What is the swingers club of choice?

What is the swingers club of choice these days? I've been to the Cave in the past, but it's been a few years.

Thanks a million!
jimmycz's Avatar
The Mystery Zone TMZ 1960 and 45. Check the website.
Well, it depends what you like and what day you want to go. TMZ is open on Wed, Fri, Sat. Single guys are allowed on Wed and Fri. Cave is open on Th, Fri, Sat. Single guys on Th. only.

TMZ is much friendlier...and a niteclub atmosphere. The employees are some of the nicest peoploe ever. Cave is a little less friendly, The employees sometimes bark out rules and scold customers. I mean, sure have the rules, but they could use some customer service training, IMHO. It can kill the mood.

Mixers are free at TMZ, Cave charges for them. That said...I think the action at cave is more fun, so we put up with the the negatives.

Couples who like more action and really like to hookup tend to go to the clubs on the nights with single guys. Couples who like to hook up with one other couple in the private rooms tend to stick to couples only nights.

PM me if you want more info.

Citori's Avatar
I never been to a swinger club. I'd love to go just to see it once.

Should I go single, bring hired date, or is my request frowned upon?
If you hire someone, take someone with swinger club experience. Real swingers will smell the bs and not appreciate it. Plus, a pro is most likely only going to want to interact with you and not necessarily mix with the others (unless you pay her extra).

You can always go single once and just check it out and see if it appeals to you at all. It's not for everyone, for sure...but if you're into it...it's amazing!