Biden says he would not pardon Trump

  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 10:52 AM

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that he would not pardon President Donald Trump if elected and insisted any prosecutorial decisions would be left to a more independent Justice Department.Answering questions in a virtual town hall-style event on MSNBC Thursday, the Democratic presidential hopeful was asked by a voter about whether he'd follow the lead of former President Gerald Ford, who pardoned Richard Nixon in large part to help the nation move beyond the Watergate scandal.
Biden, while not speaking to any specific potential charge, committed to ensuring that any prosecutorial decisions would be dictated by the law, in contrast to what he called the "dereliction of duty" by Trump and his attorney general, William Barr.
"It's hands off completely. The attorney general is not the president's lawyer. It's the people's lawyer," Biden said. "We never saw anything like the prostitution of that office like we see it today."
During the exchange, Biden was also asked to clarify whether he was aware of or participated in decisions related to incoming Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn during his final weeks as vice president in 2017.
The president and his allies this week have accused Biden and former President Barack Obama of a conspiracy to entrap Flynn as part of a larger scheme to undercut the incoming administration, which they have dubbed "Obamagate."
The Justice Department announced last week their intent to drop the case against Flynn, a decision the judge in the case is now weighing after Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI.
© ASSOCIATED PRESS This video framegrab image from MSNBC's Morning Joe, shows Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaking to co-host Mika Brzezinski, Friday, May 1, 2020. (MSNBC's Morning Joe via AP) "I was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into Flynn while I was in office, period. Not one single time," Biden told O'Donnell.
The answer clarified what he had told ABC's George Stephanopoulos days earlier when asked about a January 5 meeting in the Oval Office in which Flynn was discussed. Biden was asked how he didn't know anything about the FBI investigating Flynn at the time when "you were reported to be at a Jan. 5, 2017, meeting where you and the president were briefed on the FBI's plan to question Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak."
That question was not accurate, according to a senior Obama administration official with direct knowledge of the meeting, who said the meeting did not include any discussion of an FBI investigation into Flynn or of FBI questioning of Flynn about his contacts with the Russians.
Much of Thursday's hour-long Q&A with Biden was focused on how he as president would respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, and included a notable personnel commitment.
"I hope if I'm president that Dr. Fauci will stay on in the administration," Biden said, offering a vote of confidence in the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as Trump has ratcheted up criticism of him.

"He would leave prosecutorial decisions to a "more independent JD" - what he spoke is DPST speak for "My JD " will proecute trump just as we did Flynn .

biden - if elected - may by then be too demented to understand who and where he is, but he best take care - If Trump take Nov 2020 - biden's corruption in Ukraine and China, and with Flynn - may have him begging for a pardon - and with this precedent.......!
How likely would President Trump be to pardon Biden/Obama?
What a Fukin’ moron.
Joe said he wouldn't pardon Eisenhower either.
the question was not accurate as asked by stephanopoulos as at the meeting they weren't briefed on any fbi plan

(which likely was part of the media fog machine, giving biden something to say no to, with the no being accurate as the question was offbase)

there was no fbi plan at the time of the meeting

the meeting and the after meeting was to brainstorm on developing a plan

the former obama administration official was correct as quoted but it was still misleading at the same time or at least what was in the article was, as the reason for the meeting was obscured (the real reason for the meeting) in the explanation

"no we never had a meeting to discuss an fbi plan"

ask the wrong question and biden can be 100% truthful on paper
Chung Tran's Avatar
biden - if elected - may by then be too demented to understand who and where he is Originally Posted by oeb11
this humor exercise has run its course. Biden is not demented at all.. you guys focus on the occasional gaffe that has always been characteristic of Biden speech, but he is in command of facts and ideas, it is clear. I know Trump likes to attack and make fun of detractors (and y'all love it when he does, and you copy him on this Board), but he runs a great risk carrying this theme into November.

I'm sure the right-wingers will giggle, but Trump has alienated the minority vote, most women, and now the Elderly. the older folks are taking notes, they see how Trump winked as thousands perished in Nursing Homes.. oh by the way, Trump wants testing in Nursing Homes now.. great! only 40,000 or so dead in Nursing Homes before he mentioned testing there.. of course, forget about Federal money to test, not his problem.

and making fun of Biden's supposed age infirmness? not a good look to others who know someone who has, or has Bidenous moments themselves. the polls clearly show Trump is losing support in the retired group. that 35% Base has not grown, and Trump continues to alienate wherever he can.
matchingmole's Avatar
Biden not pardoning Trump sounds like a good idea....Biden is more lucid than Trumptards realise
Danielle Silver's Avatar
Biden screaming he won't Pardon Trump sounds like a great PR move by his team..

