? Maybe I'm assuming and inferring effective like you? No wait, I see the word effective in the source. Yeah you're the genius here. Yet you didn't look at the whole article before trying to scream gotcha.

I don't care what he pays in taxes. He all but admitted that he didn't pay what he could have because of the loss he claimed in the 90's. And where did I cast doubt that he actually paid the 38 million? Not once did I say maybe he didn't pay. You are so crazy you see things in everything I say. And then you try to call me out on things I never said. I did point out that you don't know what other taxes he paid. But not once did I say he didn't pay what's reported in 2005. If you actually read what I say, I said that this was good press for him. Why would I call it good press if I thought he didn't real pay the 38 million? Idk if you have a vision problem or you're just so dumb you can't read. But you routinely say I said something I didn't say. You should get that fixed.

Rachel Maddow got ahold of 2 pages and milked it for ratings. I didn't think she had anything because 2005 isn't the year to worry about. It's 2008 and beyond. That's when Don Jr. said they were getting lots of money in from Russia. Those won't come out though, because you know, audit. Although 2009 and before isn't under audit so he could release the 2008 one. I love how she's leading "libatard" when the right wing is being lead with things like wiretaps that even Republicans deny, a healthcare bill that actually hurts Trump voters more than Clinton voters, a budget that cripples NYPD who has to protect the First Lady and her son. Yeah and that NYPD budget cut hurts their terrorism fight, oddly though that travel ban is needed for national security.

And quick question, what is it that I do again? What's my occupation?
lustylad's Avatar
Stop deflecting, millsy. Your responses are lamer each time I hand your ass to you. 3 simple questions:

1. Did you or didn't you try to apply 2014 tax rates to Trump's 2005 income?

2. Did you or didn't you compare the federal tax rate alone with the combined rate for federal, state and local taxes?

3. Did you or didn't you confuse top marginal tax rate with effective rate in discussing taxes for NYC residents?

Be sure to re-read your direct quote again:

Trump... didn't pay the effective tax rate for people living in NYC, which he lived in. That tax rate is 50%, he paid 25%. Originally Posted by Milly23
Stay on topic. I'm not going down any evasive rabbit holes with you anymore. Answer my questions. If you can. If you can't, just say so and we'll let that speak to how much (or rather, how little) you know about taxes.
Stop deflecting, millsy. Your responses are lamer each time I hand your ass to you. 3 simple questions:

1. Did you or didn't you try to apply 2014 tax rates to Trump's 2005 income?

2. Did you or didn't you compare the federal tax rate alone with the combined rate for federal, state and local taxes?

3. Did you or didn't you confuse top marginal tax rate with effective rate in discussing taxes for NYC residents?

Be sure to re-read your direct quote again:

Stay on topic. I'm not going down any evasive rabbit holes with you anymore. Answer my questions. If you can. If you can't, just say so and we'll let that speak to how much (or rather, how little) you know about taxes. Originally Posted by lustylad

Each time you hand my ass to me? You are delusional.

1) You repeatedly infer what I say and then never admit you are wrong. Case in point, you just told me I'm deflecting when I called your ass out for saying I said he didn't pay the 38 million. Yeah way to hand my ass to me making up shit I say and then arguing that. That's like the 5th time you've made up something I said and not once have you admitted you were wrong.

2) Like I said, you keep with the top marginal not effective. And again I like how you don't look at the fucking bottom of the article and see that little word effective. I mean come on, it's right there. Maybe you don't want to see it.

3) You don't have to go down a rabbit hole. Because you are the one really deflecting here. I asked you a simple question first. And I asked it awhile ago but you not being able to admit you are wrong and you like to put make up things I said, you haven't answered it yet. And so I won't answer or respond to your questions until you answer mine, which I asked first. You told me I've said what I do. So again, since I said that to you, what's my occupation? Answer that and stop deflecting. Stay on that topic. If you don't know, admit. Admit that you've inferred things like me saying he didn't pay 38 million when I never did, admit you were wrong about the whole filibuster thing, etc. Damn just admit you were wrong about something before you try to tell someone else to do the same. One answer, and then I will respond, no answer and you can continue making up things I say that you want to respond to. What's my occupation? I'm waiting.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
2005 isn't the year to worry about. It's 2008 and beyond. That's when Don Jr. said they were getting lots of money in from Russia. Those won't come out though, because you know, audit. Although 2009 and before isn't under audit so he could release the 2008 one. Originally Posted by Milly23
I doubt Trump will leak his 2008 return (or any return after that). So much Russian money pouring in, those tax papers are soaking wet.

Russians investing in Trump

In 2008, Donald Trump Jr. said Trump's businesses "see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

"And in terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia. There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian economy and, of course, the weak dollar versus the ruble," he said.