If you were Biden wouldn't you say it too?
Politics where anything goes and people will say whatever and everything to win..
Joe needs to worry about whether he gets a pardon or not. Joe is like a retarded kid walking into a lions cage.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this humor exercise has run its course. Biden is not demented at all.. you guys focus on the occasional gaffe that has always been characteristic of Biden speech, but he is in command of facts and ideas, it is clear. I know Trump likes to attack and make fun of detractors (and y'all love it when he does, and you copy him on this Board), but he runs a great risk carrying this theme into November.

I'm sure the right-wingers will giggle, but Trump has alienated the minority vote, most women, and now the Elderly. the older folks are taking notes, they see how Trump winked as thousands perished in Nursing Homes.. oh by the way, Trump wants testing in Nursing Homes now.. great! only 40,000 or so dead in Nursing Homes before he mentioned testing there.. of course, forget about Federal money to test, not his problem.

and making fun of Biden's supposed age infirmness? not a good look to others who know someone who has, or has Bidenous moments themselves. the polls clearly show Trump is losing support in the retired group. that 35% Base has not grown, and Trump continues to alienate wherever he can. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Biden is nutty like a Wuhan rabid cave bat. how has Trump alienated minorities when we had an economy at max employment? Obama didn't do that and neither could Biden. it was their over reg'd restrictions Trump removed that helped the economy. Trump winked? yous mean Andy Cuomo the mass murderer of New York City? show me where Trump ordered nursing homes to take the Wuhan virus people? Nope. that's on Andy, sport, not Trump.

you like the leftist media ignore the actual facts while attempting to blame everything on Trump. sorry sport, that dog won't hunt.

oh you can prove it? then go for it. let's see you make yer case on facts not TDS

Biden screaming he won't Pardon Trump sounds like a great PR move by his team..

If you were Biden wouldn't you say it too?
Politics where anything goes and people will say whatever and everything to win.. Originally Posted by Danielle Silver

exactly. take no prisoners in politics. right now Biden wouldn't even consider such a thing but it doesn't mean in the future he wouldn't if it appears it would be divisive for the Country.

Biden so far is handling the Reade allegations well. of course he has 20 "handlers" whispering in his ear to keep him from screwing up.

Reade has made her allegations, Biden has issued he denial. for now unless more records come out like any formal complaint as Reade claims she filed it's "Her word vs. Biden's" and he's playing it that way to voters. which is the politically smart thing to do. for now.

Joe Biden on sexual assault allegation: 'I wouldn't vote for me if I believed Tara Reade'

On The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell, Joe Biden once again faced questions about the sexual assault allegation made against him by former staffer Tara Reade. O’Donnell referenced a recent op-ed piece in the New York Times about believing Reade but still planning on voting for Biden. O’Donnell asked Biden what he would say to women who were excited to vote for him, but the allegations were made and they believe Reade, now they’re uncertain. And rather than dance around the question as many politicians would, Biden gave a surprising answer.

“Well I think they should vote their heart, and if they believe Tara Reade, they probably shouldn’t vote for me,” Biden said. “I wouldn’t vote for me if I believed Tara Reade.”

for now that's Biden's best bid to make this go away. He denies the allegation and hasn't directly attempted to discredit Reade nor her right to come forward.

i still say there is a report stuffed in some records somewhere in the Congressional records office. No Joey it's not in your Senate papers unless you like to keep "HR" doc's about a sexual assault?

notice Biden (his handlers) stated his Senate papers could be searched and released if anything about the incident was found. of course this was a careful diversion because even Joe on a lucid moment knows that sort of complaint doesn't go to his office as Senator it goes to the Ethics committee to start with.

here is where Biden needs to be careful. if it takes a Senate vote to release any complaints the Republicans can vote their block and force release by simple majority. let the Dems yell "Partisan!" all they want .. remember it's their guy Biden under scrutiny. what if it turns out that not only is Reade's complaint in the records but others as well? all of these women are lying, right??

for the most part Reade had put this behind her and moved on. if the Dems could have come up with literally anyone other than Corn Pop Biden this wouldn't have resurfaced.
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 04:00 PM
this humor exercise has run its course. Biden is not demented at all.. you guys focus on the occasional gaffe that has always been characteristic of Biden speech, but he is in command of facts and ideas, it is clear. I know Trump likes to attack and make fun of detractors (and y'all love it when he does, and you copy him on this Board), but he runs a great risk carrying this theme into November.

I'm sure the right-wingers will giggle, but Trump has alienated the minority vote, most women, and now the Elderly. the older folks are taking notes, they see how Trump winked as thousands perished in Nursing Homes.. oh by the way, Trump wants testing in Nursing Homes now.. great! only 40,000 or so dead in Nursing Homes before he mentioned testing there.. of course, forget about Federal money to test, not his problem.

and making fun of Biden's supposed age infirmness? not a good look to others who know someone who has, or has Bidenous moments themselves. the polls clearly show Trump is losing support in the retired group. that 35% Base has not grown, and Trump continues to alienate wherever he can. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

CT - to try to deflect Biden's infirmities by blaming it as a "Humorous exercise" is again deflection.

Biden's appearances give plenty of evidence to support my opinion that he has pre-senile dementia.

If You have a different opinion - U are welcome to it - and Please vote your conscience in Nov 2020.

As far as Trump "winked at nursing home deaths" - You are welcome to prove that - It is Cuomo in NY who forced Wuhan virus patients into NY nursing homes - thereby infecting other patients. While hospital beds were unoccupied in the Javits Center and the Military Hospital ship in NYC .

You are parroting the Lies of the NYT and WaComPost. and LSM.
Chung Tran's Avatar
how has Trump alienated minorities when we had an economy at max employment? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
proof that you Right-Wing Nut Cases are completely out of touch. all you can see is MONEY and employment, as if years of vitriol and neglect should be ignored. you guys copy every word Trump says, I rarely see an original thought by any of you here. "lowest black unemployment, lowest Hispanic unemployment in 50 years... look at that stock market.. 130 new records this year!"

that shit was spoken day after day, now it's "we got this testing perfect".. just like Bush, and the excrutiatingly absurd "mission accomplished".

you always ask stupid rhetorical questions, and never answer them yourself.. there is no good answer, each time you ask one of these of me, you look bad. was that a serious question? God you're out of touch.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
proof that you Right-Wing Nut Cases are completely out of touch. all you can see is MONEY and employment, as if years of vitriol and neglect should be ignored. you guys copy every word Trump says, I rarely see an original thought by any of you here. "lowest black unemployment, lowest Hispanic unemployment in 50 years... look at that stock market.. 130 new records this year!"

that shit was spoken day after day, now it's "we got this testing perfect".. just like Bush, and the excrutiatingly absurd "mission accomplished".

you always ask stupid rhetorical questions, and never answer them yourself.. there is no good answer, each time you ask one of these of me, you look bad. was that a serious question? God you're out of touch. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

where are the facts? no facts? just TDS? sorry you aren't proving your case here .. you are proving mine.
Chung Tran's Avatar
CT - to try to deflect Biden's infirmities by blaming it as a "Humorous exercise" is again deflection.

Biden's appearances give plenty of evidence to support my opinion that he has pre-senile dementia.

If You have a different opinion - U are welcome to it It is Cuomo in NY who forced Wuhan virus patients into NY nursing homes - thereby infecting other patients. While hospital beds were unoccupied in the Javits Center and the Military Hospital ship in NYC .
Originally Posted by oeb11
I really don't think so.. anyone who has seen Biden over the years has seen these gaffes and pauses many times. in between he looks sharp and able.. Cuomo fucked up, I agree.. I don't take Democrat vs. Republican like almost everyone here, this sport of attacking and ridicule bores me, apparently I'm one of the few.
Chung Tran's Avatar
where are the facts? no facts? just TDS? sorry you aren't proving your case here .. you are proving mine. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
and what case would that be? you asked why Minorities are not fond of Trump, despite low unemployment last year, LOL.. what is your case, Counselor?
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 04:14 PM
I really don't think so.. anyone who has seen Biden over the years has seen these gaffes and pauses many times. in between he looks sharp and able.. Cuomo fucked up, I agree.. I don't take Democrat vs. Republican like almost everyone here, this sport of attacking and ridicule bores me, apparently I'm one of the few. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Given the posts above - I question the validity of the last sentence.